CGU Board Meeting

/ March 13, 2017
6:30-8:30 pm

Randy LynchPresident

TBDVice President

Beth SchultAdministrator/Registrar


Jeremy HandlerDirector of Coaches

Joe WegeleBoys Competitive Director

Ryan MaloneyGirls Competitive Director

Beth LindblomCommunications/Publicity Director

Sharon KortusDirector of Equipment

Jason KorthDirector of Fields & Facilities

Cheryl HarerDirector of Fundraising

Kari LentzDirector of Rec Soccer

Beth LindblomDirector of Tournaments

Tim FriemannDirector of Uniforms

Mike WolfgramDirector of Volunteers

Scott LeonardHigh School Liaison

Colleen HaseDirector of Referees

Francis MurekeziMember at Large Dale Roth, Stephanie, Danielle Menard joined the meeting

Agenda Items

Call to order @6:38pm
Approval of the last month’s minutes & today’s agenda Mike W moves to approve, Tim F seconds
Treasurer report Cash 79k financials down by 3k. upcoming expenses, tournaments Jeremy booked, contractors fee and dome fees. April last payment 16/17s-then summer rec. Vote on budget by Randy-some concern on profit. Jason makes motion to pass, sharon seconds
Vice President
●Main Board Report Baseball merged with SSP and Hastings. Possibly future for CG-discussed waiving CGU DIBS hours for cross members who honor our dibs. Figure out policy on flagged background checks. Scoreboard for Hamlet 13k, 2 controllers, advertisement around the board, our portion would be 4k-tabled until next month.
Communications would like if everyone go on website and see whats on their spot
Competitive Soccer Training numbers are up. Coaches meeting on March 26th. Need more coaches background reports. Also managers not done(6), replacement of boys director. Kids fest 9-12 at arena on the 25th-to do list, need ball size 4 or 5.
●discussion for our reimbursement policy some cancelling, some sign up fall only then decide want spring. Joe going to take lead.
Fields & Facilities Meeting with city. they gave away the fields for Jamboree date Aug. 5th. Permits are in.
Fundraising verbal commitment Carbones for Raffle-baskets there at RWTW
High School Liaison Registration for scholarship for soccer
REC On track for spring rec, set for 350. set up for rec bag set up and pick up. summer rec registration May 1st. rec following MYSA guidelines. summer school grade. Kari is stepping down after spring rec.
● talk about refs, assigning, field scheduling, etc.grading system, get info out for new refs. talked about process of getting field scheduling, ref availability and field availability. Have 5 adult mentors-struggle with players passes printing or on phones.
●Brochure info. sponsor tier.
Uniforms spring rec uniforms-new uniform for comp, research new logo competition
President’s Report
●Old Business: Official vote on EGD, Pass the budget, pass the roles and responsibilities. EGD-joe motion to hold it and Ryan 2nd. Motion is approve roles and responsibilities 2017-jason motions, Mike 2nd.
●New Business 1 week to Randy to discuss reasons to doubt scoreboard. Officially appointed Francis to the board.
Sharon motions to adjourn, CHeryl 2nd at 9:10.