Hawthorne Neighbors – General Meeting

Meeting Minutes

November 18, 7:00pm

Present: See Sign in Sheet

Next meeting: January 20, 2009, 7:00pm, Resurrection Lutheran Church

I.  Announcements

A.  Jennifer Dedes-Nowak, Vice President of LVCC was present and announced the following community events:

1.  A nondenominational Thanksgiving Service on Thursday Nov. 20th at 7:30 p.m. at Bethlehem United Church of Christ, 2746 N. Magnolia (at Diversey)

2.  “Operation Mitten” will be collecting donations to purchase hats, mittens and scarves to be donated to the 19th and 23rd Police Districts. Patrol officers will distribute the items to the children in need that they encounter on patrol.

3.  The NHL is scheduled to play on New Year’s Day at Wrigley Field. Neighbors can sign up for a lottery to win tick4ets on the Cubs website.

4.  Central Lakeview Merchants Association and LVCC will host a combined Holiday party at Slaymaker Gallery, 936 W. Roscoe St., on December 4 at 7 pm.

5.  LVCC can be contacted by phone at 773-880-5822 or at http://www.lakeviewcitizens.org/founders.asp

B.  Virginia Carstarphen made the following announcements:

1.  A night walk to promote neighborhood safety is scheduled for November 21 at midnight departing from Halsted and Belmont. Alderman Tom Tunney will lead the march along with commanders of both the 19th and the 23rd police districts.

2.  Lakeview Lutheran Church at Addison is having its annual Benefit Concert on November 22, 2008 at 5:30 pm. Monies raised will benefit the homeless shelter at the Church.

3.  The Old Chicago Inn is having a Holiday Open House on Sunday, December 7 from 3 pm – 6 pm. All neighbors are welcome. There is no charge. Food, beverage and entertainment will be provided.

II.  Elections

The slate of officers for the executive board was voted in unanimously and is as follows:

Charlie Schmidt President

Kevin McIntyre Vice President and Treasurer

Virginia Carstarphen Secretary

III.  Discussion

A.  Addison Park on Clark Development

Plans for the proposed development at Addison and Clark are still being discussed. Zoning for the property in questions ranges from B3-2 to B3-3. The developer would like to have the entire footprint of the project rezoned to B3-3. The height limitation of B3-3 zoning is 71’. The latest plans seen at the CDDC show the bulk of the project on Addison and Sheffield. There is no affordable housing distinguished in the plans. Both Charlie Schmidt and Kevin McIntyre are on the CDDC committee addressing this project. That committee meets on Monday December 1, 2008. There is also an open meeting of the CDDC on Wednesday December 3. Charlie and Kevin will report on both meetings at Hawthorne’s next meeting in January.

B.  Private Dumpster Tax

A new tax on private dumpsters will be voted on at the next City Council meeting. This will impact businesses and multi unit buildings in the neighborhood. Alderman Tunney has spoken against the tax.

C.  Illinois’s 5th US Congressional District

Rahm Emmanuel’s acceptance of the position of Chief of Staff for President-Elect Obama necessitates his resignation of his seat in the House which will then be open for a special election. Among the known early contenders are: State Representative Sara Feigenholtz, Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley, and Aldermen Gene Schulter (47th ward) and Tom Allen (38th ward).