Winter Symposium 2011
Small Group Discussion #2: Developing An Agreement
(Recommendations shown in bold were included in more than one discussion group.)
1. What 4-6 components do you suggest for inclusion in the campus community agreement?
Clearly stated vision and goals
· A clear vision, strategic plan; what are the institutional priorities?
· We need to engage in an exercise of priority-setting versus adding more to the plates
· Admit that we can’t do everything and need to choose carefully where to focus
· Agreement on values that drive priorities
Enhanced transparency and consistency
· Clarity of decision making process/transparency
· Budgetary transparency (see Budget and Revenue)
· Definition of transparency that includes 1) clear explanation of the process being used for decision making 2) the responsibility of leader to respond to faculty who participate, and 3) a realistic description of the impact of people’s input
· Transparency vs disclosure (understand limitation of transparency)
Enhanced communication
· More communication and discussion of vision, goals, priorities; build understanding
· Deans and chairs must clearly state their support for this process and all the elements of the solution; their decisions need to reflect their support
· More small group discussions vs. forums
· Build in real understanding of contribution of all groups on campus (adjunct, staff,
· academic professors, fixed term, tenure, tenure track, etc) and look at the real costs of our decisions for all groups
· Process for prioritizing desired goals or outcomes, especially with resource allocation, since we likely cant pursue all goals at once with equal fervor
· Process for piloting procedures to understanding their feasibility, the challenges they present, (process for piloting efforts at student success, measuring faculty productivity across disciplines, etc)
· Taking a more communitarian approach between academic professionals and faculty in supporting our goals
· Faculty should have ultimate say in the curriculum of their courses
· We all agree to utilize the already existing policies, procedure tools in place to achieve our mutually agreed upon goals of the university
· Increased communication in University – eg. Faculty had no input on D2L
· Administration must engage faculty early and often
· Encourage communication among faculty – we don’t know what others are doing; provide faculty dining hall or lounge
· Connect faculty from various disciplines on a personal level (outside of PSU etc) to create relationships that will cross over academics
Other commitments from the administration (in addition to vision, transparency and communication)
· Use best practice from corporate world for work of dept chairs – administrative training for all chairs in data based decision making; budgeting; curriculum development; master schedule building; faculty development
· Provost should be appointed the executive VP as a sign that PSU’s academic mission and strategies are of paramount importance and reflected in the organizational structure
· Provost responsibly exercises oversight of deans and achieves accountability
· Administration must address the tension that faculty feel re: competing demands
· Mend broken promises to create trust again between admin & faculty. Show follow through (funding in particular)
· Facilitate communication between schools to determine common goals, joint focus, split responsibilities and costs
· Need innovation not just reactivity; change paradigm of doing more with less to managing tension between faculty, fixed term, and tenure
· Attention to procedural matters and paperwork that can be eliminated in order to free up faculty and staff time
Commitment from the faculty and staff
· PSU faculty should recognize they are part of the solution and assume responsibility
· Faculty should participate when engaged by the administration
· Faculty satisfaction survey to use as a baseline – establish a metric we can share
· Faculty should take collective responsibility for addressing tension between teaching, scholarship & research priorities within their departments/schools
Commitment to student success
· Growth should not come at the cost of academic quality
· Ongoing monitoring of student success ex: data dashboard, easy access to student profiles or records
· Research must focus on the link between faculty, staff and student retention
· Faculty and staff recognize shared responsibility to achieve university enrollment goals in recruitment, retention, and student success
· Commitment to quality – joint accountability and support of students
· Make space available for student collaboration for meetings of students and tutoring or conferences
Budget & distribution
· Make budget more responsive to success – eg. departments that achieve excellence in priority areas (ex. attract out of state students) should see an addition in their budget
· Administration is transparent about criteria for allocations of savings/revenue
· Share incentives including indirect cost for shared benefit
· A budget that is transparent for progressing toward common goals
· The funding environment causes departments to be reactionary; a stable fiscal environment would achieve goals
· Rational budget process/timeline based on state/university timelines
· Solicit faculty input on how additional resources are spent
· We need a transparent, revenue-driven budget model that works versus an expenditure-driven model with little relationship to goals
· High-productivity units should continue to receive resources to be sustainable (vs throwing money at next new thing)
· Consider distribution of resources based on a model of multi-faceted high productivity, high profile and minimum performance standards
· Identify next marginal revenue à identify it, make best use of it
Awards based on fair assessments
· Departments should benefit from productivity (scholarships or grants) develop standards
· Faculty incentives must be allocated at the program level
· Provide special acknowledgement of work
· Exemplary service awards or simple ways of showing thanks; increase efforts in supporting and recognizing staff (not just faculty)
· Evaluation of faculty inconsistent across campus – more rewards/acknowledgements of effective teaching
· Student evaluation of instructors
· Peer observation
· Teaching portfolios as part of P&T
· Showcase effective teaching
· Support for scholarship of teaching
· Link teacher evaluation criteria to university vision – eg GSE “conceptual framework”
· Honor, leverage, and be creative about the differential talents of faculty, maybe increase quality & productivity
· Rubric for assessment from faculty and student standpoint
2. What campus community groups should be represented on a work group charged with drafting an agreement?
(Recommendations shown in bold were included in more than one discussion group.)
- Faculty from each college
- Dept/Div/School/Chairs & Deans
- Support staff that work on the front lines in dealing with students on a daily basis
- Faculty Senate
- Students/Student leaders (grad & undergraduate)
- Local community & outside partners
- XS
- Administration
- PSU foundation volunteers
- Writing Center
- University Studies
- Faculty Senate Steering Committee
- Alumni
- Diversity Action Council