From: GODKE, Rick

Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 4:05 PM

To: GODKE, Rick

Subject: Duval County 4-H Noon Notes – November 19, 2009

Duval County 4-H Noon Notes – November 19, 2009

by Rick Godke, CEA-IV, 4-H and Youth, Clubs and Volunteers, Duval Extension, 1010 N. McDuff Ave., Jacksonville FL 32254, Phone: 904-387-8850 FAX: (904)387-8902

Westside Wranglers 4-H Club Perform Opening Act at Black Stallion Literacy Show

Come see Westside Wranglers 4-H Club do the opening act the Black Stallion Literacy Foundation Show on Nov 19 at 7:00 PM, Jacksonville Equestrian Center, at a cost of, $10/person. For one night only, you can experience the majesty and wonder of these beautiful horses and professional riders including costumes, trick riding, and music with a special appearance by Walter Farley’s Black Stallion. For more information about this wonderful literacy program go to

Don’t Miss "4-H Food, Flatware, and Demonstration Fun" Competition

All 4-H’ers are invited to participate in a Table Setting Competition, Horse Demonstrations, and Dessert Judging on Thursday, December 3, at the West Regional Library on Chaffee Road off I- 10 West, 1425 Chaffee Road, Jacksonville Florida. Table Setting begins at 4:30; Horse Demonstration participants need to check-in by 5:00; and Dessert Judging begins at 5:30. Awards will be presented at approximately 7:00 with refreshments following. See attached rules for each contest. The entry fee is one can of food to be donated to the WSCO Food Bank. For the more information, rule, and evaluation sheet go to; go to; 4-H Activities in DuvalCountyinclude; 4-H Food, Flatware, and Demonstration Fun, Choose Program Information and Project Evaluations, and Horse Demonstration Evaluation. The registration deadline is Dec 2. For more information or to register contact Susan Stutsman, Duval Diplomat 4-H Club Leader, email

4-H Will Be Recognized At Jacksonville City Council Meeting

Come to the Jacksonville City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 8. Show the City Council members that 4-H appreciates their support. Wear your green.

Volunteer Background Checks Needed

If you have anyone in your club that is working with kids for more than six hours a year, they are required to have a City of Jackson Volunteer Background Checks completed. Please email me if you have anyone that needs the forms or help with the process. Any volunteer that is five years from the last check will be notified to get checked again.

Does your 4-H Club Have their Forms Turned In?

Clubs can now check to see what required forms have been turned in and what forms are due for your 4-H Club by going to . Go to the right hand side of the page and click on “4-H Club Reports”. Please give me a call if you need help completing the forms. Parents, if your club is not complete, call your 4-H Organizational Leader and ask if you can help complete the forms.

Summer Camp Program Staff: Deadline to Apply – December 31

Summer jobs starting at $220.00 per week with room and board included are available at one of the University of Florida’s four recreational overnight camps located throughout the state. Staffs have no cabin responsibilities and most weekends off. University of Florida 4-H Summer Staff are involved in teaching kayaking, team building, arts/crafts, swimming and environmental education. We’re looking for energetic, creative & mature persons to help lead and teach youth at our facilities. Apply online at and then click on Staff Application. EOE/AA. For more information call (352)846-0996 and ask for the Camping Office. Age requirements are listed online.

State Youth Development Institute for 4-H Leaders January 25-28, 2010

This year Florida 4-H will offer a curriculum update for 4-H leaders from across the state. Both agents and volunteers will come together to learn, experience and have a blast with the new 4-H Curriculum. Please mark your calendars for the event January 25-28 in Gainesville. They will be offering professional development tracks as well as tracks in the following project areas: Science, Engineering and Technology; Entomology’ Environmental Land Judging and Forest Ecology; Healthy Living; Volunteer and Club Trainings; Civic Development and Leadership; Maximizing the Impact of Your County 4-H Foundation Board; Animals and Pets; and Financial Literacy. The State 4-H Office is hoping to offer registration scholarships so that each county can have at least one volunteer attend. Please let Rick know if you would like to attend. For a detailed list workshop titles and online registration visit:

Do You Know How To Teach Photography?

Photography is the most popular 4-H project in the U. S. I would like to offer a 4-H Photography Project Leader training that will follow the beginning 4-H Photography Manual. We would start in February and meet six times and participants will be required to have a digital camera, and do weekly homework assignments. This class will be open to youth organization if you are a 4-H Leader, or would like to be a 4-H Photography Project Leader, or teach youth organization photography, please email me your name, email address, and class times to avoid. This class will be filled on a first come first served basis.

Fair pictures requested!!!

Do you have some cool pictures from the fair? Would you like to see your photos posted on-line at the 4-H website or used in other promotional materials for 4-H? If your answer is yes, then send your pictures to Andy at . “Action” pictures (kids riding horses, showing rabbits, judging eggs, modeling, etc.), not just pictures of kids holding ribbons are preferred. However, send whatever you are willing to share!

View Pictures from the Fair

Can you find your fair pictures on the 4-H web site? Check it out

Learn Valuable Life Skills by Participating In LifeSmarts Contest

The LifeSmart program teaches 4-H members how to be a wise consumer. For more information about the state program, go to A written test must be completed before December 4 and the winners are asked to compete at the state fair contest in February. If you are interested in leading the Duval County 4-H LifeSmarts program please contact Rick at .

4-H Camp Cherry Lake Makes A Great Holiday Gift!!!

Give your child a gift of memories that will last a life time. Put 4-H Camp Cherry Lake on your holiday wish list. Duval 4-H - Camp Cherry Lake is a fun and educational residential camp starting July 19-23 and is open to 4-H and non 4-H members, ages 8-12 as of Sept 1, 2009. The cost will be approximately $210. Activities include; crafts, camp songs, sports, cabin competitions, camp fires, swimming, canoeing, games, cabin skits, nature study, fishing, and archery. Live in rustic cabins divided into boys and girls sections, overlooking beautiful Cherry Lake. For more information contact Rick at . Transportation to camp is provided. More information and registration information will be available at a later time.

See 4-H from another View

Madison & Jefferson counties in Southwest Montana haVE a 4-H Jr. Leader group of about 15-20 youth ranging from age 14-19 that is interested in participating in an inter-state exchange. They are primarily an agricultural area with beautiful mountains and lots of wide open spaces. They are interested in hosting in 2011 and traveling in 2012. If your club is interested please contact Jill Allen at 406.287.3282 or .

Citizenship Washington Focus Initial Registration Due January 10

Citizenship Washington Focus paperwork and $110 deposit is due January 10. Final registration is May 15th and includes Final Paperwork Due along with $850. The bus fee is also due and will be $200-$350. For more information, visit:

Volunteers Needed:

Exchange Club Traditional 4-H Leader Needed

We are looking for a Volunteer to shadow one of our most experienced 4-H Leaders for this year. The hope is that person will assume leadership of the longest running 4-H Club in the county, The Exchange 4-H Club. This club concentrates on inter-state exchanges.

Wanted: Horse Judging Coach

It has been reported that our very successful Duval County 4-H Horse Judging Coach, Brooke Berg, has moved from the area. If anyone has her forwarding; phone or email address could you please let me know? If the rumor is true, we will most likely be looking for a new 4-H Horse Judging Coach. Please let me know if you have any ideas for a coach.

Wanted: Life Smart Money Management Program Leader

Duval County has always made a great showing at the state LifeSmarts contest, lead by Jan Vroegindewey. Duval has won the state contest in the past. Jan will not be able to take the lead this year, so we are looking for a person to take over this very valuable and educational program. The LifeSmart program teaches 4-H members how to be a wise consumer.

Wanted: Acting Out 4-H Club Co-Leader

Melody Holt has stepped down as 4-H Leader of The Acting Out 4-H Club. This is a very innovative and fun theater arts and photography club. We have one 4-H parent that is will to serve as a Co-Leader but not the only leader. If you would be interested in helping keeps this club going please let me know .

Bits and Pieces

Fabric for Community Service Project Available

If your club is interested in some free fabric, donated by Fishman & Tobin a Children’s Apparel to complete community service projects, please contact Rick.

Sympathy Cards Welcomed

If you would like to send sympathy cards to the children’s school at the Ft. Hood tragedy, please address them to: Garrison Chaplain Office, BLDG 44, 761st Tank Battalion Ave., Fort Hood, TX 76544

Information for 4-H Cat Project Participants

The cat clubs of Florida have created this website to share information about their favorite hobby, the sport of competitive cat shows. For more information go to

Internet Safety Video & Comics Resource is a great resource to teach kids about Internet Safety using hip videos and comic stories. Developed by the National Center for Missing or Exploited Children and Netsmartz Workshop, the videos and comics on topics such as social networking, cyber bullying, gaming and offline consequences, teach safety while using the Web. For more information go to

Florida Has a Lot of Fairs

The list of Florida Fairs is now available on the DACS website. Florida has fairs, exhibitions, and festivals from September through April.

The Florida 4-H Dog Project Scholarship

The Florida 4-H Dog Project has established an annual scholarship to provide financial assistance to a former 4-H member to further his/her education. This annual scholarship will be known as the Florida 4-H Dog Project Scholarship and could be used at any community college, college, university, or vocational school, For more information go to

YSA Grants and Awards Available

For more about YSA grants and awards, please visit

Congratulations to--

….Duval County 4-H Poultry Judging Team for placing at the state contest.

Senior Division: 2nd place team: Matthew Berry (also 3rd place individual), Zack Lee, Emily Stutsman, and Bliss Stokes and 3rd place team: Joel Weaver, Thomas Ansell, Brianna Lee, and Savannah Alonzo. Intermediate Division: 2nd place team: Neil Stagner, Robert Manzone, Timothy Ansell, and Scotty Read. Junior Division: 3rd place team: Maddie Read, Douglas Manzone, Joshua Daniels, and Evan Rossi

Oak lane 4-H Club, for receiving the first place herdsman award for swine and 2nd place herdsman award for beef at the North East Florida Fair. Lexi Edge received 1st place overall in livestock judging and 2nd team. Dusty Hansen and Lexi Edge took 1st team award in consumer choice and Dusty received 3rd overall. Savannah Alonzo received many awards.

….Aaron Long, Youth Activities Director, NAS Jacksonville, for using 4-H Hands, Heart, Head, & Health to focus on issues like effectively resolve a situation, bullying, being true to ourselves, world" perspective on energy and water conservation, recycling, and "eat more oranges".

….the Duval 4-H Horticulture contest winners at the Fair: High Individuals – Senior: 1st Thomas Ansell and 2nd Matthew Berry; Intermediate: 1st Scotty Read, 2nd Timothy Ansell,and 3rd Amaris Daniels; and Cloverbud: 1st Maddie Read

Teams – Intermediate: 1st Place -- Duval 1: Timothy Ansell, Allison Berry, Scotty Read, and Amaris Daniels.

….Dog show winners at the Fair: Junior: Jayden Durst – 1st Basic Showmanship, 2nd Poster, Jr. High Point;

Rose Williams - 1st Poster; and Olivia Doty Check - 2nd Basic Showmanship.

Intermediate: Courtney Toelle - 1st Basic Showmanship and Trick, 2nd Basic Obedience, Rally, Costume, and High Point Int.; Wyatt Page - 1st Basic Obedience, and Rally and 2nd Basic Showmanship; Megan Conner - 1st Costume and 3rd Basic Showmanship; Ann E. Davis - 1st Poster; Savanah Page - 2nd Poster; Kaitlin Rice - 3rd Poster.

….Dog show winners at the Fair: Senior: Lauren Swain - 1st Costume, Novice Obedience, 2nd Poster, and 3rd Trick; Racquel Doty Check - 1st Adv. Showmanship; Drew Toelle - 1st Trick, 2nd Basic Showmanship, Basic Rally, and Costume, and 3rd Poster; Samantha Usoff - 1st Basic Obedience, Rally, Sr. High Point, 2nd Adv. Showmanship and Trick, 3rd Costume; Emily Stutsman - 1st. Basic Showmanship, 3rd Basic Obedience and Rally; and Ian G. Davis Check - 1st Poster

More GJAFair congratulations to come in the next Noon Notes

Thanks to—

….Caroline Webster, Fishman & Tobin a Children’s Apparel, Orange Park, for donating sewing fabric to

4-H clubs to use for service projects.

…Erin Eckhardt Harlow for conducting the 4-H Horticulture Judging contest at the greater Jacksonville Fair.

….Neil Stagner for conducting the new very successful 4-H Poultry Judging contest at the Greater Jacksonville Fair.

….Julie Usoff and Andrea Casterline for conducting the new very successful 4-H Dog Show at the Greater Jacksonville Fair.

….Lindsay Peterson, who promoted Duval 4-H at a Girl Scout event. Way to step out of the box!!.

….Valerie Ansell for working with the Jacksonville City Council in preparing the 4-H resolution.

….Lindsay Peterson, for representing District 6 4-H at the State 4-H Volunteer board meeting held in Orlando.

More GJAFair Thanks to come in the next Noon Notes