To Parents;
As a parent of a student who is going on a mission trip with us this summer, I am sure you have many questions. This letter is to give some general information along with my own personal testimony of my involvement, and that of my children, with the Antioch Movement.
My wife and I have three children, all of whom have graduated from Baylor and have been powerfully impacted by Antioch Community Church (ACC). In fact, as a result of the profound effect of ACC in the lives of my children, my wife and I have moved to Waco and I am currently on staff with ACC as Director of Development. Suffice to say, we have been blessed beyond measure by the hearts and hands of the leaders in this Body and are filled with gratitude to God and confidence in the shepherds called here to love and care for students in our midst.
Our oldest daughter, Brooke, has been on six mission trips with the Antioch college ministry. She also went through the training school after graduating from Baylor and served as an Antioch missionary for one year in North Africa. We have been on numerous trips overseas ourselves, the college trip several times and have witnessed our leaders in action countless times. As a parent, it is with utmost confidence that I encourage you to pray with your student about the mission trip they are considering, knowing that if God is leading them to say yes, and you feel you can support their decision; a potentially life-changing experience awaits them.
They will be trained and led by veteran leaders who have proven themselves over the years. And this all done under the covering of a local church with perhaps more mission experience than any church in America. We are thankful for your love and support of your student and covet your prayers as we steward the lives of yours and many others both here in Waco and wherever God leads us. Please contact us if we can help in any way.
For the Glory of Jesus,
Patrick Murphy
Pastor of Donor Ministries