Washington Elementary

October Newsletter 2017

Dear Washington Elementary Parents,

We are through the first month of school and we survived the heat. The staff at Washington worked hard at keeping the classrooms as cool as possible. The doors of the school were opened up early in the morning, and we had fans bringing in as much cool air as we could. The doors were left open most of the day to keep air flowing. We will be going back to our regular routines of keeping the doors closed. If you need to access your child please come to the office and check them out. If your student is late coming to school, make sure that you take them to the office and check them in.

This past week our students have practiced a fire drill, tornado drill, and a bus evacuation drill. We are required by the state to have two fire and tornado drills per semester. The staff and students performed well in the drills.

During the month of October the school will be assessing literacy skills for each of the students with the FAST assessment. The teachers use this data to determine intervention groups. Once we get the students tested, the school will inform you of how your student scored. The teachers will decide what course of action we will take with each student.

Halloween is on Tuesday, October 31. We will have our Halloween/Harvest Festival/Fall Fun Day celebrations on the 31st. Students are encouraged to bring a costume to change into for the afternoon party. Please no face paint or weapons with their costumes. The teachers will contact the room parents to organize the party.


Jeff Eeling

Preschool Happenings

This month will be a busy month in preschool. We will be learning about apples, fire safety, pumpkins and fall. We will be doing songs, centers, and other fun activities for each of these themes. We will also be working on writing our names using a capital at the beginning and lowercase for the rest of the letters. We will be focusing on the vowels this month and learn the "Vowel Bat" song (you can find this on youtube). We will continue to do visual phonics daily. This can be found on the FCSD website by searching Visual Phonics. This is something that you can work on with your child at home. We will begin sending home activities to do with your child that focuses on skills they will be working on in the classroom. Remember if you have any questions or concerns fell free to contact us!

Yours Partners in Education,

Ms. Brandi and Ms. Megan

Important Dates:

Friday10-6 Picture day for W/F Class

Tuesday10-10 Picture day for T/TH Class

Friday10-27 Halloween Party @2:15for W/F Class

Tuesday10-31- Halloween Party @2:15for T/TH Class

First grade

In first grade we will be working on counting to 120, adding and subtracting, exploring pumpkins and apples and starting a unit on light. Students will be working on using correct punctuation and adding details to their writing.

Washington Kindergarten


This month we are learning:
Reading: letters and sounds
Math: Numbers 1-20, shapes, counting objects, positional words
Writing: Writing first name, correct pencil grip, writing letters a to z
Science:Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. / Upcoming events
*Oct. 2- No school
*Oct. 6- School picture day at Washington
*Oct. 16-No school
*Oct. 31- Fall fun day (Students will put on costumes before last recess.)
Sight Words
like / Things to work on
at home:
-tying shoes
-writing first name using a capital letter followed by lowercase letters. Example: Sidney Brice
-zipping and putting on own coat