Scottish Borders
Youth Employment Scotland
Scheme 2013/14
Supported by Scottish Borders Council,
Scottish Government and European Social Fund.
You can get this document on tape, in large print, and various other formats by contacting Scottish Borders Council on 01835 825060 or . For language translations, additional copies or to arrange for an officer to meet to explain any areas of the publication that you would like clarified, please also contact the same address.
The Scottish Borders Youth Employment Scotland Scheme aims to provide opportunities to help unemployed 16-24 year olds into work. Where a business commits to creating a new job for an unemployed young person, grant funding is available for up to 50% of the salary cost of employing the young person) for up to 6 months/ 26 weeks. This covers 50% of the contracted number of hours at the national minimum wage level.
Scottish Borders Council has contracted Barnardo’s Works (East) to deliver the Youth Employment Scheme in the Scottish Borders.
For the financial year 2013-14, there is funding available for a total of 80 placements in the Scottish Borders. No other costs can be considered eg.NI, travel, training or management fees. All placements must be confirmed/ committed by 31 March 2014.
The programme has is targeted at young people aged 16-24 as the number of young people who are unemployed is increasing, especially as a result of the recession. Youth Employment Scotland has been established to enable them to enter sustained employment and to give them the experience and support to compete in the labour market. The outcome of the programme is to support young people to enter sustained employment including, where appropriate, another opportunity such as an apprenticeship.
Please complete the contact details of the business/ organisation applying for funding.
Youth Employment Scotland is targeted at private sector employers, primarily small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Only employers with their main base within the Scottish Borders are eligible for the Scottish Borders YES Scheme. Public sector employers are not eligible for the recruitment incentive.
Third Sector Employers who are already participating in the Community Jobs Scotland(CJS) programme and who are unable to create a sustainable job at the end of the participant’s placement may be eligible for further support via the Youth Employment Scotland Scheme. This is because the opportunities created through CJS are training opportunities and any job created at the end of this placement will be viewed as additional to the current workforce.
Third Sector employers are already able to access support from CJS for all unemployed 16-19 year olds and for 16-24 year olds who are vulnerable, disabled or experiencing long term health conditions. Third Sector employers that are not engaged in the CJS programme may be eligible for support via Youth Employment Scotland to create opportunities for work ready 16-24 year olds who have been unemployed for less than 6 months.
It is anticipated jobs will be created from across all industry sectors and will support a wide range of young people from low skilled to graduate opportunities.
All jobs created should be new or additional to the existing workforce and should be offered on the basis that the opportunity is sustainable. All jobs will have to demonstrate additionality eg. For revised/ existing posts you must demonstrate either increased hours or new activities.
Contract timescale / duration:
All employee contracts must be made before 31 March 2014 to be eligible for funding. The duration of the placement would be 26 weeks thereafter. Any contracts dated from 1 April 2014 onwards will not be eligible.
The young person needs to be employed for the duration of the programme and a job description should be drawn up which outlines the duties and scope of the role. There needs to be a contract of employment which includes terms and conditions.
The employer must agree a fixed contracted number of hours of employment for the duration of 26 weeks. The contracted hours must be between 25 hours and 40 hours per week. The Scheme will not reimburse costs in excess of the number of contracted hours specified in their contract of employment.
Eligible participants/ employees:
The following are eligible for the Youth Employment Scotland Scheme:
- Unemployed young people aged 16-24 from day one of unemployment, until they become eligible for the wage incentive component of the ‘Youth Contract’, or are participating in the Work Programme or Work Choice (see section 7 for more information).
- A young person must be under 25 at the point of entry onto the programme ie first day of employment.
- Young people who are exiting other Scottish Government employability programmes.
- Young people who are not engaged in work under a contract of employment and/or not in receipt of a wage.
The eligibility of the participant must be established before the start of his/her job. Businesses/ organisations must provide evidence of the participant’s eligibility. Local authorities will retain this evidence on file and may be asked to produce it for audit and compliance purposes
Young people will be referred to the programme by the Local Authority, Skills Development Scotland and Jobcentre Plus. During the application/ job development/ recruitment phase, the following checks will be undertaken:
- The role is eligible for funding – new/ additional
- The prospective candidate/ young person is eligible to participate in the Scheme.
Ineligible participants:
Thefollowing are NOT eligible for the Youth Employment Scotland Scheme:
- of compulsory school age
- aged 25 or over
- attending school or college full-time as a learner or student
- in full-time higher education
- have an existing contract of employment (including as a Modern Apprentice)
- an ineligible overseas national
- in custody or on remand in custody
- in receipt of an Education Maintenance Allowance
- not domiciled in Scotland
- eligible for the wage incentive component of the Youth Contract or are participating in the Work Programme or Work Choice.
Participant/ Employees Terms & conditions
The business/ organisation must provide a contract to the participant outlining the organisation’s terms and conditions. Participants are employees and therefore must be on the terms and conditions of the business/ organisation. The employer’s terms and conditions will apply with respect to sick pay and holiday entitlement.
The Council will issue an acknowledgement letter to the participant advising them of their entry to the Scheme. However, this acknowledgement letter is separate to the contract, which must be provided by the employer. Businesses/ organisations can provide a number of jobs/ placements as long as they can prove these placements are additional to existing workforce.
Filling Job vacancies
Filling job vacancies will principally be the role of the employer. Young people will be referred to the programme by the Council, Skills Development Scotland and Jobcentre Plus.
Re-advertising posts
If a participant drops outtheir placement/ terminates their contract prior to the end of the placement and the job still meets the eligibility criteria,the post can be re-advertised and filled by another participant.
Please provide details ofthe number of hours to be worked per week, salary costs, and the grant request using the following guidance:
Grant Levels
The national minimum wage, appropriate to the age of the individual, should be paid to all employees supported by the YES Scheme. Current national minimum wage rates are:
Year / 21 and over / 18 to 20 / Under 18 / Apprentice2012 (current rate) / £6.19 / £4.98 / £3.68 / £2.65
2013 (from 1 October 2013) / £6.31 / £5.03 / £3.72 / £2.68
The Youth Employment Scotland Scheme will only cover 50% of the minimum wage costs. The Scheme will not cover any other expensessuch as National Insurance, travel, training, equipment costs for participants. The balance of funding and employment related expenses must be funded either by the employer or alternative sources (see below)
An example is provided below of the payments schedule:
Hourly Rate / £6.31Contracted Hours weekly / 40
Contracted Hours for 26wk period / 1040
Total Pay / £6,562.40
Grant @50% / £3,281.20
Anticipated Pay / Anticipated Grant
1st Payment (at 4wks) / £1,009.60 / £504.80
2nd Payment (at 8 wks) / £1,009.60 / £504.80
3rd Payment (at 12 wks) / £1,009.60 / £504.80
4th Payment (at 16 wks) / £1,009.60 / £504.80
5th Payment (at 20 wks) / £1,009.60 / £504.80
6th Payment (at 26 wks) / £1,514.40 / £757.20
£6,562.40 / £3,281.20
Payments will be made on actual hours/ salary payments made in the respective periods.
If hours/ payments are below the agreed schedule, payment will only be made on those hours. The final grant amount will NOT be exceeded if the employee works additional hours over the 26 week period, additional payments are made or the hourly rate increases.
Offer Letters
Following an application, an initial commitment letter will be issued by Scottish Borders Council to the Employer. This will detail the potential maximum grant available per employee. If the details of the employee are known at the time of application and all the employment contract details have been confirmed, a final grant offer letter may also be issued, with the following:
- Start / end date of employment period
- Financial breakdown per 6/ 4 wk periods
- Terms & conditions
If the employee details are not known and/ or the employment contract details have not yet been confirmed, only the initial commitment letter will be issued to the applicant/ business. Once the employer has selected their preferred candidate and confirmed the employment contract details, the employer must return their acceptance form. A final grant offer letter will then be issued.
Grant Payments and Conditions
Payments will be made based on the following schedule:
1st Payment (at 4 wks) / In arrears2nd Payment (at 18 wks) / In arrears
3rd Payment (at 12 wks) / In arrears
4th Payment (at 16 wks) / In arrears
5th Payment (at 20 wks) / In arrears
6th Payment (at 26wks) / In arrears
A claimcheck list and timesheet template will be provided as part of the final grant offer letter. All payments will be made in arrears based on timesheets / payslips and bank statements.
Employers must be able to provide evidence of payment to the employee (wage slips and bank statements are required.)
Scottish Borders Council aims to create conditions to support business growth, in particular by enabling small companies to grow by investing in fresh talent. The Youth Employment Scotland Scheme is seeking to encourage local businesses to create new jobs for young people. An employer should outline how the additional posts will contribute to business growth.
The ambition of the project is that employment offered to young people should be sustainable after six months. The applicant should outline plans for sustaining this/ these jobs beyond the period of funding under the Youth Employment Scotland scheme.
Ongoing Employment
The focus of the Youth Employment Scotland programme is to support the young person to remain in, or progress into, sustained employment. If the business needs to continue to fill the job created by the Youth Employment Scotland, the employer will need to continue the employment through their own means. The same employer can only use the scheme again provided they can offer an additional job that meets the eligibility criteria.
Commonwealth Games Legacy Employer Recruitment Initiative (ERI)
The Commonwealth Games Legacy ERI will also be a possible progression for the young person after the 6 months of job opportunities created through Youth Employment Scotland.
PVG Status/ Disclosure Scotland
If your staff will be undertaking regulated work with children or protected adults, the PVG Scheme is considered the most appropriate type of check. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure appropriate checks and protection is applied. For more information on the PVG Scheme:
Employment support will be provided during the 26 week period of employment. Support for both the employer and employee during the period of employment will be provided as appropriate.
Support will be tailored appropriate to each employer/ employee and may include:
- Periodic reviews with both employer and employee
- Mentor support
- Mentor training
- One to one employee support
- Other funding opportunities identified
- Training / opportunities identified
Post employment opportunities will also be identified including sustained employment with employer, other job opportunities, other training / support schemes, onward / transitional support (where required).
Youth Contract, the Work Programme and Work Choice
If a Young Person hits eligibility for the Work Programme or Work Choice while going through the recruitment process for a Youth Employment Scotland job, then they must make their Jobcentre Plus Advisor aware in the first instance. There is a 13 week discretionary period which can be applied, which will allow the young person to await the outcome of the job application and if they are successful, they can accept the job and if they are unsuccessful their advisor can refer them onto the Work Programme and Work Choice.
Skills Development Scotland Modern Apprenticeship
Employers can benefit from the Youth Employment Scotland Scheme at the same time as the SDS Modern Apprenticeship public funding contribution i.e. the young person can have started an Modern Apprenticeship at the same time as the employer benefiting from Youth Employment Scotland Scheme.
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Employer Recruitment Initiative (ERI)
Employers receiving recruitment incentives funded through Youth Employment Scotland who have taken on a young person who falls within the eligibility for the targeted Skills Development Scotland ERI (i.e. 16-24 year old carer, care-leaver or ex-offender) will be able to receive both the Skills Development ScotlandERI and the Youth Employment Scotland Scheme. The Skills Development Scotland ERI will be a premium on top of Youth Employment Scotland Scheme funding where the two incentives can be used concurrently or consecutively.
The Youth Employment Scotland Scheme is funded by the Scottish Government, European Social Fund and Scottish Borders Council. All appropriate documentation, letters and contracts must acknowledge the Scottish Government, European Social Fund and Scottish Borders Council; and carry the correct logos.
Press releases including photographs may be used by Scottish Borders Council / Barnardo’s Works to publicise the Scheme, without the specific agreement of the business/ organisation. The business/ organisation or employees must not issue or use press releases without the agreement of Scottish Borders Council. Any publicity or press release by the business/ organisation must name the Scottish Government, European Commission and Scottish Borders Council as a co-funder and be approved by the Council.
Employers and Young person beneficiaries of the Youth Employment Scotland Scheme must sign a photo consent form for their pictures to be used in any publicity. If the consent form has not been signed, the photo cannot be used for publicity.
All employers are expected to adhere to fair and consistent recruitment practices during the recruitment of staff. All employers are expected to apply and/ or comply with appropriate equal opportunities policies. Advice and guidance can be provided by Business Gateway. During the period of employment, support will be provided to identify barriers and issues in relation to equalities and equal opportunities (if required).
The data you have provided in the application are subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004. The Council is under an obligation to properly manage public funds. Accordingly, information that is provided on this form may be used to prevent and detect fraud, and may also be shared for the same purpose with public bodies or other organisations which handle public funds.
Young person beneficiaries of the Youth Employment Scotland Scheme will have a Data Protection statement explained to them. This will cover the benefits of Data Protection, Storage of Data, Sharing of Data, and signed data Protection consent. Beneficiaries will also go through a Sharing of Information agreement.
Scottish Borders Council has contracted Barnardo’s Works (East) to deliver the Youth Employment Scheme in the Scottish Borders.
Barnardo’s Works (East) will:
- Work with employers to source job opportunities – To ensure the job opportunities are additional to their existing workforce and that the jobs created are of sufficient quality to enhance the experience of the young person, thereby increasing their future chances of gaining sustained employment.
- Sift applicants and refer most suitable candidates to the employer for interview (if appropriate).
- Work with the employer to ensure each young person has a job description which outlines the structure and scope of the job (if appropriate).
- Ensure the young person has a contract of employment which notifies them in writing of their terms and conditions of employment with their employer upon starting the programme.
- Process payments to employers based on actual monthly hours/ salary (payments made in arrears).
- Ensure the young person has a line manager appointed to them by the employing organisation.
- Act as a mentor (if required) for the young person throughout the six month opportunity.
- Provide transitional support should the job opportunity not be sustained.
For initial enquiries for the YES Scheme and other business support information, contact:
Business Gateway Borders
Ettrick Riverside, Dunsdale Road,
Selkirk,TD7 5EB.
Tel: 01835 825600
/ For guidance with regards a YES Scheme application, contact:
Helen Brown
Employer Liaison Officer
Barnardo’s Works
NETworks, 62 West Harbour Road
Edinburgh, EH5 1PW
Tel 0131 559 3940