Name date period
Education & Training / BCTAL
Mac Attack
Rules for using the Macbooks in class.
1. Do not get your Macbook out for class use unless it says you will need them on the board each day.
2. You will be assigned a computer by number. Always get your own computer. Check the number each time to be sure you have the right one.
3. Do not carry the computer opened. It should be closed when moving from one spot to another. Do not sit the computer on top of your backback, books, binders, etc. It should be sitting flat on your table.
4. No Drinks of food around the Macbooks. You will give up your privilege if you do this.
5. Do not download anything from the internet unless I tell you to. Stay off of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and social media sites in class, unless I ask you to go to one of these sites.
6. Please keep your computer clean. There are several people using the same computers, we will periodically wipe them down to cut down on germs. Follow my instructions.
7. If you are having an issue with your computer, DO NOT try to fix it yourself. Raise your hand and show me what the problem is. If your computer appears to “freeze”, let me know and I will take care of the problem.
8. Do not change the desktop background.
9. Before you leave each day, click on the Black Apple and log out.
10. Always put your laptop back on the corresponding tray and be sure it is connected to the power. The little light on the cord will light up when it is engaged.
11. Always ask before you print.
I understand the basic rules to use the Macbooks in Mrs. Stevens’ classroom.
Getting Started on the Mac
Go to the assignments link on the class wiki
Click here to view Mac Basics
PC to Mac: The Basics 5:49 / Personalizing Your Mac 2:11Finder 1:55 / iMovie 4:07
Safari 4:07 / iPhoto 4:42
View the following tutorials, using headphones or earbuds. After you complete each tutorial, think of three bullet points or shortcuts of useful information you should remember in order to make the PC to Mac transition as user friendly as possible. List them in the appropriate box. There are other tutorials you may be interested in viewing at a later time.
When you have finished viewing the Mac Tutorials, double click at the very top of this page and include your name, date and AM or PM. Save as a word document with your last name and today’s date.
Task: Do not work ahead. Stay with the class. There will be plenty of time to explore….later. / Answer: type your answers on the document when applicable. Save your work when finished. Then print1. Log in to your MacBook / Did your login work? Yes / No (use your school login)
What is your assigned MacBook number?
2. See that Photo Booth is on your dock. If it isn’t, repeat the same steps as before and find it in applications and drag to the dock. / When you have Photo Booth installed on your dock, Take ONE picture of yourself and save in IPhoto and label it with your name and date.
3. Go to Google and do a search for Mac shortcuts. You may include additional shortcuts to the ones listed.
Assessment: Game / Write what the Mac shortcut is next to each action.
· Cut
· Copy
· Paste
· Undo
· New webpage
· Delete
Click here to play a game.
4. Click on the Safari Icon. It looks like a compass. When it opens, click on the word SAFARI on the top bar. In the drop down, click on Preferences. Locate the Homepage box. In this box type: / Your home page should be the Birdville ISD website. If it is not, raise your hand. Close Safari, reopen Safari, whatever opens is your home page. It should be the BISD website.
5. Enter whichever one is your teacher. or
in the address bar. / When the Wiki page opens, click on Bookmarks on the top bar. Scroll down to Add Bookmark. Be sure the top box says Bookmarks Bar. In the second box, type either:
Stevens BCTAL Wiki or
Kallas BCTAL Wiki.
6. Locate the Black Apple / (hint) Located in the top left corner of the Macbook. Click on the Black Apple. Log Out. Always logout before you leave class. Repeated failure to logout will keep you from using the Mac’s in class.
Finish Line! You Did It!