School Drop Off

Please can all parents drive and park with due consideration to other road users, residents and pedestrians at the beginning and end of the school day. Unfortunately there was an incident yesterday where a parent who cycles to and from school was involved in a near miss incident as a car reversed towards her and her child. Obviously this was very upsetting for the parent and child concerned and they are very grateful to the other parents who came to help and tried to alert the reversing car. The incident has been reported both to the police and the Road Safety Officer at NCC.

Please try to avoid driving up Thornhill Road altogether and park in the village car parks and walk the final part of the journey.

Gardening Club

Mr Watson and the Gardening Club would like to thank Mr Clough (parent from RB) for his very generous donationof gardening equipment. Please be assured that it will be put to very good use over the coming months.

Year 4 Tennis

Well done to the following Year 4 tennis players who represented the school at the Ponteland Partnership Tennis Festival – Lucy Dodd, Lilly Benson, Brooke Smith, Maici Burn, Mark Alexandrov, Robbie Kinniburgh, Nathan Kapoor, Musa Naqvi, Isi Thompson, Hana Ali, Ava Munro, Charlotte Hyman, Jack Farrier, Danirel Robson, Adam Harrison and Lucas Young.

Mrs Linsley and Mr Drane both reported that all of the children played well, showed good sporting attitudes and had enjoyed competing against other schools.


Having just finished the last of our year group assemblies celebrating our homework last half term we have been so impressed with the quality of work that the children have submitted with the new style homework. The children have talked so enthusiastically about what they have done. Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who have helped the children. Everyone should feel proud of what they have produced.

Mrs Phipps

I know that many parents have been asking about Mrs Phipps and sending their best wishes. I am pleased to report that she has responded really well to her treatment and is slowly recovering. She has asked me to thank all of the parents for their continued good wishes and I know that you will join me in wishing her well.

Thank you for baking!

Thank you to all of the children and families who supported Mrs Thomson’s - Bake Off event to raise funds for Kian’s cancer treatment in America. Over £800 was raised last Saturday afternoon and there were some spectacular entries. It was great to hear that Simon Cowell had added a further £25000 to the appeal, but can he bake a cake? Thank you once again to everyone who baked or bought a cake.

Show Racism The Red Card

We were lucky to have the team from Show Racism The Red Card working in school this week with our children in years 3 and 4. They have really given us a great deal to think about this week. Everyone equal. Everyone different.

Good Luck To Our Performers

Some of our very talented children will be performing on stage in the week ahead.

Isaac Hutchinson will be appearing in The Russian State Opera’s Madam Butterfly at The Tyne Theatre tonight and Kate Wallace and Sophie Kenyon will be appearing in The Wind In The Willow’s at The Memorial Hall in Ponteland from next Wednesday. Good luck to them all.

Dates for your diary in Spring Term 2016

Fortnight beginning 29 FebruaryFair Trade Fortnight

Thursday 3 MarchWorld Book Day –the children will be learning a poem to perform to an audience ( No dressing up!)

Friday 4 MarchY4 visit The Discovery Museum

Tuesday 8 MarchY3 visit The Discovery Museum

Friday 11 MarchReception Assembly 9.15am – parents welcome

Thursday 17 MarchYear 2 visit Cragside

Friday 18 MarchSport Relief – All children will complete a sponsored Sport Relief mile ( all money to Sport Relief)

Week beginning 21 MarchMade In The North East Week

Wednesday 23 MarchPTA Easter Disco 3.15 – 4.45pm

Thursday 24 MarchEnd of Term

Monday 11 AprilSummer Term Begins

The above dates are those envisaged by the school and may be subject to change

L Blain

Head Teacher

26 February 2016