Center for Regenerative Medicine

and Cell Based Therapies (CRMCBT)


August 17 – 18, 2012

Mohican State Park Lodge

Friday, 8/17/12

8:30 AM – 9:00AM Welcome and Opening Remarks

Chandan Sen, Ph.D.

Director, Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Based Therapies

Associate Dean, Translational & Applied Research

Professor and Vice-Chairman, Surgery

Director, OSU Comprehensive Wound Center

Deputy Director, Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute

Steven Gabbe, M.D.(Video)

Senior Vice President, Office of Health Sciences

CEO, Wexner Medical Center, Ohio State University (OSU)

E. Christopher Ellison, M.D.

Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs, College of Medicine

Associate Vice President, Clinical Affairs

Jeremy Rich, M.D.

Co-Director,National Center for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM)

Chairman, Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine Lerner Research Institute Cleveland Clinic.

9:00AM to 12:00PM First Session

9:00AM to 10:00AM The Development and Translation of Tissue Engineered Vascular Graft

Toshiharu Shin Oka, M.D., Ph.D., Co-Director, Tissue Engineering Program, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Surgery, OSU

Translational Research a Two Way Street

Chris Breuer, M.D., Deputy Vice Chair of Research, Director, Tissue Engineering Program, OSU, Co-Director, Tissue Engineering Program, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

A Closed System Approach to Manufacture of a TEVG: Why Do I Prefer Thee?---Let Me Count the Ways

Edward Snyder, MD, FACP, Professor Laboratory Medicine, Yale University Medical School, Director, Transfusion/Apheresis/Tissue/Cell Processing Services, Yale-New Haven Hospital

Panel Discussion

10:00AM to 11:00PMReverse Tissue Engineering

Jed Johnson, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer, Nanofiber Solutions

Computational Modeling and Bone Tissue Engineering

Michael Miller, M.D., Professor and Chair, Plastic Surgery, OSU

Bone and Cartilage Tissue Engineering, CTP and Stem Cell Biology

George Muschler, M.D., Staff Surgeon, Orthop. Surgery, Director, Orthop. Res. Ctr., Dir., Clin. Tissue Eng. Ctr., Staff, Dept. of Biomed. Eng., Cleveland Clinic, NCRM

Use of animal stem cells in preclinical models

Alicia Bertone, DVM, Ph.D., Diplomate ACVS, TheTrueman Chair in Equine Clinical Medicine and Surgery, OSU

Panel Discussion

11:00AM to 12:00PMTissue Engineering: Challenges in Multi-cellular Organization

Keith Gooch, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, OSU

Engineering Tools from Cells to Biomaterials

Horst von Recum, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)

Multi-scale Biomaterials for Stem Cell Based Therapy and Tissue Regeneration

Xiaoming (Shawn) He, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering, OSU

Micro- and Nanofabricated Polymer Structures for Tissue Engineering and Cell Biology

Derek Hansford, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Associate Professor, Materials Science Engineering, OSU

Panel Discussion

12:00PM to 1:00PMLunch

1:00PM to 5:15PMSecond Session

1:00PM to 2:00PMProtein therapeutics targeting cell membrane repair for regenerative medicine

Jianjie Ma, Ph.D.,Director, Division of Molecular Medicine, OSU

Wounds: The Threshold for Human Applications of Regenerative Medicine

Gayle Gordillo,M.D., FACS, Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery, OSU

The Wound-Site Macrophage and Healing

Sashwati Roy, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Director, Laser Capture Molecular Core, OSU

Skin Tissue Engineering

Heather M. Powell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, OSU

Panel Discussion

2:00PM to 3:00PMUse of Circulating Endothelial Progenitors in Cell- and Tissue-Engineering Applications

Nicanor I. Moldovan, Ph.D., Research Assoc. Professor, Cardiovascular and Internal Medicine, Investigator, Davis Heart and Lung Research Inst., OSU

Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine

Hiranmoy Das, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Cardiovascular and Int. Medicine, OSU

Stem Cell-Based Cardiac Tissue Engineering

Jianjun Guan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, OSU

Stem Cells to Model Neurodegenerative Disease

Brian Kaspar, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Children's Research Institute, OSU

Panel Discussion

3:00PM to 4:00PMNew Paradigms for Human Excitable Cell Disease

Peter Mohler, Ph.D., Director DHLRI/Professor, Heart and Lung Institute, SBS-Physiology & Cell Biology, Associate Dean, Basic Sciences, ADM-Medicine Administration, OSU

Bio-Inspired Adhesives and Coatings

Ali Dhinojwala, PhD, Department Chair, H. A. Morton Professor of Polymer Science, University of Akron

Integrating Implementation Sciences into Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Research and Development

Samir Ghadiali, Ph.D, MS, Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering,

Associate Professor, Pulm, Allergy, Crit Care & Sleep, OSU

Sensorimotor Recovery and Neural Plasticity Following Acute Ischemic Stroke

Cameron L. Rink, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Surgery, OSU

Panel Discussion

4:00PM to 5:15PMUse of patient-derived cancer stem cells for translational research

Ichiro Nakano, M.D., Ph.D.,Neurological Surgery, OSU

Know thy enemy - the development of experimental imaging models to interrogate the complexity of cancer stem cells

Justin Lathia, Ph.D. Assistant Staff, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cell Biology, NCRM

Cancer Stem Cells

Jeremy Rich, M.D., Chair and Staff, Dept. Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Med., Cleveland Clinic, Staff, Dept. of Neurology, Taussig Cancer Center, & Brain Tumor Center, CCF, Co-Director, The Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, NCRM, Professor, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine at Case Western

Myoferlin controls the motility cycle in human breast tumor cells

Douglas Kniss, Dir-Chemical Instrument Center, Chemical Instrumentation Ctr
Professor, SBS-Biomedical Informatics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, OSU

Hyperthermia Sensitizes Glioblastoma Initiating Cells to Radiation

Jennifer Yu, MD, PhD, Associate Staff, Radiation Oncology, Adjunct Staff, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, NCRM

Panel Discussion

6:00PM to 8:00PMCookout (not mandatory)

8:00PM to 9:00PMEvening Breakout Third Session

Theme Breakout Sessions (Tissue Engineering, Stem Cell, Imaging, Wound Care)

Group Leaderswill present on Saturday

Saturday, 8/18/12

7:00AM to 7:30AMBreakfast(Continental)

7:30AM to 1:00PMFourth Session

7:30AM to 8:30 AMHematopoietic Stem Cells: Collection and Processing

Scott Scrape, M.D., Director of Biorepository and Biospecimen Resource,
Department of Pathology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, OSU

From Bench to Bedside: Translational Development for Cell and Tissue-Based Therapies

Lynn O'Donnell, Ph.D., Director, Cell Therapy Laboratory, OSU

Understanding the Targeting/Internalization Mechanisms of Cell Signaling by Cell-Secreted Microvesicles

Mike Paulaitis, Ph.D., Ohio Eminent Scholar Professor, Director, Institute in Multi-scale Modeling of Biological Interactions, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, OSU

NF-kB Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Regeneration

Denis C. Guttridge, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Molecular Virology, Immunology & Medical Genetics, OSU

Panel Discussion

8:30AM to 9:30 AMHigh-Definition Dynamic Capture of Bone Marrow Microenvironment

Alex Huang, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Pathology and Biomedical Engineering, CWRU, UHCMC

Mathematical Modelsin Tissue Formation and In Wound Healing at the MBI

Avner Friedman, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, OSU

Imaging approaches relevant for Regenerative Medicine and Cell-Based Therapies

Michael Knopp, M.D., Ph.D., Vice Chair of Research, Professor, Novartis Chair of Imaging Research, Director, Wright Center of Innovation in Biomedical Imaging

Division of Imaging Science, OSU

Tracking Cellular Events: In Vivo and In Vitro Imaging

Zhenghong Lee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Radiology, Biomedical Engineering and General Medical Sciences (Oncology, Pediatrics), CWRU

Panel Discussion

9:30AM to 10:30 AM Cell-Based Product Manufacturing & Delivery

Herb Bresler, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, Health and Life Sciences Global Business, Battelle

Tissue Engineering by Controlling Stem Cell Fate in a High Cell Density System”

Eben Alsberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Orthopaedic Surgery, CWRU

Micro-/Nanoscale Technologies for Cell Reprogramming and Tissue Culture

Daniel Gallego Perez, Ph.D.,Postdoctoral Researcher, OSU

Sense & Sensibility” of Oxygen in Myocardial Infarction and Therapy

Periannan Kuppusamy, Ph.D, M.D.,(h.c.), D Litt, William D. and Jacquelyn L. Wells Chair in Imaging Research, Professor, Internal Medicine & Biomedical Engineering, Associate Director, Cardiovascular Medicine, OSU

Panel Discussion

10:30AM to 11:30 AMSuccesses and Challenges in Building National Consortia

Elizabeth Sump, B.S., Administrative Director, Orthopedic and Rheumatology Research, Cleveland Clinic, Director, Government Relations, Cleveland Clinic

Adjunct Instructor, Case Western Reserve University, Executive Director , Clinical Tissue Engineering Center, Cleveland Clinic

Developing a National Strategy for Regenerative Medicine – A Role for the NCRM

Gil Van Bokkelen, Ph.D., Chair, Board of Governors, National Center for Regenerative Medicine, NCRM, Founding Partner NCRM, CEO/Chairman/Founder Athersys

OH-Alive Innovator Platform: A Process Development and Manufacturing platform for Cell Therapy

Michael Gilkey, MBA, Marketing and Operations Manager, NCRM

Clinical Development of MultiStem

John Harrington, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer, Athersys, Inc., richExecutive Committee Member, NCRM

Panel Discussion

11:30AM to 1:00PM Breakout Speakers Presentations

Four group leaders will present discussion points from prior night Breakout Session

11:30AM to 11:45AMTissue Engineering

11:45AM to 12:00PMStem Cell

12:00AM to 12:15PMImaging

12:15PM to 12:30PMWound Care

12:30PM to 1:00PMPanel Discussion

1:00PMClosing Remarks

Chandan Sen

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