Final Draft Format:350pts.
Due May 10th at the beginning of class. Late papers will be deducted 10% per day.
Directions: Follow the steps listed below to achieve a final typed draft of your paper. If you do not have access to a printer, save your paper on a flash drive or email your paper and we can print at school.
- Create a Title page: Center of the page list your paper Title, next line your name, then your class.
Ex. Writing a research paper
First and Last name
1AB Language Arts
- Create an Abstract page: The second page of the paper will be a brief summary of what you examined/discovered in your paper using broad concepts. (one paragraph)
- The writing of your final draft: Use 12pt. font size, Calibri font. At the top of the word program, please select the following tab, Insert, and click on the right hand side tab that says”Page Number”. Choose bottom of the page center. No indentation is need for paragraphs.Just a one line space.
- Finally, when you have finished typing your fifteen paragraph(15) research paper press the following to highlight all of you text [Ctrl & A]. This should highlight your entire paper, then right click any of the highlighted paper and scroll about half way down to where it says paragraph, click it. The third section down will say spacing, click on the tab on the right and select Double. Now, SAVE your paper with your name as the file name and class Ex.(Joe Smith 1AB).
- Type your Works Cited pageand attach/place it at the end of your paper.
Final Draft Format: 350pts.
Due May 10th at the beginning of class. Late papers will be deducted 10% per day.
Directions: Follow the steps listed below to achieve a final typed draft of your paper. If you do not have access to a printer, save your paper on a flash drive or email your paper and we can print at school.
- Create a Title page: Center of the page list your paper Title, next line your name, then your class.
Ex. Writing a research paper
First and Last name
1AB Language Arts
- Create an Abstract page: The second page of the paper will be a brief summary of what you examined/discovered in your paper using broad concepts. (one paragraph)
- The writing of your final draft: Use 12pt. font size, Calibri font. At the top of the word program, please select the following tab, Insert, and click on the right hand side tab that says ”Page Number”. Choose bottom of the page center. No indentation is need for paragraphs.Just a one line space.
- Finally, when you have finished typing your fifteen paragraph(15) research paper press the following to highlight all of you text [Ctrl & A]. This should highlight your entire paper, then right click any of the highlighted paper and scroll about half way down to where it says paragraph, click it. The third section down will say spacing, click on the tab on the right and select Double. Now, SAVE your paper with your name as the file name and class Ex.(Joe Smith 1AB).
- Type your Works Cited page and attach/place it at the end of your paper.