Explanation and Major Components of Senior Thesis3

General Policies, Information, and Overview of Process4

Senior Thesis Time Line5

Quarter One


Weekly Progression, Participation and Reflection Logs7-18


Resume Samples20-21

Letter of Intent Sample22

Resume and Letter of Intent Rubric23


Argumentative Essay Guidelines25

Argumentative Essay Rubric26


Topic Selection Guidelines28

Sample Topics29-30

Topic Proposal Form 31

Topic Proposal Form Re-do32


Topic Presentation Guidelines and Rubric34


Annotated Bibliography Guidelines36

Annotated Bibliography Sample37

Annotated Bibliography Rubric38

Source Evaluation Forms39-52


Job Shadow Guidelines54

Job Shadow Permission Form55

Job Shadow Contact Log56

Job Shadow Experience Log57

Interview Guidelines58

Interview Sample and Rubric59

Thank You Note Guidelines and Rubric60

Thank You Note Sample61


Presentation #2 Guidelines and Rubric63

Guidelines for Introduction/Background Paper&Rubric64

Quarter Two


Research Paper Guidelines &Sample Outline66-67

Research Paper Rubric68


Portfolio Guidelines70

Portfolio Rubric71


Final Presentation Guidelines73-74

PowerPoint Outline75

Presentation Outline76

Final Presentation Rubric77-78

DressCode Form for Presentation79


Self-EvaluationPaper Guidelines and Rubric81


High school seniors are nearing the completion of 12 years of education. They have taken a variety of courses and developed an assortment of skills during those years. The senior year is a time for students to combine their knowledge and skills in a senior thesis to show what they have learned by choosing an area of interest and conducting in-depth research. The senior thesis contributes to a strong senior year of challenging courses and practical experiences that prepare students for the next step in the workforce and further education.

A senior thesis involves several steps. First, students select a topic, gather information, write a research paper, and keep a portfolio of project activities. Second, students prepare a presentation that applies some aspect of the research. Then, students make this formal presentation to a panel composed of teachers and community leaders. After the presentation, members of the panel ask questions about the research, inquire what students learned during the process, and review the portfolios.

Students are not alone during the development of their thesis projects. Each student will primarily use his or her English IV teacher for guidance and as a resource throughout the project. In addition, students may work with a member of the community who has expertise in their chosen area.

Senior theses are challenging. They require considerable effort on the part of the student in showing what he or she has learned. A successful senior thesis requires students to plan in order to meet deadlines and manage the project successfully. Students have opportunities to gather information, integrate academic and career/ technical studies, develop verbal and nonverbal communication skills, and feel a sense of accomplishment for a job well done.


Portfolio 20% - Participation 20% - Presentation 60%

Each student is graded according to the rubrics in the handbook. All students enrolled in English IV-CP and Honors classes are required to complete a Senior Thesis. The Senior Thesis has a computational weight of 20 percent in the final course average for English IV and is an integral part of both quarterly grades.


Students will create a portfolio of work. This portfolio documents all the work, time, and money that students put into their projects through the course of the semester. The portfolio should reflect each student’s “journey” through the process and document his or her work. Allreturned and revised work must be included in a student’sportfolio. Included work includes but is not limited to: annotated bibliography, research paper, resume, cover letter, topic proposal, product proposal, project reflection, and presentation outline.


Because the senior thesis is such an in-depth and lengthy project, students are given a great deal of time in class to work on assignments. Students are expected to employ time management skills throughout the process to finish the project on time. Students will plan weekly the assignments to be completed and reflect upon the work done at the end of each week. These planning/reflection logs will be collected weekly and graded in consideration of the work ethic shown in class.


All students are required to attend and present their project at a scheduled time. Any student failing to appear at the scheduled time will receive a zero for the presentation component. Any student who reschedules an appointment for unexcused reasons will automatically lose 30 percent of the presentation grade, which means the highest score possible on the presentation is a 70. Special circumstances may be presented to the teacher at least 2 weeks prior to presentation dates in order to avoid penalty.


Late Policy for Missing Senior Thesis Deadlines

The late penalty for Senior Thesis work is 10 points per day for any late assignment. If students are absent or leave school early, all work is still due on the assigned date. When absent, students should email the due assignment to their English IV teacher and then bring in a hard copy of the assignment upon return to school.

Losing Handbook

At the beginning of the semester, each student receives his or her own personal copy of the current Senior Thesis Handbook in a three-ring binder. This handbook contains all the necessary information and forms for the project. If a student should lose his or her copy, he or she may download and print a new copy from the school’s website or the English IV teacher’s SharpSchool page. Students are responsible for returning a white, 1”, three-ring binder in good condition at the end of the semester.

APEX English IV

Students enrolled in APEX English IV are required to complete a Senior Thesis through their APEX teacher and Ms. Randall. Students should contact Ms. Randall during the first week of the course for information.


I.Resume/Letter of Intent/Topic Proposal

Complete a resume to show skills, interests, and experiences. Fill out the preliminary Senior Thesis Topic Proposal Form and write a commitment letter to explain your choice of topic.

II. Argumentative Essay

Write an essay exploring current ideas and arguments about a potential topic of choice.

III. Annotated Bibliography

Complete a bibliography of seven sources, including the job shadow mentor.

IV. Job Shadowing

Choose a person from the community in your research field to job shadow for one workday. Students are allowed to be excused from school one (1) day in order to shadow during the semester. This absence will be excused if the appropriate documentation is provided within two days.

V. Research Paper

Complete a research paper on the approved topic. Complete a five-page paper (not including the Works Cited page) with a definable thesis argument.

VI. The Portfolio

Create a portfolio of the entire Senior Thesis’s work. This portfolio documents all the work, time, and money put into the thesis through the course of the semester. The portfolio should reflect students’ “journey” through the process and documentation of their work. Allwork in the portfolio should be clean and revised copies of assignments.

VII. The Presentation

Make a presentation at the conclusion of the Senior Thesis to a panel of community members and teachers who will grade the presentation. The presentation should encompass experiences throughout the entire project.


Quarter One

Week One

Media Center/Lab for ResumeThursday, January 24

Resume DueFriday, January 25

Week Two

Media Center/Lab for Letter of IntentMonday, January 28

Letter of Intent DueTuesday, January 29

Media Center/Lab for Argumentative EssayThursday, January 31

Week Three

Argumentative Essay DueMonday, February 4

Topic Presentations:Tuesday, February 5

Topic Proposal Form DueWednesday, February 6

Media Center/Lab for Annotated BibliographyThursday, February 7

Week Four

Media Center/Lab for Annotated BibliographyMonday, February 11

Wednesday, February 13

Friday, February 15

Week Five

Media Center/Lab for Annotated Bibliography and Interview QuestionsTuesday, February 19

Job Shadow Contact Log and Permission Form DueTuesday, February 19

Annotated Bibliography Sources 1-4 DueThursday, February 21

Interview Questions DueFriday, February 22

Week Six

Job Shadow DayWednesday, February 27

Media Center/Lab for Scripted InterviewThursday, February 28

Job Shadow Experience Log, Scripted Interview,and Thank You Note DueFriday, March 1

Week Seven

Media Center/Labfor Final Annotated BibliographyTuesday, March 5

Thursday, March 7

Week Eight

Final Annotated Bibliography Sources 1-7 Due Monday, March 11

Media Center/Lab for Research Paper/Presentation #2 Wednesday, March 13

Thursday, March 14

Friday, March 15

Week Nine

Introduction/Background Paragraphs of Research Paper DueMonday, March 18

Presentation #2Tuesday, March 19

Media Center/Lab for Final Research PaperThursday, March 21

Friday, March 22

Quarter Two

Week Ten

Research Paper Full Rough Draft Due/In-Class EditingMonday, March 25

Media Center/Lab for Final Research PaperTuesday, March 26

Research Paper Final Draft DueWednesday, March 27

Spring Break: March 29-April 5

Week Eleven

Media Center/Lab for Presentation OutlineTuesday, April 9

Presentation Outline DueWednesday, April 10

Media Center/Lab for PowerPoint PresentationThursday, April 11

Final PowerPoint Presentation DueFriday, April 12

Week Twelve

Practice PresentationsMonday, April 15-Friday, April 19

Final Portfolio DueThursday, April 18

Week Thirteen

Final PresentationsTuesday,April 23

Wednesday, April 24

Thursday,April 25

Week Fourteen

Self-Evaluation Paper Due:Tuesday, April 30

***all dates are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher***


Participation Logs

Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 1/12

The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.

Student Name Dates RecordedTeacher/Block


Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time:

(to be completed on Monday of each week)

TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)

Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts:

(to be completed throughout each week)

When, where, what I will do next on my project:

(to be completed on Friday each week)

Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation:

(to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)

Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______

Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 2/12

The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.

Student Name Dates RecordedTeacher/Block


Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time:

(to be completed on Monday of each week)

TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)

Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts:

(to be completed throughout each week)

When, where, what I will do next on my project:

(to be completed on Friday each week)

Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation:

(to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)

Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______

Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 3/12

The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.

Student Name Dates RecordedTeacher/Block


Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time:

(to be completed on Monday of each week)

TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)

Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts:

(to be completed throughout each week)

When, where, what I will do next on my project:

(to be completed on Friday each week)

Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation:

(to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)

Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______

Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 4/12

The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.

Student Name Dates RecordedTeacher/Block


Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time:

(to be completed on Monday of each week)

TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)

Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts:

(to be completed throughout each week)

When, where, what I will do next on my project:

(to be completed on Friday each week)

Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation:

(to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)

Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______

Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 5/12

The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.

Student Name Dates RecordedTeacher/Block


Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time:

(to be completed on Monday of each week)

TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)

Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts:

(to be completed throughout each week)

When, where, what I will do next on my project:

(to be completed on Friday each week)