Rainhill HigH SCHOOL
media arts college
YEAR 8 – ART – Gaudi Project
HT2:Clay Sculpture / Design(7 weeks) /
This half term I am learning:
  • Culture
What are the characteristics demonstrated in Gaudi’s architecture?
The influence of natural form on architectural design and ceramics.
  • Media/Mediums
How to create a 3D ceramic sculpture based on Antoni Gaudi and Art Nouveau.
> How to use a variety of ceramic techniques including coiling andslabbing.
How to create a range of mark making techniques in clay, including incisions, relief, stippling.
How to confidently apply Water Colour / block paints / to fired porous clay to create a final piece.
  • Techniques / Technology
>How to create a design for a 3D clay piece in 2D
>How to create a ceramic piece using a variety of techniques including slabbing, coining and relief.
>How to explore a range of mark making techniques in clay
> How to apply a range of tone and shade through paint tocreate a strong and versatile paint effect on the finished sculpture
By the end of this half term I will:
  • Culture
> Be able to recognise / understand key characteristics of AntoniGaudi’s work. You will be able toapply his influence to inform your ceramic sculpture.
  • Media /Mediums
>Be able to apply a range of mark making techniques onto ceramic. > Be able to skilfully apply a range of building and construction techniques using ceramic medium.
>You will have completed a ceramic sculpture demonstrating a wide range of skill and accuracy using a wide range of construction and mark making techniques.
The HT Assessment on this term is:
  • You will be completing an assessment on your ability to use a range of mark making techniques and building techniques when using ceramics
/ / Key Terms I will learn this half term:
  • Antoni Gaudi
  • Ceramics
  • Design
  • mosaic
  • Coil
  • Crosshatch
  • slip
  • indent
  • incise
  • porous
  • watercolour
  • varnish

Learning Outcomes / Literacy Focus / Homework
In HT2/1 Classwork I will:
  • Create a series of designs for a ceramic sculpture based on Gaudi.
  • Discussing construction techniques and mark making techniques.
/ HT2/: Homophone spellings – words that sound the same but have different spellings egtheir and there / HT2/1: Draw a final design idea for your ceramic sculpture
InHT2/2 and 2/3 Classwork I will:
  • Pupils to understand how to transfer a 2D design into a ceramic sculpture
  • Learn how to use a variety of ceramic techniques to start to create a sculpture.
/ HT2/: Use of connectives. / HT2/3: Add colour to your design

In HT/4 and 2/5 Classwork I will:
  • Learn how touse slip to attach clay to clay
  • Learn how to develop skills in ceramics using relief and incision techniques
/ HT2/: Use of the correct tense in writing / HT2/5: Find the meanings of :
Cross hatch
In HT2/6 and 2/7 Classwork I will:
  • Pupils will demonstrate understanding and knowledge of application of water colour paint to porous ceramic final piece.
/ HT2 /Editing and proof reading your work. / HT2/7:Draw an A5image of your fired final piece.