SI A ECL 365
- The endocrine system works with the ______system and has both
______and ______responses.
- Nervous, slow-acting and long-lasting
- Name 3 things the endocrine system controls.
- Reproduction
- Growth
- Behavior
- Color change – rapid
- Metabolism – rapid
- Describe endocrine glands.
- Ductless glands containing secreting cells that produce hormones
- What are hormones?
- Complex chemicals, stimulate changes in other parts of the body
- ______is the “master center” of the endocrine system and is found in
the ______.
- Hypothalamus, brain
- They hypothalamus produces ______which stimulate the ______.
- Releasing hormones, pituitary gland
- What are the two portions of the pituitary gland?
- Anterior and posterior
- Name and describe the hormones produced in the anterior pituitary.
- Follicle stimulating hormone: FSH
- Egg (ovule – produced by ovaries) and sperm production (testes)
- Luteinizing Hormone: LH
- Induces ovulation, estrogen and progesterone production (females)
- Testosterone production in males
Gonadotropins: FSH and LH
- Hormones affecting gonads (development and growth)
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: TSH
- causes thyroid to produce hormones
- Growth Hormone: GH
- stimulate body cells to grow and maintain body size once attained, help maintain structure.
- Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
- Causes adrenal cortex to produce hormones
- Important for molting
- Prolactin
- Maturation of mammary glands, mild production, nest building, protection of young
- Name and describe the hormones stored in the posterior pituitary.
- Oxytocin
- Uterine contractions in mammals, milk release
- can stimulate labor
- Vasopressin (also ADH)
- Regulates water loss by kidneys
- What produces the oxytocin and vasopressin?
- Hypothalamus
- Which gland is located in the neck? What hormone controls it? What hormone is produced by this gland?
- Thyroid, TSH, Thyroxin
- Which hormone is a key to metamorphosis in amphibians?
- Thyroxin
- Describe the Parathyroid gland and its products.
- 2 pairs, near thyroid
- Parathyroidic Hormone: PTH
- Controls calcium levels in blood
- Important for shell and bone formation
- ______gland is found next to the kidneys in mammals and is
controlled by ______.
- Adrenal gland, Adrenocorticotropic hormone
- Name and describe the two areas of the adrenal gland.
- Cortex:
- Outer part, makes several hormones that control glucose and minerals.
- Medulla
- Inner part, makes epinephrine and norepinephrin
- ______is another name for epinephrine and ______
is another name for norephinephrin.
- Adrenaline and noradrenaline
- What hormones are produced in the Islet Cells of the pancreas? Describe them.
- Insulin:
- Controls blood glucose, allows body to use glucose
- Increases glucose storage (less glucose in the blood)
- Glucagon:
- Similar to insulin, but opposite effect
- Decreases glucose storage, increases glucose in blood
- ______is caused by a lack of insulin.
- Diabetes
- The ______secretes ______during dark, thus it
is negatively light sensitive. It is responsible for ______in lizards
preceeding dormancy. It is linked to ______
______in humans.
- Pineal gland, melatonin, hypothermia, seasonal affective disorder
- In females, the ______are controlled by gondadotropins. These produce what hormones?
- ovaries
- Estrogen:
- Sexual development and behavior; secondary sex traits
- Progesterone:
- Reproductive tract, mammary gland maturation; maternal behavior
- Relaxin:
- Prepare body for labor, cervix dilates
- In males, gonadotropins control the______, which produce ______.
- Testes, androgens (testosterone)
- Name the functions of androgens.
- Development of male repro behavior
- Secondary sexual characteristics in males
- “Challenge response” correlated with increase testosterone
- Androgens are ______hormones and steroid based.
- Steroid
- What are the three most common androgens?
- Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone
- Describe receptors.
- Note changes in the environment, such as photoperiod, water temperature, sexual displays (etc.),
- Trigger hypothalamus to make releasing hormones
- Releasing hormones trigger gonadotropins