Racial Profiling
9/18 to 9/22
See my NHS Website for Handouts
If absent, complete
all notes,
class and homework assign-ments! / Documentation Worksheet due
1. Activity 11:Summary
2. Activity 12:
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
3. PAPA Square
4. Activity 13:
Choose one of the topics from “Jim Crow Policing” and write for 5 minutes:
What does this writer want us to believe? Find evidence from the article to support your opinion.
What is your response to one of the author’s main ideas? What is the main idea. Find evidence from the article to sup-port the main idea.Com-plete the entire page.
On back of Activity 12
Download & Print Activities #16-18 from Canvas/ NHS webpage / Activities 12 & 13 due
(Staple in order)
1. Activity 14:
Reflect on Reading Process
Respond to the following questions in a quickwrite:
What have you learned so far from joining the conversation on this topic? What do you still want to learn next? What reading strategies did you use or learn in this module? Which strategies will you use in read-ing other texts? How will these strategies apply to your work in other classes? In what ways has your ability to read and discuss texts like this one improved?
Writing Task
2. EPT Scoring Guide
How essays will be graded
3. Activity 15:
Racial Profiling
a. Attack the Prompt:
- Read prompt.
- Circle Verbs in directions-
the actions you as a
writer will do
- After the verb, underline
what you are specifically
expected to do.
b. Fill out Do/What Chart / Current article on racial profiling due
Racial Profiling
Writing Task
1. Finish Do/What
2. Complete TAPS
3. Read Activity 16
Create a tentative
(Answer Quest.1 only)
4. Annotate current racial profiling article that you found online. / Annotated Article due
1. Activity 16:
Answer questions #2-5 to help you with evidence/support, back-ground info, & counter-argument.
(student download from NHS website)
3. Complete the Thesis Generator
4. Introduction
Structure (1/2 pg.)
(Get Notes)
v Start with hook
v Background on police dept’s use of profiling
v Explain Herbert’s argument
v Thesis Statement / Research/Evidence for essay AND Introduction due (Get a stamp)
1. Activity 17:
Analyzing Evidence
• How does the evidence
support your claim?
• Is it a fact or opinion? If
opinion, what facts can you
find to support it
• Will the evidence be per-
suasive to your audience?
•Now put a check mark
by the items that will
serve as good evidence
based on these criteria.
2. Activity 18:
Getting Ready to Write
Brainstorm ideas about your position either by listing information or by freewriting for at least ½ pg. Without stopping.
What is the exact issue? Why is it important?
Do people care about it? What is most important about this issue? What are some other points of view on this topic? How do you think the issue should be resolved?
3. Consider Structure
· Use Shaping the Essay Handout
/ Finish Activities 12-13 due Tues.Discussion Board Response bringing a current article on racial profiling to class are due Wed. / Bring a current article on racial profiling to class Download & Print Activities #16-18 from Canvas or NHS webpage
Discussion Board
ALL due Wednesday / Annotate your
article with comments
Research and find evidence that will support your claim / Write Introduction
Research and find evidence that supports your claim / Write Paragraph 2 on the Shaping the Essay Handout