Schedule 3

Outcomes and Performance Framework

Service / Preferred Provider Framework for Independent Fostering Provision.
Commissioner Lead / Kent County Council and Medway Council
Document / Outcomes and Performance Framework
Version control / Final


This schedule forms part of Kent and Medway’s Preferred Provider Framework for Independent Fostering Provision and shall be used to monitor the individual outcomes for children and young people in placement and the overall performance of the service. The Outcomes and Performance Framework is a tool to support the Purchaser to collate useful and relevant information as to the delivery of the service.

The Outcomes and Performance Framework is made up to two parts.

Part 1 – The Individual Outcomes Tracker

Part 2 – The Performance Framework

Part 1. The Individual Outcomes Tracker

The Individual Outcomes Tracker is a tool to support monitoring and tracking the progress of outcomes for children and young people in Independent Foster Care on a six monthly basis.

At six monthly intervals from the start date of the contract, providers will be asked to submit their outcome reports to the Purchaser’s Authorised Officer. An outcomes report will be required for all children placed by the Purchaser, including children placed on a short term basis.

The Purchaser has adapted the Individual Outcomes Tracker specified in the National Fostering Contract to suit the needs of this Framework Contract.

The Purchaser and the Provider may seek to make changes or re-develop the Individual Outcomes Tracker to suit the needs of both parties over a period of time to ensure that it is fit for purpose. This will need to be carried out in consultation with all providers on the Preferred Provider Framework to ensure that any changes made are agreed by all parties and consistently rolled out.

1 / Outcomes and Performance monitoring Framework

Example of the Individual Outcomes Tracker: -

Name of child / CC / Form completed by:
Placement Start Date:
Date of last Review (if applicable):
Review Date:
Placement End Date (if applicable): / The Provider name:
Review period one (minimum six month period) / Review period two (minimum six month period and for placements where applicable)
Priority Outcome/s / Baseline assessment Score (At the start of the review period you are going to track) / Assessment Outcome score
(1 – 5) / Assessment Outcome score
(1 – 5)
To manage and reduce self harming behaviour / Score (1)
he outcome has not presently been achieved / Score (2)
There has been an improvement on the baseline assessment score. CC attended 3 of the 12 sessions of counselling that were delivered. / Score (3)
CC has re-engaged in support the programme and has attended all Counselling sessions that were arranged.
1 / Outcomes and Performance monitoring Framework

Guidance on how to compete the template: -

Identification of Individual Outcomes

The individual outcomes will need to be agreed by the Foster Carer/s, the child and the child’s Social Worker at the commencement of the placement and subsequently reviewed at regular intervals ( no longer than six months from the start of the placement or the last review ). The outcomes that are identified should be reflective of what is stated in the child’s Care Plan and the Individual Placement Agreement.

All parties involved should agree what the baseline assessment score will be for each outcome (the score that is to be attributed at the very start of the period that is to be monitored) e.g. score 1 if the outcome has not presently been achieved (as per Outcomes Scoring below)

The Purchaser suggests that no more than 5 priority outcomes are identified at any one time.

In the event that the chosen outcomes change from time to time, this should be agreed to at the placement review meetings and recorded on the outcomes template, as well as given a baseline assessment score.

Scoring Mechanisms for establishing the baseline and progress made:

Each outcome shall be scored between 1 and 5.

1. / This outcome is not presently achieved
2. / This outcome is occasionally achieved
3. / This outcome is achieved, however may not be consistently met
4. / This outcome is frequently achieved but there are reservations to it being sustained on the long term
5. / This outcomes is consistently achieved and there is confidence that it will be sustained on the long term

Monitoring of Outcomes (at a minimum of every six months).

At the placement review meetings, at placement endings or when it is deemed suitable the Foster Carer/s; the Child; the IRO and child’s Social Worker should assess if any progress has been made on achieving the specified outcome. Agreement should be reached on what score to attribute to the outcome, in accordance with the scoring table outlined above. For example, if the outcome is occasionally achieved, a score of 2 will be attributed to the outcome in the first six months.

The parties making the assessment and scoring decisions should give a brief outline, in the outcomes tracker, as to why they have assessed and scored the outcomes in that way. Any factors that have contributed to achieving the outcome should also be noted e.g. Additional Support Services.

Providers are welcome to include any softer outcomes that may also have been achieved.

It will be the Provider’s responsibility to complete the Outcomes template and submit the results to the Purchasers’ Authorised Officer at six monthly intervals for the duration of the contract.

Part 2 - The Performance Framework

The Preferred Provider Framework is a four year contract with a two year break clause. Prior to the end of the second year, the Purchaser will review the Provider’s performance and offer those Providers that meet the performance criteria a further two year extension.

A contractual review will take place towards the end of the fourth quarter of the second year of contract. The Purchaser will review the Provider’s first year performance data (Financial year April 2013 to March 2014) and second year performance data (April 2014 to January 2015). This data will support the Purchaser to make fair, open and transparent decisions as to which Providers will be successfully awarded a further two year extension.

The performance data will be submitted by the Provider on a six monthly basis as outlined below and this will be recorded and regularly reviewed by the Purchaser. If there are any irregularities in the data received or specific issues or concerns that arise the Purchaser may wish to carry out a site visit and/or meet with the Provider. Sample audits may also be undertaken as part of the contract monitoring as and when required. Contract site visits will be carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of contract.

There are seven core performance areas that Kent and Medway will be measuring providers against.

1. Ability To Meet Referrals. Please Specify The:
Total number of placement referrals you received in the last six months. / Total number of referrals received, in the last six months that is relevant to the placement category you have tendered to deliver. / Total number of placements made in the six months. / Total number of placement referrals declined in the last six months:
Kent: / Kent: / Kent: / Kent:
Medway: / Medway: / Medway: / Medway:
Note: Providers may wish to submit reasons for having to decline placements referrals and approaches being taken to reduce the number of declined referrals.
Providers are asked to submit this data on a six monthly basis for collation.
2. Placement Stability - Please Specify The:
Total number of placements that ended in a planned way in the last six months. / Total number of placements that ended in an unplanned way in the last six months. / Total number of placements that ended prematurely which were due to factors outside the IFA/Foster Carers control in the last six months.
Note: Providers are asked to submit this data on a six monthly basis for collation.
3. Ability To Meet Service Specification Outcomes (Section 2 of the Service Specification)
The monitoring of service specification outcomes will be based on children & young people’s feedback in relation to 6 questions. The Independent Fostering Agency will be required to collate this feedback from young people and submit the findings on a six monthly basis.
Young people should be asked to choose a score that best reflects their circumstances in relation to the questions asked. The score is between 1 – 5; 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
Do you feel you are placed with a trusting, supportive and loving foster family? / Circle the score you believe best reflects your circumstances
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Comments / Feedback
In your opinion do you feel supported to do your best academically e.g. at school, colleague, university or in any course you are doing? / Circle the score you believe best reflects your circumstances
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Comments / Feedback
In your opinion do you regularly attend a range of different and fun activities e.g. sports, hobbies, volunteering and other pursuits? / Circle the score you believe best reflects your circumstances
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Comments / Feedback
Do you feel that you are learning the skills you need to one day live independently? / Circle the score you believe best reflects your circumstances
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Comments / Feedback
Do you feel you are able to solve difficult problems and able to stay positive during the tough times? / Circle the score you believe best reflects your circumstances
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Comments / Feedback
Do you feel you are being given the best possible chance in life to succeed? / Circle the score you believe best reflects your circumstances
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Comments / Feedback
The overall scores will be collated and the annual performance target is 75%
4.a - Foster Carers Retention & Support – Quantitative Data (Information to be provided on a six monthly basis)
Please state the total number of foster care households approved / No.
Please state the number of fostering households who have had their resignations take effect during this six month period / No.
Please state the number of fostering households who have had their approval terminated during this six month period / No.
Please state the number of foster carers who have attended new skills and competence training this six month period / No.
Please state the number of foster carers who have received training on behavioural management approaches this six month period / No.
Please state the number of foster carers who have completed the TSD Standards / No.
Please specify if any fosters carers that you have approved in the last six months have previously undergone assessment by Kent County Council or Medway Council and not been approved / No.
4.b – Foster Carers Qualitative Feedback
The Provider will be required to collate feedback from Foster Carers and submit the findings on a six monthly basis. Four key questions have been outlined below. Foster Carers should choose a score that best reflects their circumstances in relation to the questions asked. The score is between 1 – 5;
1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
As a Foster Carer do you feel that you are supported to deliver a high quality service for young people? / Circle the score you believe best reflects your circumstances
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Comments / Feedback
Are you committed to supporting young people and offering a safe and stable home environment especially during challenging and difficult times? / Circle the score you believe best reflects your circumstances
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Comments / Feedback
Do you have access to training and support that meets your learning and development needs? / Circle the score you believe best reflects your circumstances
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Comments / Feedback
The overall annual performance target on the feedback collated is 90%
5. Independent Review Officer and Social Worker Feedback.
The Purchaser will seek to obtain the views of at least one Independent Reviewing Officers and one Social Worker as to the quality of service being delivered to a child/young person in placement. The questions that will be asked are as follows:
How would you rate the quality of care being provided to the child/young person in placement / Circle the score you believe best reflects the care being delivered.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Please give comments/feedback to substantiate your score.
Could you recommend using the Provider again? / Circle the score you believe best reflects the care being delivered.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ Please give comments/feedback to substantiate your score.
Please elaborate the strengths of the service and any areas where improvements could be made.
Notes: The Purchaser will collate this feedback on a quarterly basis. In the event that any poor feedback is received from IROs or social workers, the Purchaser will feed this back to the provider and seek further information.
6. Compliments and Complaints
Providers are asked to submit the complaint information on a quarterly basis.
Number of complaints received. / Who made the complaint / Level of complaint received / Brief description of the complaint / Action taken to address it.