Oregon Department of Education

External User Guide for ICRC

Effective Date:
May 1, 2009 / Revision series:
Create Date: / March 27, 2009
Author: / Kristy Hartsell
/ Oregon Department of Education
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, Oregon 97310

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Purpose 2

Navigation 2

Indirect Summary Page 3

Adjustments Page 4

Sub Awards/Sub Contracts Page 5

Indirect Rate Certification 6


The Indirect Cost Rate Certification application provides the Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) and Education Service Districts (ESD’s) the ability to review their DBI data used to generate the Indirect Rate Calculation, list entities sub awards/subcontracts for the given year and make adjustments to increase or reduce their indirect rate as necessary. This application is to be used on an annual basis.


Login to the ODE Extranet via the Central Login application, then choose the Indirect Cost Rate Certification application from the Central Login Applications List.

Indirect Summary Page

1)  You are now at the Indirect Rate Certification Summary Page (shown above).

A)  Preliminary Rates shown are the rates provided to each district via email from ODE. These will not change even after adjustments, unless changes are made to the DBI expenditure data prior to an LEA finalized rate.

B)  Adjusted Rates shown will adjust after the “Certify your Indirect Rate” button is selected in step #G below.

C)  Fiscal Year (FY) – Select the appropriate fiscal year of the Indirect Rate that a School District or ESD is to apply, adjust or certify.

D)  DBI Data tab – Ode has provided each entities specific DBI data that pertains to the corresponding fiscal year that makes up the indirect rate for that year. This is provided for convenience to the LEA.

E) Adjustments Tab – This tab is for making adjustments. See Below for Additional Instructions.

Adjustments Page

1. Click on the Add Row button under the Adjustments Tab and it will allow you to complete the following steps.

·  Each entity has to select each Fund, Function and Object field to make adjustments. The drop down options will allow each fund, function and object available from each entities DBI data for that given fiscal year.

·  Adjustments to be made come from the yearly adjustment list posted on the ODE website at: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=195.

·  When an adjustment is made for a sub award/subcontract, each LEA needs to assure that the fund, function and object code selection and amount entered is only for the amount over the first $25,000 of each service contract/agreement. If a sub award/subcontract total amount is for $15,000, then no adjustment is made. If a sub award/subcontract total amount is for $100,000, then only $75,000 needs to have a negative adjustment to be excluded from the indirect rate formula.

·  Amount field – Needs to have a figure with decimal places and for a negative figure the entity needs to enter a negative sign (-) prior to the figure.

·  Justification – Each entity shall enter a justification for each adjustment as it will reduce the time it takes for ODE approval. (i.e. Laid Law contract amount over the first $25,000).

·  SAVE – when clicking this button it will take the entity back to the Summary page. An entity will need to repeat the Add Row function to make additional adjustments, until completed. The reason it goes back to the Summary page is to show the entity all the line items added to the Summary screen.

·  The adjusted rates will be updated once you click the “Certify your Indirect Rate” button in step F below (sometimes the system needs to be rebooted overnight to reflect accurately).

·  ODE will Accept or Deny each line item adjustment and send back an email message with the entities new Fiscal Year Finalized Indirect Rate. ODE has up to 7 working days, after certified by LEA, to review and finalize each rate.

·  ODE will contact the entity to gain clarification on a line item or unlock the system to allow for additional adjustments.

F)  Sub Award Tab – This Tab is for the entity to list all sub awards/subcontracts above $25,000 by fund, function and object codes and includes vendor name and total amount. This will allow ODE to verify the contract adjustments made in section E above.

Sub Awards/Sub Contracts Page

1. Click on the Add Row button under the Sub Awards Tab and it will allow you to complete the following steps. An entity will need to repeat the Add Row function until all sub awards/subcontracts over $25,000 for the given year are entered.

·  Select each Fund, Function and Object field where any sub awards/subcontracts over $25,000 have been coded. The drop down options will allow each fund, function and object available from each entities DBI data for that given fiscal year.

·  If an entity has one vendor amount that is coded in various fund, function and object codes, you must list each one separately using the appropriate amount in each code or the system will show an error message. An error message will occur if you exceed the DBI expenditure amount.

·  Amount field – Needs to have a figure with decimal places. This amount needs to reflect the full amount of any sub award/subcontract over $25,000. For instance, a Laid Law contract for $200,000 should state the full $200,000 on the sub award page. Institutions need to list the contracts that exceed $25,000 to assure the compliance of OMB Circular A-87.

·  Vendor Name – shall enter a Vendor Name for each sub award line item.

·  SAVE – when clicking this button it will take the entity back to the Summary page. The reason it goes back to the Summary page is to show the entity all the line items added to the Summary screen

G)  Certify your Indirect Rate Button – shall only be pressed when an entity has completed adding rows for Adjustments and has completed the Sub Award page.

Indirect Rate Certification

·  If the entity is satisfied with their Preliminary Rate and has no Mandatory Adjustments or Sub Awards to be added they may push the Certify Button.

·  When an entity hits the Certify button, it will send a message back to ODE that the entity is ready for ODE to accept or deny the certified rate with adjustments.

·  When an entity hits the Certify button, it will ask “Are sure you want to certify all data? This action can not be undone.” It will also send a message to ODE that the entity has certified their rate with adjustments for ODE to accept or deny and finalize the LEA indirect rate for that given year.

·  All buttons become unavailable to the institutions after the “Certify for Indirect Rate” button has been clicked. If there becomes a need to re-open/re-adjust an entities indirect rate they must contact ODE at to get their certified or final rate unlocked.

H)  The design below is an example of the email message contents that will be sent to each entities BusMgr@generic email after the finalized rate is approved by ODE.

Dear LEA Business Manager,

Below you will find detail on the disposition of any adjustments you requested as well as the calculation of your final restricted indirect rate for the 2009-2010 fiscal year.

Adjustment Detail
Fund / Function / Object / Amount / Disposition / Reason / ODE Response / Classification
100 General Fund / 2520 Fiscal Services / 650 Insurance and Judgments / $1,286.00 / Accepted / test#5 kh - full amount / Unallowable

Your 2009-2010 Restricted Indirect Rate is: Indirect/(Unallowed + Direct) = Rate $787,555.39/($2,609,412.41 + $14,748,269.86) = 4.54%

For technical issues relating to the Indirect Rate Certification application please contact the ODE Helpdesk at 503-947-5715 or by email at .

For program issues or questions on what adjustments to make or the data used to calculate the preliminary rates please contact the Department of Education by email at , or .

Page 2 of 8 updated 4/23/2009