Nanaimo Flying Club General Meeting
15 July 2012
The meeting was called to order at 0930 by Barbara Riddy. 15 Members were present.
1. Minutes of Last Meetings
Moved by Murray Welte: that the Minutes of the 17 June 2012 meeting be accepted
Seconded by Glen From. Carried
2. Executive Meeting Report
Executive Meeting discussions will be reported under the appropriate items below.
3. Financial
Net income -$11,070 due to lease, taxes, insurance payments all in same month.
Year to Date $10,671
Moved by Murray Welte: that the May 2012 financial report be accepted
Seconded by Don Crocker. Carried
The June report was deferred until the next meeting.
Social Fund – the last breakfast had a loss of $38 and George Irbe suggested that perhaps the honor system was not working and we should use tickets. Barb Riddy explained that items for the next breakfast had been purchased and were in the fridge/freezer so the next breakfast would have a profit. No change was officially proposed.
Vending Machine Report – The snack machine has $296 and the pop machine has $398 left to pay down until they are completely paid for by the profits from the machines.
The treasurer reported that the chequing account at the end of May was $65,549 but that during June we purchased approximately $78,000 worth of fuel. That put the chequing account at ($13,000) but with fuel sales we will be fine and the big bills are now paid for and we have fuel inventory. The treasurer also reported that he transferred the $20.00 from the Gaming Account into the Main account and closed the Gaming account.
Moved by Murray Welte to accept the May 2012 financial report and vending machine report.
Seconded by Garth Siewert Carried
4. Committee Reports
a. Building – Darrle Schlitz (absent)
Action Item from May 2012 meeting – Garth Siewert to look into getting some gravel/soil to fill the hole at the north side of the clubhouse. Garth is waiting to hear from a friend so the item is still open. Action: Garth Siewert
b. Parking – Paul Ralph (absent)
No report or issues.
c. Social – No Director at this time
Barb Riddy requested applications for the Social Director and a Board Director. These roles were both filled by Mike Wilkey, who resigned just after the May 2012 meeting. They do not need to be the same person. Any member interested in fulfilling
d. Membership – Autumn Umanetz (absent)
Moved by Barb Riddy: that Membership Applications from Ward Wamboldt, Martin Hatfield, Manuel Erikson, Bob Lord, Peter Falk and Joe Radschun be accepted.
Seconded by George Irbe Carried
NOTE: Martin Hatfield and Ward Wamboldt were accepted in the May 2012 minutes but this was overlooked without the Membership Director present.
e. Av-Gass – Al Brust
Submissions are welcome any time at
Request was made by the editor for any details on the Qualicum Fly-in as he was late in arriving and missed most of the action.
f. Fuel – Ken Welte
Sold 19,316 litres in May for total revenue of $29,316.
NOTE: These numbers were presented by George Irbe who calculated them from inventory received and terminal sales. The tank inventory had not been verified for this report.
5. Announcements and Coming Events
a. 15 July – Texada Island Fly-in.
b. 21 July – Princeton Fly-in and Air Show http://www.princetonairshow.ca/
c. 28 July – Pemberton Fly-in. www.pembertonflyingclub.ca
d. August Guest Speaker – Kevin Maher, President of the Duncan Flying Cub to speak about the Boeing Stearman and the Pratt and Whitney engine. Also has offered rides in the Stearman which he will bring to the meeting.
e. 27 to 29 July - Concrete North Cascades Vintage Fly-in.
f. EAA Airventure. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 23-29 July 2012. http://www.airventure.org/
g. Abbotsford Air Show. (50th Anniversary) 10-12 August 2012 http://abbotsfordairshow.com/joomla/index.php/7-news/1-50-years-of-abbotsford-airshow-in-2012
h. Reno Air Races. Reno, Nevada. 12-16 September 2012. http://www.airrace.org/index.php
(To be confirmed.)
i. AOPA Aviation Summit. Palm Springs, California. 11-13 October 2012. http://www.aopa.org/summit/
6. Old Business
a. Bursary Committee has been formed to create criteria guidelines for selecting candidates for the award. Once the criteria are developed, they will be presented to the members at a future meeting.
7. New Business – no issues
8. Next Meeting Date
19 August 2012
Executive Meeting 0900
General Meeting 0930
9. Adjournment Moved by Glen From: that the meeting be adjourned.
Seconded by Murray Welte. Carried
The meeting was adjourned at 10:05.
Andrea Trepanier
Guest Speaker
Thanks to Bruce McQuigan for his informative presentation on paragliding.
Thanks to the volunteer chefs (Al and Ken) responsible for providing a tasty brunch.
15 July 2012