General Contact Detail

General Contact Detail

Organization / Name / Cell. Number / Office Number / Fax Number
City of Cape Town / Goodwood Dispatch / 021 590 1900 / 021 591 4115
Central Karoo District Municipality / Mr Hein Rust / 082 925 7953 / 023 414 4467 / 023 414 3675
Overberg District Municipality / Reinard Geldenhuys
Deon Alberts / 083 273 8234
083 2935328 / 028425 1690 / 028 4242748
West Coast District Municipality / Bertus Senekal
Markus Lutz / 083 236 4588
079491 5775 / 022 433 8701
Cape Winelands District Municipality / Danie Wilds
Hermie Visser
Wayne Josias / 082 822 1233
082 573 6971
082 300 4544 / 021 887 4446 / 021 886 6206
Eden District Municipality / Gerhard Otto
Lester Smith
Deon van Wyk / 083630 2602
082 889 1994
084 782 2287 / 044 803 5071 / 086 614 4228
Provincial Government Western Cape - Fire Brigade Services / Etienne du Toit
Rodney Eksteen
Annelize Lamprecht-Vertue / 073 995 1609
076 812 0039
082 456 7182 / 021 937 0757 / 021 931 9031
Working on Fire,
Provincial Co-ordinator / Bianca van Biljon / 072663 9745
Disaster Management officials: / L Nicholson
J Pandaram / 083 277 4221
083 440 9698 / 021 937 0813
021 937 0806
Cape Nature / Tony Marshall
Peter Viljoen / 082740 7787
082 740 7736 / 086 528 9801
TMNP Fire Management:
Newlands Control Centre / Philip Prins
Clinton Dilgee / 083 961 5046
082 401 8538 / 021 689 438/9 / 021 685 5944
SA National Parks Southern Cape / N Songelwa
Len du Plessis / 082 875 0885
082 809 1955 / 044 382 0443
Cape Pine
Cape Pine
BraamDu Preez / Connie Jonker
Jos Badenhorst
Dirk Nortje
Aubrey Thompson
Greg Wilmans
Wendall Gysman
Geoff Taylor
Gideon van Lill
T. Kok
C. Smit
T. Eckley
K. Lourens
Francois Gerber / 082822 3147
082 783 6744
082 887 5529
082 805 7199
082 677 5233
082 886 1125
082 887 5076
082 789 6564
082 889 5332
082 784 6971
078 457 6641
082 940 3804
082 569 9416 / 044 871 1081
044 871 1016
021 867 0168
021 859 5298
021 867 0148
028 713 2558
044 871 1016
042 280 3606
042 280 3606
044 375 0132
044 382 9772
042 281 1712
042 282 9095 / 0448711328

Working on Fire Dispatch Centres


Fire line071609 8525Fax to e-mail 086 644 9126

Admin Line021880 26392nd Hot Line082323 5109


Fire line082561 9329Fax to e-mail 086 653 6920

Admin LineTel: 023-230 1778/Fax: 023-230 1779

2nd Hot Line079522 2922


Fire line082312 9461

Admin LineTel: 044-805 5199Fax:086 694 0129


Fire Line082312 9413Fax to e-mail: 086611 5855

Admin LineTel: 021 689 7438/9Fax: 021 685 5944



Fire Line082312 9507Fax to e-mail: 086260 8903

Admin LineTel: 028425 1690







Bianca van Biljon072663 9745


National :

Nelspruit Tel: 013-741 6446Fax:013-741 6448

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