Kim Shelton – oom 146

COURSE DESCRIPTION: English IV is the final English course requirement for graduating seniors. This course focuses on the influence of British Literature on our culture, literature, government and beliefs. We will be examining various eras of British Literature including The Emergent Period, The Renaissance Period, The Restorative Period and the 18th century, The Romantic Period, The Victorian Period, and finally, The 20th Century. In addition there is adequate work on vocabulary development, use of reference materials, as well as critical analyses of various literary works and the senior research project.

GOAL: Students are encouraged to read carefully, take notes, discuss and think independently about the various works of literature. Students will prepare for future requirements of learning whether in the work place or in further formal educational settings.


Pens pocket dictionarynotebook dividers

Pencils thesaurus1 one subject notebook

3 ring binder colored pencilsreport folders

Loose leaf notebook paperhighlightersJump drive – not mandatory

COURSE OUTLINE: - subject to change at teacher discretion.

1st 9 weeks

Anglo Saxon/Emergent Period

-Origins of English Language


-Relationship between Old & Modern English

-Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Outside Reading – Lord of the Flies


-Incorporating sources

-Note taking

-MLA Documentation

-Rough & Final Drafting

-Avoiding Plagiarism

Medieval Period/Middle Ages

-Medieval Ballads

-Oral Tradition of Literature

-Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales

-Arthurian Legend

Elizabethan Drama - Macbeth

2nd 9 weeks

Elizabethan Period/Renaissance

-Sonnet Forms

-Literary Analysis & Creative Writing

Restoration Period & Neoclassicism

-Metaphysical Literature

-Cavalier Poets

-Satire – Gulliver’s Travels

-“A Modest Proposal”

-Social Commentaries – Defoe, Wolstonecraft, Pope

Outside Reading - Animal Farm

Romantic Period

-1st generation – Coleridge & Wordsworth

-2nd generation – Keats, Shelley, Byron

-Byronic Hero

-Romantic Poets

Victorian & Modern Period

-Poetry & Short Story Selections

-Modern Drama - Pygmalion

GRADING PROCEDURES: The GHS grading scale is in effect. Please note that grades are broken down into the following percentages:



Papers/Projects 35%

PARENT CONNECTis a communication tool that is available for use this year. Since parents have access to student grades at any time, it is a wonderful way to keep students on track toward success. In order for this to be effective for all stakeholders, here are a few guidelines for my class:

- Daily Grades/ Quizzes/ Homework will be recorded within 2 days.

-Tests Grades – All tests will have an essay component, which requires more time to grade. Tests will be graded & recorded within 5 days.

-Essay/Project Grades – My goal is to have these graded and recorded at 7th day.

My desire is to be efficient & effective in recording grades, so that all students & parents are aware progress in class. These guidelines are to not only keep parents/students aware & accountable, but also, they serve to keep me accountable to students.

Once graded & recorded, all papers, projects, test, etc., will be returned to students. In addition, students will be given printed progress reports bi-weekly and at their request.

Since I have 3 full classes, please keep in mind that it is easier for you to keep track of your one child, than it is for me keep up with 60 + students. I will do my best to educate all of my students. I look forward to teaming with you and your student to help them be successful in my class.

DepartmentalHomework Policy

Students are expected to complete class assignments and projects on time. Late homework will be accepted up to two days after due date for a 50.

For major projects/assignments -late work will receive 10 points per day deduction. After 3 days of lateness, late assignments will receive no higher than a grade of 50/F.

Please note, Extra Credit is not offered for this class.


Be prepared! No one will be allowed to leave class to get books, homework, etc.


Respond maturely in writing and discussion! (You are seniors, after all!!)


Use your time wisely!!! Wasted time will result in time requirements outside of class.

If homework/out of class assignments are not turned in on due date, I reserve the right to hold that student after school until work is completed! I do not mind if student misses athletic practice, band practice, chorus practice, or is late for work, since earning this credit and graduation are paramount to extra - curricular pursuits!

**** Pay close attention to this! ****

Plagiarism is the copying of not only another’s words, but also his/her ideas. Copying as few as three words is considered plagiarism. Taking someone else’s ideas and not giving him/her credit is also plagiarism. If I discover that you have plagiarized anything, you will be given a zero for that assignment, and you will NOT be allowed to redo it. If you are not sure you are plagiarizing, ask me before you turn something in; don’t wait for me to draw a big red zero on your paper!!! This is a severe offense, so please be very cautious of it. A zero on just one writing assignment can fail you for the entire nine weeks.

I have reviewed the course syllabus and understand the outlined expectations and guidelines for English IV.

Student signature Date

Parent signatureDate

Parent e-mailPhone(s):