/ Information Services- Technical Support
University of Portland / Technology Help Desk
503-943-7000 or

Help Sheet

Remote File Access via GroupDrive© - File.UP

File: GroupdrivefileUP.doc

Version: 1.0

Page 1 of 4

/ Information Services- Technical Support
University of Portland / Technology Help Desk
503-943-7000 or


GroupDrive© is a web based application that will allow you to securely access files stored on your campus network storage drives remotely via an external web environment. File and folder access is limited to personal files (on the P drive), department files (on the U drive), or shared folders created in the community. You will be able to download and upload files on a limited basis (1-10 files at a time) to and from your computer. GroupDrive© only supports the transfer of individual files, NOT folders.

File.UP is designed as a complementary file management tool that allows you to access files while off-campus. Files and folders can still be managed via standard network methods while on campus.


Basic Tips:

1.  Because IS applies the highest security to your personal and departmental folders and files, we have set File.UP to time out without frequent use. You will notice this when you open File.UP, work for a bit, move away to other tasks, and then attempt to come back. You will be returned to the login screen and see a red message indicating that your session has timed out. Please log back in.

2.  Please be patient. At times, File.UP can operate slowly as it accesses the contents of a large storage access network over the web. We will continually work to improve performance and speed. However, ultimately your internet connection speed will determine the speed with which GroupDrive© functions.

3.  In general, most of the functionality referred to in the help sheet below is found either in the main header:

Or the left menu bar:

Additional help information can be found within File.UP by click on the icon in the upper right of the main screen. Please explore these features and let the Help Desk or Web Services know if you have any questions.

4.  To move up a folder, click on the green arrow next to “Current Folder:/”

5.  To navigate into a folder, click on the underlined folder name. If you do not see an underline on a shared folder’s name (see more on shared folders below), this means you have permission to load files into this folder but not to open the folder.

Help Topics

Remote File Access via GroupDrive© - File.UP 1

Introduction 1

Steps 1

Basic Tips: 1

Help Topics 1

To access remote files using GroupDrive©: 2

To upload a file from your remote location to a network storage folder: 2

To download a file from your Network storage folder to your remote location: 2

To access your department U-drive folder or other shared folders: 3

To share a folder: 3

To set folder permissions: 3

To create a DropBox: 4

Emailing a connection to a shared folder: 4

To access remote files using GroupDrive©:

  1. Open an internet browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox or Safari) and browse to https://file.up.edu (Fig. 1). Be sure to type the “s” in after the http.

Figure 1

  1. Enter your normal network login and password.
  2. The File.UP web client will open and display the contents of your personal drive on the University’s Storage Area Network (SAN) and any links to shared network folders that have been allocated to your login (Fig. 2).

Figure 2

To upload a file from your remote location to a network storage folder:

  1. Click the Upload icon - - on the File.UP toolbar.
  2. Select the number of files that you would like to upload. You may load up to 10 at a time. The speed of the upload depends on your connection speed.
  3. Click Browse to open your the files location window.
  4. Once you have found the file, highlight it and click Open on the file browse window. Repeat this process for as many files as you indicated.
  5. You will return to the Upload window. Verify the file(s) you have chosen and click Upload.
  6. You will see the file you have uploaded in the main File.UP window. You may need to scroll down to see it if your list is long. If you do not, try refreshing your browser window.

To download a file from your Network storage folder to your remote location:

  1. Select the check box next to the file(s) you would like to download (Fig 3).

Figure 3

  1. Click the Download icon - - in the File.UP toolbar.
  2. You will see a window where you can select to Open, Save or Cancel. Select Save (Fig. 4).

Figure 4

  1. Browse to the location where you would like to save the file. Click Save and the file(s) will be downloaded to the location you have selected.

To access your department U-drive folder or other shared folders:

  1. Click the LINK icon - - on the toolbar. If the link icon is dimmed, make sure that none of checkboxes next to your files or folders are checked.
  2. On the next screen (Fig. 5), shared folders that have been allocated to your account will be visible.

Figure 5

  1. Select the link you wish to gain access to by clicking the radio (round) button next to it.
  2. Enter a unique name for the link if you choose. Special characters are not allowed.
  3. Click Add.

If you do not see your U-drive folder (formerly your L drive), please contact the Help Desk at x7000 (503-943-700). If you do not see folder that another University member has offered to share with you, please contact that individual.

To share a folder:

1.  Select the desired folder by clicking on the check box beside it or create a new one using the New Folder - - button.

2.  Once a folder is selected, the Share - - button will become brighter. Click on it.

3.  To add a person(s) to share the folder, click on the “Add” button. Select the individual(s) name(s) from the drop down list.

  1. You can share a folder with every person at the University. To do this, select the “Everyone” group from the list.
  2. You can share a folder with any person inside and outside the University. To do this, select the “Public” group from the list. Be very careful about using this sharing strategy. Set permissions tightly and consider allowing only read or write access. Then, email the link to just those individuals who you want to use the folder (see emailing a shared folder below).

4.  To remove a person from a shared folder, select the radio button and click “Remove”.

To set folder permissions:

1.  Click on the Permission button - - in the header tool bar.

2.  Select a person’s name by clicking the radio button beside it.

3.  Click on the link under Permissions.

4.  You can set Standard Permissions or Advanced Permissions. Standard permissions are read, write, and full access (Fig 6).

Figure 6

To set advanced permissions, click on the link in the upper right corner of the Standard Permissions view (Fig 7).

Figure 7

5.  For more assistance, click on the Help - - icon in the upper right of the main screen.

To create a DropBox:

1.  From any window in File.UP, click on the “+” sign beside the Utilities link in the left hand column of the screen (Fig 8).

Figure 8

2.  Select the “DropBox Wizard” link.

3.  A dialog box will open. Create a name for the shared folder/dropbox. Click Next.

4.  Enter a short description that those you share the folder with will see. Click Next.

5.  Select whether you want to allow individuals to be able to update their files. Click Next.

6.  To select individuals from the University who will share the folder, click on the “Add Users” button. This will take a while to upload.

7.  Either type the user name directly into the box, separating multiple individuals with a semicolon, or select their network username(s) from the list. If you manually enter usernames, take advantage of the Check Names feature to validate your entry.

8.  Click OK.

9.  You will return to the “Add Users” screen. Click Next if you are finished adding individuals.

10.  If you would like individuals to only upload files into the dropbox, click Finish.

11.  To modify the “dropbox” so that individuals with access can see folder contents, click Add Users. Select those individuals from your first list who have rights to view folder contents. If a person does not have share permissions, they cannot also have folder access permissions.

12.  Click Finish.

13.  When you return to the File.UP, click your browser refresh button to view the folder.

Emailing a connection to a shared folder:

1.  Select a folder by clicking the checkbox beside the folder.

2.  Make sure that the folder has the appropriate sharing permissions (see To set folder permissions above). If you are sharing with non-University individuals, you must set the permissions to the Public group.

3.  Click the Email - - button.

4.  You can set a date where the quick link sent in the email will expire. This prevents long-term access to the folder.

5.  Enter a description.

6.  Add a password if desired. This password would protect the folder from unauthorized access if the folder has been set to share to the Public group.

7.  Click Send Email. File.UP will move back to the folder view and your default email client on your desktop will launch an email. Send it as you would normally. You will want to include the password, if you have set one, in the text.

8.  If you are using webmail, you will want to select Copy to Clipboard so that you can manage the email manually. Open your webmail client, start an email, and paste the copied contents into the email. Be sure to include the password, if set, in any email you send out. You may also want to let your recipients know that they should select the file by clicking on the checkbox to download it.

End Help Sheet

File: GroupdrivefileUP.doc

Version: 1.0

Page 1 of 4