gilded: description applied to an object of lesser value covered with a thin layer of gilt (gold leaf)
inflation and deflation: periods of increasing and decreasing prices, respectively
16:1: official exchange ratio of silver to gold when purchased by the United States Treasury
civilservice: post office and similar civilian employees of the federal government
the election of 1868: Ulysses Grant (R) vs. Horatio Seymour (D)
1)Grant’s appeal as presidential candidate?
2)the Republican platform?
3)“waving the bloody shirt”?
4)conflict in the Democratic Party over money?
5)the winner of the election? the significance of the black vote?
6)financial and political corruption
7)Jim Fiske and Jay Gould’s plan for the market in gold?
8)how did Fiske and Gould attempt to prevent government gold sales?
9)the Tweed Ring
10)corrupt actions by “Boss” Tweed and ring members?
11)Thomas Nast and the NewYorkTimes as opponents of Tweed? [note cartoon, p. 506]
12)scandals in the federal government
13)the Credit Mobilier Scandal?
14)the Whiskey Ring?
15)the War Department scandal?
16)[note Tweed successor G.W. Plunkitt’s famous defense of “honest graft,” p. 507]
17)the election of 1872: Grant (R) vs. Horace Greeley (D)
18)the cause of the Liberal Republicans’ revolt in 1872?
19)the liabilities of Liberal Republican and Democratic nominee Greeley?
20)Greeley’s slogan?
21)campaign denunciations of Greeley? of Grant?
22)election results?
23)some post-election reform?
the Panic of 1873 and some economic issues
24)financial problems resulting from the Panic of 1873?
25)debtors’ ideas about the correct amount of money in circulation? creditors’ ideas about the correct amount of money in circulation?
26)why did Congress stop the coinage of silver dollars in the “Crime of ‘73”?
27)the reaction of western silver miners and debtors to the “Crime of ’73?
28)what did Grant’s “contraction” policy do to the amount of money in circulation?
politics in the Gilded Age
29)national politics: competitive or dominated by one party?
30)Republican and Democratic similarities in ideas?
31)typical Republican supporters?
32)typical Democratic supporters?
33)what is patronage? the conflict between the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds?
the “stolen election” of 1876: Rutherford B. Hayes (R) vs. Samuel Tilden (D)
34)Hayes’s appeal as a candidate? [not mentioned here: Hayes had been a Civil War general]
35)Samuel Tilden’s appeal as a candidate?
36)why was the election initially in dispute? [text, pp. 510-511 and map, p. 510]
37)the means of settling the election?
38)the terms of the Compromise of 1877?
the Jim Crow South in the late 19th century [Jim Crow was a staple of black-face minstrel shows c. 1850]
39)the “redeemers”?
40)the crop-lien system for sharecroppers?
41)Jim Crow laws?
42)means of black disfranchisement? [Williamsv. Mississippi allowed these]
43)Plessyv. Ferguson (1896)?
44)lynching? [text and table, p. 513]
labor and ethnic conflict
45)the outcome of the Great Railway Strike of 1877?
46)California’s conflict between the Chinese and Irish?
47)Denis Kearney and ethnic conflict?
48)the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)? [note immigration graph, p . 517]
James A. Garfield (R; 1881) and Chester A. Arthur (R; 1881-1885) as presidents
49)[note Garfield was another Union army veteran and Ohio politician]
50)Garfield’s assassination?
51)how was Arthur somewhat of a surprise as president?
52)the terms of the Pendleton Act (1883)?
Grover Cleveland (D--1885-1889; 1893-1897) and Benjamin Harrison (R; 1897-1901) as presidents
53)the mudslinging election of 1884 [note map, p. 520]
54)James G. Blaine (R) as a candidate--the “Mulligan letters” and the Mugwumps?
55)Grover Cleveland (D) as a candidate--“where’s my pa?” and RRR?
56)Cleveland’s first term (1885-1889)
57)his reason for vetoing the bill to aid Texas farmers?
58)his position on private pension bills?
59)his position on tariffs? reasoning?
60)Harrison’s presidency (1889-1893)
61)the candidates and the tariff in the election of 1888?
62)Thomas Reed and the quorum issue?
63)pensions during Harrison’s presidency?
64)the McKinley Tariff (1890)?
65)political unrest and the return of Cleveland (1893-97)
66)the Farmers’ Alliance?
67)Populist ideas?
68)conflict in the Homestead Strike?
69)sectional results in the election of 1892 [text, p. 524 and map, p. 525]
70)the long-term impact of the Populist movement on blacks in the South?
71)the economic impact of the Panic of 1893?
72)Cleveland’s support for repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act? for the gold loan from Morgan?
73)the Wilson-Gorman Tariff as a mostly-failed attempt at reform?