Individual projects for The Grapes of Wrath –CP 11 WORTH 50 PTS.
Section A: (Choose ONE of the following options):
1. Create a crossword puzzle using clues and words from the story. Use at least 20 words. Include a key. (’s called a “criss-cross” puzzle there.)
2. Draw a new cover for the book. Include title, author, and an attractive illustration. (Hand-drawn, NOT computer-generated!)
3. Choose three characters from this book and draw them. (Hand-drawn, NOT computer-generated!)
4. Find two newspaper articles that remind you of something in the novel. Cut out each article, attach it to a sheet of paper, then write a short summary of each article and explain the connection to the novel.
5. Write an obituary for one of the characters who dies in this story. Be creative!
Section B: (choose ONE of these options. You may choose a second option from this section for possibly 20 pts. extra credit.)
1. Write six diary entries of one of the main characters after important events in the novel. Make them detailed, original, and creative.
2. Create a power-point presentation that relates to the Grapes of Wrath. Use at least twenty slides. Bring it in on a CD or flash/thumb drive. If you email it to me, you must do so BEFORE the due date, and then check with me to make sure I received it. Any emails not received in time will not receive credit.
3. Create a collage illustrating a theme of this novel. Possible themes may include the Depression, family, big business vs. the common people, the loss of dreams, triumphing over misery, etc. Use a large poster and include pictures and words cut from magazines.
4. Attached is information about the years of the Great Depression, 1929—1939. Get a large posterboard and make a timeline of what you consider to be the most important fifteen events of this time period. (Make your timeline chronological, include the dates and the facts, and make it somewhat colorful/artistic.)