Haltom Spirit Booster Club Meeting 4/23/07

Meeting called to order at 7:10pm by current President Connie Webb.

Minutes of last meeting were distributed and read.

Amy West motioned for minutes to be approved. Teresa seconded the motion.
The motion was approved.

Coaches:Not in attendance

American Cheer Power competition - 1st place in their division. Squad received trophy, plaque and each cheerleader received a medal.

Coach Dennie is currently remaining the Junior Varsity coach. Coach Williams is still currently the Varsity coach, and Coach Rey is still currently the freshman coach.

Passed out new cheerleader/parent list.

1st Vice President:

Debbie spoke on mandatory registration of volunteers by the beginning of schoolin
August 07.

Turn in volunteer hours in August for the period April 07 through August 07.

Need to update inventory from board members.

2nd Vice President:Not in attendance

Senior scholarships (2) to be announced at school this week.


Report distributed and read. Irene motioned for treasurer report approval, Rebecca seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Report was filed.

Balance remaining to be given to coaches.


Current and new officers need to fill out questionnaire for newsletter publication and return to Donna Harris.


Connie passed out nomination ballots for 07-08 board members. No nominations were made from the floor. The new board will be as follows:

President - Amy West
Treasurer - Terri Gray
1st VP - Amber Dickson
2nd VP - Rebecca Allen
Secretary - Sheila Winkle
Fundraising Chair - Irene Sacco

Publicity Chair - Cindy Aguilar and Brenda Purvis

Hospitality Chair - Stephanie Barton

Newsletter Chair - Donna Harris

Communications - Dora Thrash
Webmaster - Rick Mauderer and Mark Winkle

Rick Mauderer is HHS VP and wishes to participate as webmaster for cheerleaders if he stays at HHS. If he leaves HHS Mark Winkle will be fully in charge of the webpage. If Mr. Mauderer stays at HHS, both Mr. Mauderer and Mr. Winkle will share responsibility for the webmaster position as co-chairs.

Jeff Drake motioned to accept nomination slate and Lori O'Reilly seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned. New President:

Amy re-adjourned meeting.

Need committee people - get involved, come to meetings, be informed. Discussed that we are here to work for and help the coaches and cheerleaders - that is booster club’s role.

Publicity idea - give disposable cameras to parents of cheerleaders in order to get pictures of all teams

Discussed changing meeting place and time in order for the coaches to attend. Possibility of meeting at "Oscars" on 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30pm with the first meeting to be held on 5/21/07. Amy will call Oscars to set up. She will need a "head count" each month from communications chair.

Newsletter was discussed to be a "mail" only - instead of being distributed by hand and mailed as done previously.

Friday, May 25th is in cheerleader swim party. Big Sis/Lil Sis will be announced at this party. The gift limit is $25.00. The swim party will be held at Gena Upchurch's house.

Briefly went over camp procedures for new parents.

Fundraisers briefly discussed - parent shirts could be a possibility, and the cheer clinic this year could be connected with RYA per Rebecca our 2nd VP. RYA pays the cheer clinic to teach the kids.

Idea for implementing a "buddy system" for cheerleaders who need tutoring help.

Water monitors will be needed for each team, 1st VP, Amber Dickson to determine and provide information at next meeting.

Meeting of the "executive board" to be tabled until next meeting. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted/Terri Gray/Secretary