Hawkhurst Parish Council Minutes Meeting: Land Committee

Date: 28th November 2016

Ref: am

Parish Office Typed: 30th November 2016


Dr M Robertson, (Chairman), Mr M Appelbe, Mr J Hunt, Mrs J Newman (Ex Officio).


All other Members,

Mr. G Bland, Mrs. B Palmer, Mr. N Gray, Mr. S Holden,

1. /

Adjournment for Public Speaking

1.1 /

No members of the public were in attendance.

2. /

Apologies for absence

2.1 / Mrs A Hastie, Mr P Jones and Mr C Williamson (Vice-Chairman)
3.1 / Declaration of interests
12. /


The Clerk attended the meeting to go through the draft budget following on from the previous meeting as she had asked all to review the figures and any adjustments could be made in this meeting before final approval for the full council in December. MA had requested £2K for a feasibility study for a skate park project. He has been lobbied by a member of the public and the primary school had carried out a survey of 150 children views on a possible skate park. The Head Teacher has asked him what had happened as a result of the survey. The Clerk explained (as she had to MA before the meeting) that this project has not been allocated funds as a separate item in next years budget and it is not in the current one. The F & GP Committee felt other priorities were more urgent such as the replacement of the broken playground equipment at both play areas, which she would be talking about next. The routes/process for MA to follow if he wanted to process this idea at the present time are to wait and see if any funds are left over in this committee’s budget, if this is the case he could ask Members if these can be allocated to cover these costs. If not supported he could ask full council if there is a surplus from this years budget. Then he could request for funds to be allocated to this project.NG explained that during the recent F & GP meeting the priorities for the council were reviewed. Item no.2 on the existing list was the maintenance, repair and replacement of the playground equipment. This has not been done for various reasons over the years but particularly at the KVG this has been left as it could be the site for the new community centre. The F & GP Committee had decided that extra funds should be found to buy at some new equipment at the KGV Play area to replace the broken item that was recently taken down. She explained that an extra £10k had been found. A new code for a rolling programme for play equipment replacement has been created. The new funds would be allocated to it. £5k would come from reshuffling the existing budget as although some funds had been left in the code for fees for a new community centre, since ASC has fallen through it would take some time to decide on a replacement options so these would not all be need in the next year, these could be added to the figures already allocated for playground capital works and the rest would come from a modest increase in the Council Tax this would work out to be £1.91 per year for a band D property. MR explained that AH had been researching the cost for new play equipment and once it was decided to go ahead we would require three quotes as usual with Members voting to decide on the best option. JH felt that the playgrounds are good facilities for the village and it is important they should be kept to a good standard.
MR explained the Chairman of the Parish Council can vote at the sub committees. The Clerk confirmed that she hadn’t been able to find this written down in any of our manuals hence was why she believed it was not possible, she did make further enquires with KALC and they have confirmed to her that the Chairman as Ex Officio is entitled to vote.
MR proposed that the committee vote on the budget as it has been presented. It was unanimously agreed.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of Meeting held on 26thSeptember 2016 were unanimously accepted.
Matters Arising
Ground Maintenance – A quote had been received from a local contractor and our existing contractor had send in their quote for next year. Both were discussed. A vote was taken and it was unanimously agreed to remain with our existing contractor for another year.
Fund Raising – all agreed to move to next meeting when Cllr Hastie would be back to update Members
KGV Playing Field – a) Veg plot – Assistant Clerk to speak to children’s club leader to clarify the position and report back at the next meeting.
b) Play bark – quote received all agreed this was acceptable and a date is to be arranged for this to be collected and laid.
c) Fireworks – had been a success with the village enjoying the event, good reports have been received by the office, one couple enjoying it from their window. There was one complaint received concerning the noise this has been resolved by the Clerk. JH had been concerned about rubbish and firework ends etc. on the Moor but he reported that all had been cleaned up very well. Some concerns were raised about the state of the grass that was under the bonfire. Assistant Clerk explained that the Bonfire Society had used a special turf cutting machine to carefully remove the turf so afterwards it could be laid back down. It was felt this was a very successful event and the organisers had cleaned very up well. It was hoped it would be repeated in future years.
Heartenoak Field – None.
Fowlers Wood – Nothing to report. MA offered to inspect and report back at the next meeting. JN said that TWBC do offer educational support for schools using woodlands.
Allotments – Two plots will become available at Ockley shortly as a couple are moving from the area. A letter had been received concerning dispute between two other allotment holders. Assistant Clerk and MR had booked a meeting in the diary to meet up with the allotment holder concerned to hear his point of view and try to resolve.
Cemetery – MR reported that the situation with the planted gardens seems to have settled down. Revised regulations were discussed (although both alterations from the previous meeting after referring to The Clerk cannot be legally made).These were unanimously agreed.
Matters For Further Discussion
Budget – as above.
Hedge Rye Rd – NG has in hand as member of the public has also complained about how narrow the footpath had become. She is arranging a meeting with KCC to see how we can progress this and get the owners to properly cut it back. MR asked if it could be noted that he would like to attend any meeting organised with regard to this matter. JN suggested a footpath article in the Village Magazine might be a good idea. MR to liaise with MA may be get something ready for the Feb/Mar issue
Hanging Baskets – Assistant Clerk preparing invoices
AOB – MR mentioned that the owners of the Fish & Chip shop would rather not use their electricity for the Christmas lights. Assistant Clerk reported that Fete Committee have found someone else to provide this for this year.
Questions and Comments from Councillors
MA was concerned that the Land Committee are not represented as well as other committees at F & GP. MR explained that he attended so felt this was not an issue, PJ also attends regularly although he had to miss the last one as he had not been well but like with all committees from time to time not all members can make every meeting. MA asked if someone was not able to attend should another person attend. MR felt this would only really be necessary if he as Chairman could not go then he would ask the Vice Chairman. MA wanted to know if the scenario occurred where neither the Chairman nor Vice Chairman could attend who would represent the Land Committee. Members felt this would be not very lightly but Assistant Clerk agreed to check the procedure with the Clerk and report back at the next meeting.
Notes and Information


The meeting closed at 20.25. The next meeting will be held on 23rd January 2017


Dr Michael Robertson

Chairman Land Committee