Southern Oklahoma 4-H Spring Trap Shoot
Saturday May 2, 2009
Date: May 2, 2009
Place: Duncan Gun Club
Duncan, OK
Registration and Squading Procedure
Ø 8:00 a.m. Practice houses open
Ø 9:00 a.m. Registration (Please email or fax team and individual numbers to Kim Davis (580-255-0442 or ) by April 27, 2009 if you have special requests for shooting times)
Ø Trap shooting will start promptly at 10:00 a.m.
Ø Awards will be presented at the conclusion of the shoot offs.
Shoot Fees - 50 targets = $15.00 per shooter (includes costs of awards)
Practice Shoot Fees - 25 targets = $2.50 per person
(Make Checks payable to Duncan Gun Club)
Age divisions (teams of 4 people) Age as of the day of the shoot
Junior team = ages 10 - 13
Senior team = ages 14 – 19
Age division (individuals) Age as of the day of the shoot
Ages 10 - 11
Ages 12 - 13
Ages 14 - 15
Ages 16 - 19
A member of a team will compete as an individual (in their age classification) for individual awards.
Team and individual awards will be based on 50 target shots.
Tiebreaker decided as follows:
Trap = 2 shots one each station (10 targets)
** Following the Contest there will be a Wolf Chase Fundraiser to help offset cost of the event.
Trap Team Awards
Awards to each shooter on the 1st thru 3rd Place Junior Team
Awards to each shooter on the 1st thru 3rd Place Senior Team
Trap Individual Awards
Awards to the top 3 in each age group age
Age 10 - 11 1st 2nd 3rd
Age 12 - 13 1st 2nd 3rd
Age 14 - 15 1st 2nd 3rd
Age 16 - 19 1st 2nd 3rd
Top Male Shooter
Top Female Shooter
Both ear and eye protection is required to shoot.
Do not rest the gun on your toe.
Do not load the gun until it is your turn to shoot.
One shell in the gun at a time.
All certified instructors should assume the role of a safety officer.
Obey the instruction of the safety officers.
· We will need volunteers on hand to do the pulling and to serve as referees.
· No coaching during competition, only before.
· One misfire or one reloaded ammunition malfunction per round will be allowed for recall. After one reloaded ammunition malfunction, shooter is required to finish round with new shells. (No limit on ammunition malfunctions with new ammo)
· Bring your own ammunition: Legal Trap Loads only - (Maximum Load 12 gauge 1 1/8 oz, 3 dram equivalent of powder).
THE MINIMUM AGE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 4-H SHOOT WILL BE TEN (10) ON THE DAY OF THE SHOOT. Members should have received a minimum of 8 hours of instruction before the day of the shoot.
All participants must have completed the Hunter Education Safety Program to be eligible to participate in any 4-H Shooting Sports Contest.
Verification of Shooters: Extension Educators, Coordinators, or Coaches must submit a signed list of eligible shooters from the county: (1) verifying that they are 4-H Members, (2) having completed the hunter education safety program, and (3) having attended a minimum of 8 hours of instruction prior to the contest. We are no longer maintaining a file of the cards; your signature is legal verification that they have completed the course.
Practice shooting will begin at 8:00 am. The fees for practice shooting must be paid at the desk before going outside to the range and are not included with the registration cost for the actual shoot. Practice shoot fees are $2.00 for 25 targets. Please indicate when you call with participants if you plan on practicing so we can be ready for your group.
A copy of a RAM form, which should be in the hands of the respective coaches and leaders for each individual 4-H participant, can be downloaded from the Oklahoma 4-H shooting sports Website. These do not need to be submitted at registration time; however, in case of an emergency or accident, the coach/leader should have them easily accessible. Each county should secure their own activity insurance.