W.L.A.C Membership

from 1st April 2015until 31st March 2016 / Membership No:




Date of Birth



/ Male / Female

Full Postal Address

Home Tel. No. / Business Tel. No.


Email Address
How did you hear about us

If you have a “FAMILY”

/ e.g. Emma (Partner) John (Son 14yrs) Susan (Daughter 6yrs)
membership please list
your family members and
your relationship here.


Company Name

Give Club Assistance in relation to your occupation

/ YES / NO

Aircraft Owner

/ Details required only for aircraft based at White Waltham

Aircraft Make

Aircraft Registration

Group Name

Group Members

Flight Tests/Licences


Expiry Date


(I)I shall comply with the Club’s rules and bye laws, (which I have read), the Air Navigation Order and Regulations, the Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control Regulations, and any other relevant provision of English or Foreign Law, the Operations Manual (copy on website Aerodrome Rules and Regulations, as amended and in force from time to time, and any instructions given by any officer or by any instructor or officer of the Company. It is a condition of membership that members of WLAC comply with the Operations Manual. All flying members shall read and sign as having read the Operations Manual annually. All student pilots must sign as having read the Operations Manual before carrying out their first solo flight.


(1)No claim shall at any time be made by or on behalf of myself or my estate against the Club or the Company, their servants or agents in respect of any loss or damage to property or any personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise) sustained or suffered by me, howsoever caused (unless the loss or damage is directly due to negligence on the part of the Club) and I understand that no compensation will be paid to me or my estate by the Cub or Company in respect of such loss, damage, injury or death.


(2)I indemnify the Club and/or the Company as the case may be in respect of any penalties, damages, expenses, liability, legal cost or insurance excess which may be suffered or incurred by the Club and/or Company in consequence or any proceedings, claims or demands or whatever nature brought or made at any time after I shall become a member of the Club by any person arising out of or in connection with my membership of the Club or my use of the Club’s or Company’s aircraft or facilities.

Credit Card / DIRECT DEBIT
Membership Type / Monthly / Annually / Payment by:
 / Full Flying / £335.00 /  / £31.00 /  / £310.00 /  / New Direct Debit
 / ***Family Flying / £435.00 /  / £39.50 /  / £395.00
 / *Senior Flying / £190.00 /  / £18.00 /  / £175.00 /  / Existing Direct Debit
 / **PPL Student / £200.00 /  / £19.50 /  / £195.00
 / Social / £160.00 /  / £15.50 /  / £150.00
 / ***Family Social / £200.00 /  / £18.50 /  / £185.00
 / *Senior Social / £90.00 /  / £9.00 /  / £80.00
 / *SeniorFamily Social / £125.00 /  / £11.50 /  / £115.00
 / Overseas/Country / £185.00 /  / £17.50 /  / £175.00

*NB. Senior membership age is 67 years.

**NB. A copy of all PPL Students passport is required for the student records.
*** NB. Family membership includes 2 adults and 2 children over the age of 16.

Signed:______Date: ______

If you are a new member, please complete Direct Debit form enclosed. ** Existing Direct Debits will be collected automatically, commencing 7 April 2015 in accordance with your existing mandate. If you require a VAT invoice please request one from accounts.

  • The details requested on the enclosed form will be kept on the computer at White Waltham Airfield. The details are held purely for membership purposes to allow us to tailor our communications with you. Your details will not be divulged to any third party unless required by law.
  • The use of the bar may be restricted on certain evenings during the year.
  • A refund of your membership will incur a £25 admin fee.