Project 6.1.1: Student Response Sheet


Anna Garcia was only 38 when she died, meaning that at least one of her body systems was no longer able to support life. The failure of one or more of her body systems may be the result of injury due to an accident or could be the result of an illness or a combination of illnesses. Before we can determine which system or systems failed or what caused the failure which led to her death, we have to learn more about the human body.

The human body is an amazing machine composed of many interrelated systems which are in turn composed of cells, tissues, and organs that act independently and interdependently within the body. No individual component of a human body works alone. Components of each system in the body affect or interact with every other system. The body is dependent upon the many interactions between all systems and structures to maintain homeostasis and health. In this activity you will investigate the different body systems that make up the human body and explore all of the ways Anna’s various illnesses affected each body system, potentially resulting in her premature death.


  1. Look back in your course file and list all of the ways each body system was impacted by the illness or disease Anna Garcia experienced in her life.
  2. Reference Autopsy Reports, Medical Histories and past lab activities to help you organize this information.
  3. Record any evidence that shows how the illness or disease may have been involved with her untimely death.
  4. Be specific about relationships between body systems and illness. You will use this chart to help construct your final timeline that explains how Anna died.
  5. You will need to eventually upload this document to your e-portfolio under Anna’s Cause of Death.

Part II: Anna’s Illnesses

Illnesses’ Effect on System (if applicable)
Diabetes / Sickle Cell Anemia / Heart Disease / Urinary Tract Infection
Cardiovascular / Glucose Tolerance Test showed an increase of glucose in the blood. This showed the lack of insulin production, which is type 1 diabetes.
A1C = 11%
Ketones in urine - means that the body is having to use the fats for energy because glucose is unable to enter the cells due to a lack of insulin. (Ketoacidosis) / Heart rate is increased and rapid due to the sickled blood cells. These cause the heart to have to work harder. RBC count is low, WBC count is high because the body is more immune to infection. Anna’s hematocrit level is lower than normal at 20%. / Anna is tachycardic, which means that her average heart rate is higher than normal. Anna’s is 90-105 throughout the day. Her blood pressure is really high at 142/85. She has a slight heart murmur. During the cardiac test Anna had a few premature ventricular contractions(found on an EKG). Anna experienced chest pain during the treadmill test, an angiogram was done and they found a blockage in the left anterior descending coronary artery. Anna also has extremely high cholesterol and LDL. Her HDL levels and triglycerides are fine. The high HDL levels will cause plaque to build up in her blood vessels, making her at risk of heart attack.
ACE inhibitor used to help with hypertension.
Vasotec - used to help with high BP
ACE and Vasotec found in house but not in system - hadn’t taken them. / Anna’s heart rate and BP were high when she had her infection.
Digestive / Nerves in the gut and esophagus can get affected and also heartburn and congestion is often related to a poor diet and lack of exercise that some diabetics have. / Bilirubin gallstones - sickle cells die in 20 days; liver breaks down the bilirubin; extra bilirubin can become a gallstone in the gallbladder
(bilirubin forms bile) / Cholesterol helps with bile made in liver.
It also helps emulsify fats in small intestine. / Obviously, the process of urinating is part of the digestive system. So getting rid of excess body fluids through urinating while having a UTI then that will cause pain while going to the bathroom. Other than pain, there are no other major effects that a UTI has on the digestive system
Immune / Having too much glucose in the body can diminish the effect of immune responses in the body. It also increase inflammation during any type of complications which makes simple viruses dangerous to the body. / Because the spleen has narrow blood vessels and function in clearing defective red blood cells, it is frequently affected. Due to its inability to work the body is more susceptible to infection, which causes the WBC count to increase. / If heart disease is causing the WBC count to be messed up the bodies immune system could be weakened.
An unbalanced immune system can cause inflammation, pain, and destruction of the healthy heart tissues. / Increased production of lymphocytes (B & T cells) and antibodies against the bacteria; Inflammatory response (may increase additional UTI and/or damage to urinary tract structures.
Nervous / Diabetic Neuropathy is very common in diabetics. This is caused by high blood sugar and not only does it affect the nervous system but can affect the digestive, urinary, cardiovascular and vision. Diabetic Neuropathy may have different effects on people but results in tingling or no feeling in limbs such as feet and hands. / Sickle Cell anemia causes blood vessels to clot. Having this may cause strokes which don’t allow blood flow to the brain. / Cholesterol is used in the myelin sheath which speeds up the impulse of a neuron.
Cholesterol is also important to synapse function. / Memory B cells help with memory so the more B cells produced due to fight the infection, the more memory B cells were made.
Respiratory / Inflammation of the lungs are more common and make Anna more susceptible to infections such as pneumonia or influenza. / Transport of blood while breathing in was slowed and congested due to sickle cell shape. Getting oxygenated blood to different parts of body was delayed or not done. / A person with heart disease usually struggles with blood flow. In order for the lungs to function properly O2 must be transported to the blood vessels in the lungs. If they do not get there than a person can have trouble breathing. / No relation between Respiratory Systems and Urinary Tract infections.
Urinary / Increased bathroom use is a symptom. Glucose was found in urine.
Ketones found in urine - ketoacidosis
Protein found in urine - kidney failure
The kidney filters the urine before it leaves the body. Over time a diabetic persons kidney gets over worked and it doesn’t function as well - protein in urine - This can be a sign of kidney failure. / Causes a higher urine output than normal. / Can cause in increase in urine output. / Urine comes out cloudy and slightly pink in color. Anna had a urinary tract infection when she was 38.
Can affect the kidneys, bladder, and urethra.

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PBS Project 6.1.1 Student Response Sheet – Page 1