GCOE Senate

Academic Affairs & Curriculum Committee


Agenda/Minutes 10/12/05

Present:, Esmaeil Mahdavi, Denise Patmon, Peter Taylor. Apologies: Alisa Beaver, Natalie Lacireno-Paquet

1. Minutes of 9/27 approved on motion of EM/DP.

2. Administrative Issues

Membership -- Tara Parker may be joining as a new member from Leadership in Ed.

·  Meeting Dates for Fall ’05. Alternating Weds 10.30-12 and Thursdays 1-2.30. Next mtg. 10/27. Others TBA.

·  Reporting to Senate (and feedback from Senate of current developments). PT continues to send minutes to Senate secretary, Jorgelina Abbate-Vaughn. NL will attend 10/13; EM 11/10; others TBA.

·  Proposals submitted and distributed as attachments? We will experiment with asking for 1 hard copy with signature page and electronic copy, which would be distributed by email and used for printout for any AACC member who so requests.

·  Email decisions? We will experiment with asking for votes on seemingly straightforward proposals if that means we don’t need to meet (or can deal with urgent matters). If any AACC member says they want to discuss it, the vote does not count.

·  Liaison. Proposers will be advised to ask for pre-review from an AACC member in their department if they want to increase the chance of approval at first AACC viewing of the proposal.

3. Proposal review. (AACC members should note items marked * and items awaiting further action, which have been included for informational purposes but not discussed at the meeting.)

Course No. / Title or Topic / Date Rcvd / Submitted by / Action
EDLDRS 734 / Writing the Doctoral Dissertation / 9/12 / Joe Check / PT to circulate JC’s response to query about distinction between various qual. paper & diss. courses. PT to collate comments and forward to JC.
From email 5 Oct: 0. Make the catalog description on the cover sheets and in the syllabus the same.
1. Suggest you include CAGS students among the population served.
2. Make clear that this is for both programs in the syllabus. Consider crosslisting it?
3. Use consistent format for references.
4. Get formal clarification of whether LIUS is in PEU, which would mean this proposal needs to get PECC approval.
5. Address the related courses 760 & 891-3 explicitly under C.3 in cover sheets (i.e., not in a cover letter). Explain how the sequence of courses works together so that they do not appear to Grad. Studies to overlap. (Attaching syllabi for the other courses will help. From past experience, this is the kind of information members of Graduate Studies ask for.)
Higher Ed 797 / Special topics: Leadership Theory & Practice in Higher Education Institutions / 9/19 / Jay Dee / Approved motion AB/NLP.
Query about distinction between 797 and 732.
Five one-time only Prof. Dev. Courses / 9/19 / Sumner Rotman / Approved, motion AB/NLP, with comments to be collated and forwarded to SR for future improvements.
Two more circulated post-meeting / 9/27 / Sumner Rotman / Approved by email (ditto about comments)
Two more given to PT by Assoc. Dean in corridor / 10/3 / Sumner Rotman / Signed off on by PT without review
Family Therapy Program / Online offering of same Program / 10/5 / Gonzalo Bacigalupe / Approved [EM/DP] subject to: a) no major objections from members not present; b) referring to track as well so program so this proposal de-linked form the next
Counseling & School Psych / Counseling tracks become programs and change the degree from MEd to MA or MS. / 10/5 / Rick Houser / Will be voted on at next meeting. Recommendations to proposers: Add a cover letter for the 3 proposals re; Resources; CLA/CSM deans’ approval for offering these degrees; explain why MA vs MS; home program for common courses (suggest cross-listing to other programs); new names for courses. Add summary of accreditation to FT proposal. Address some editorial and other changes sent back to proposers.
Instructional Design / * Program of study revised/smoothed / Expected mid-October / Denis Maxey
CCT/Teacher Ed / * CCT course offerings available to Teacher Ed. students / Peter Taylor/ Nina Greenwald/ Jonathan Chu
CCT/Spec Ed / * CCT certificate marketed with focus on Gifted & Talented Education / Nina Greenwald/ MaryAnn Byrnes

4. Other business for future

Curriculum Fair -- held for first time last year in October. To be held again in January.

Web presence reactivated at http://www.cct.umb.edu/AACC.html (& linked to College website). NL has learned that Leadership In Ed. Secretary can upload onto College website once it is revived. Senate is considering whether to establish its own website with committees able to upload.

Use of out of date forms referring to Ad hoc c’tee for special topics