Hilary Elias, Town Clerk. Tel: 01603 742958. e: 6 October2015

SUMMONS TO ATTEND – NOTICE is hereby given that aMeeting of Costessey Town Council will be held onTuesday 13 October 2015at 7pmin the Costessey Centre,Longwater Lane, Costessey, NR8 5AH.

Members of the public are most welcome to attend


To transact the business below, receive the following reports to make such orders or give such directions as necessary:

1 To receive Apologies

2 To receive Declarations of Interest

3 To consider Matters for the Police

4 To receive a presentation on Community Engagement & the St Edmund’s Heritage Lottery Fund Project

5To confirm the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held at 7pm on 22September 2015

6 To receive Committee minutes

a)Property & Environment Committee of 28 September:

b) Executive Committee of 5 October:(Planning, Licensing & Gambling Statement consultations)

c) Executive Committee of 8 October:(CTC 4-year Plan)

7 To receive updates on matters in the minutes not listed below (NO resolutions)

8 To adjourn the meeting for 15 minutes public participation

9 To make recommendations on planning applications, and receive information on appeals & other planning matters

a) Planning applications for consideration:

i) 2015/2251/H: Mr & Mrs M Pritchard – 22, West End Avenue, NR8 5BA – Single storey rear extension & alterations

b) Information & Planning decisions received from South Norfolk & Norfolk County Councils:(*Information only. (No decisions needed) See separate sheet.

10 To approve the CTC 4 year plan(see Executive Committee Amendments)

11To approve the signing of the documents associated with the purchase of parcels of land from South Norfolk Council

12 To receive District Councillors’ Reports

13 Finance Matters

a) Toapprove the Accounts for September 2015 and receive a budget report:

b)To approve external auditor’s report:

c) To approve payment of the Hags SMP invoice for the nest swing installation at Breckland Park £5,914.50 + VAT

d) To approve payment of the Foster’s invoice re Queen’s Hills for £1,006 + VAT

e) To approve donations to the local Royal British Legion branch and The Poppy Appeal (S137)

f) To approve payment of the Foster’s invoice for purchase of south Norfolk parcels of land and legal & other associated fees

14 To receive a report on the Fete & Fair 2016

15 To consider adopting a zero tolerance policy on abuse, physical harm etc.

16 To consider Highways Matters

a)Remembrance Parade Road Closure: The Street: Sunday 8 November 10.30am-11am

b) Parish Partnerships letter:

c) NDR Exhibitions ahead of start of works list:

17 To receive correspondence (Verbal and written)

a) Redundant Oil Pipeline: Abandonment of the Hethersett to Coltishall pipeline.

18 To raise matters of strategic importance (for discussion only - No resolutions)

19 To confirm the date of the next meeting as Tuesday 3 November2015 at 7pm

20 To pass a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting under The Public Bodies (Admissions To Meetings) Act 1960 on the grounds that it is not in the public interest to disclose discussion on the items below


21 To consider Land Transfers & Land Registration

a) Queen’s Hills:

b) South Norfolk parcels: (see above)