PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2002-2003 – Jeanne Conner

At the general meeting of SDLA in October of 2002, the resolution was passed to form a task force for the purpose of promoting an MLS degree educational program in South Dakota. The members of the task force were Lea Simon - chairman, Lisa Brunick, Laura Olson, Jeanette Lundquist, Deb Yoder and Dana Ruby. The task force was formed and began work on it, but ran into problems as institutions would like actual numbers before investing their efforts in starting an MLS program in South Dakota. It is vital that work on this issue continues.

A Leadership Institute committee for this last year was formed. Serving on the committee were: Bev Lewis - chairman, Jim Scholtz, Suzanne Miller, Elvita Landau, Terri Davis, and Peggy Williams. The committee put together a weekend of learning and fellowship. The Leadership Institute was held August 1st and 2nd at the Cheyenne Ridge Lodge north of Pierre. A suggestion has been made that this institute be held every other year, similar to what we do with BranchOut.

A lobbyist task force with Greta Chapman – chairman, Elvita Landau, Suzanne Miller, and myself interviewed candidates for lobbyists and made a recommendation to the executive board. Dennis Duncan and Larry Nelson were hired as lobbyists for SDLA and represented SDLA in Pierre during the 2003 legislative session. Having lobbyists for the South Dakota Library Association is important in maintaining our visibility in Pierre during the legislature. The guidance that these men offer in working toward achieving the goals set up in our legislative agenda is essential to the growth of this organization.

Six SDLA executive board meetings have been held in the last year. One was at the end of conference last year, one at this year’s conference, one in Pierre at Legislative Day, and three at Chamberlain.

The local planning committee with Ronelle Thompson as chairman spent many hours preparing for the 2003 SDLA/MCMLA conference in Sioux Falls. Meetings were held throughout the year with the committee, with the Sheraton people, and with the MCMLA program committee.

Vice President/President Elect Report 2002-2003 – Dennis Nath

Last winter as part of my president elect duties, I wrote a letter to encourage librarians in the state to become members of the South Dakota Library Association. This letter was sent out with membership information to all librarians, public, academic, school, and special across the state. According to Brenda, our executive secretary, our numbers have remained fairly stable: 482 members in 2000, 481 in 2001, 433 in 2002, and 446 in 2003. With next year being the 100th anniversary of ALA we need to work hard to encourage more of our colleagues to join SDLA.

2004 Conference Planning

The 2004 SDLA conference will be held in Spearfish on October 6-8. Will Hobbs, a writer of 14 novels, as well as two picture books will be our featured speaker at the Thursday noon luncheon. Seven of his books have been named Best Books for Young Adults by the American Library Association. The local arrangements committee in Spearfish is hard at work, planning a great conference for 2004.

Past President's Annual Report 2002-03 – Ann Smith – no report

ALA Councilor – Joe Edelen - no report

MPLA Representative – Suzanne Miller - no report

SDLA Academic/Health/Special Libraries Section Annual Report 2002-2003

Todd Quinn and Dustin Larmore were elected as Chair and Secretary, respectfully, for the 2002-2003 year.

Meeting: On July 25, 2003 a lunch for the section was held at the Riverwalk Cafe in Sioux Falls. 23 librarians attended. Represented at the meeting were DSU, SDSU, USD, Wegner Center, Augustana, USF, NABS, the State Library, Mount Marty and DWU. During and after lunch groups discussed various issues (ILL, migration, information literacy, digital libraries, freedom of information, etc) related to libraries. No minutes where taken.

Programming: For the SDLA 2003 Annual Conference two programs have been accepted: a USA Patriot Act forum and a panel discussion on information literacy.

USA Patriot Act forum

Since its passage in Oct 2001, librarians have voiced serious concerns over the USA Patriot Act, a piece of legislation that gives law enforcement agencies expanded powers to monitor the borrowing habits of library patrons. In an effort to gauge the impact of the Patriot Act and suggest ways to productively respond to it, this panel, composed of representatives from law enforcement, jurisprudence, Civil Liberties and library administration, will offer legal and historical background and commentary toward understanding the Act and its significance for libraries and Civil Liberties law.


Coleen Rowley - Special Agent of the FBI

Carrie Garner - former Chair of ALA's Intellectual Freedom committee

A US Attorney for Sioux Falls

Ethelle Bean will moderate

Information Literacy panel

The panel will discuss information literacy, its importance to lifelong learning and how it differs from other instruction. They will talk about the individual programs they have designed for their campuses and other topics. Outcomes: Participants will gain a greater understanding of information literacy and its usefulness in the learning process.


Lisa Brunick - Reference/Bibliographic Instructor Librarian at Augustana

Risë Smith - Public Services Library at DSU

Lea Simon - Electronic Resources Coordinator at NSU

Laura Wight - Reference Librarian and the Instruction Coordinator at SDSU

Todd Quinn will moderate

Initiative - 1993 was the last year the "South Dakota Academic Libraries: A Directory" was published. This publication should be updated and published online on the SDLA web site. Each library will be sent a form (print or online) so current information can be provided. Once the information is available online, updating should be easier.

Submitted by Todd Quinn

Public/Trustee 2003 – Jim Scholtz

The SDLA public library section meeting held in Fargo, ND on October 3, 2002 and the following business was discussed:

Children’s Services -

Pam Chamberlain and Jim Oliver introduced the Prairie Pasque/Prairie Bud web page and also requested that the group approve linking the page to Barnes and Noble. This link will provide a percentage income of books purchased through the link to SDLA and, more importantly, provide annotations and reviews for the “award” books.

The State Library again supported the summer reading program. The slogan for 2003 was “Laugh it Up at Your Library” and manuals were sent out to libraries participating in the 2002 program. The slogan for 2004 is “Trails of Discovery at your Library.”

Accreditation -

Nancy Sabbe reported that certification and accreditation standards were approved last year. All libraries that applied this year will be receiving their certificates in the mail. Last year, certificates were awarded to Brookings, Yankton, Watertown, Custer County,

Alexander Mitchell in Aberdeen and Hearst in Lead. Certification applications have been received from Rapid City, Vermillion and Madison. Along the lines of accreditation and certification , we are thinking about providing some financial incentive and also offering CEUs to those who attend the annual conference.

Continuing Education –

Trustee Training: The State Library was charged with the task of evaluating costs and opportunities for developing some statewide trustee training, possibly utilizing the RDTN or DDN. To-date, we have not had any information on the status of this task.

Leadership Institute 2003: The second Leadership Institute was held at Cheyenne Ridge Resort on August 1-2. Committee planners included Beverly Lewis (chair), Jim Scholtz, Peggy Williams, Terri Davis, Suzanne Miller and Elvita Landau. Registration fees were $160 and 26 librarians attended (registration was limited to 27 participants). SDLA approved 8 half-support grants – 4 people applied for and received those grants. The two facilitators, faculty members from the University of North Texas Library School, – Dr. Arlita Hallam and Dr. Philip M. Turner – did a fantastic job of discussing arcane topics such as sharing leadership, recognizing the need for change, fostering partnerships with community groups, and recognizing and developing the leader in all of us. A wide variety of focused games and discussions were utilized and partners were paired various tasks as well as a reunion “informal” discussion to be held at the SDLA convention. The entire institute was a great success. We will be taking the concept of the Leadership Institute back to the SDLA executive board asking them to approve a 2-year institute concept, alternating with the Branch Out program. To-date, (9/25/03) total income was $3600 and expenses were $1610.88.

Legislative Day- Lobbying Efforts – (no report)

Conference Planning 2003 (Sioux Falls) –

Plans are in the works to collaboratively sponsor a Patriot Act panel discussion with the Academic Library section. Jim Scholtz will be working with Todd Quinn (DSU) on organizing the panel. The PL section is also sponsoring a “Leadership – Is It In You?” panel where various SDLA/MPLA leadership opportunities will be discussed and participants from the programs will elaborate on their experiences and skills acquired. Jim Scholtz is working with Deb Yoder (Siouxland Libraries) on this workshop. We also discussed a PC Maintenance/Troubleshooting workshop or pre-conference, maybe held in conjunction with some Gates training.

Officers (2003-2004) –

Officers for the new year are as follows: Jim Scholtz (Yankton Community Library) is outgoing section chair; Colleen Smith (Huron Public Library) is new chair with Deb Huska, Secretary/Treasurer. LeeAnn Paananen is outgoing Secretary/Treasurer.

School Library Media Section 2003– Diane Hemminger – no report

SDACT 2003 – Dennis Nath

SDACT (South Dakota Association for Communications and Technology) is again preparing for the Student Media Fair that will be displayed at the TIE Convention at Sioux Falls in April. The entry form will be available on the SDLA and the TIE websites. Entries are possible in video format, powerpoint, as well as in photography and computer art. It is an excellent venue for students to have their projects displayed and given recognition at a large state-wide convention. All entries are critiqued and judged by professionals. Each participant receives a certificate and winners at all levels receive plaques or ribbons. The “Best of Show” receives a $50.00 cash prize. Encourage your students and staff to participate


This year will be the 13th year that SDACT has sponsored this fair and we are proud to do so. We are always encouraged and pleased to see the quality entries that have been created by our K-12 students.

Membership in SDACT is increasing each year and we encourage members of SDLA to consider joining it as their second “free” section.

Support Staff2003 – Deb Yoder

The Support Staff Section sponsored a program at the Tri-Conference (SDLA, NDLA, MPLA) in Fargo, ND in October 2002. The program was presented by Cindy Mielke and Deb Yoder and was titled “Creating a Conference for Library Support Staff and Paraprofessionals.” Mielke and Yoder discussed the necessity of paraprofessional conferences, and how to plan, execute and evaluate a conference. This presentation was based on BranchOut SD 2002 and the previous Branch Out conferences held in Minnesota.

The annual section meeting was held during the Tri-Conference also. Discussions centered on BranchOut SD. Officers were elected. 2002-2003 officers are Chair: Deb Yoder, Vice Chair: open, Secretary: June Erickson. Both Yoder and Erickson are serving second terms in their positions. (Crystal Gering-Nelson later accepted the Vice Chair position.)

At Tri-Conference, Vickie (Salonen) Mix was awarded Support Staff of the Year. Vickie works at Briggs Library at SDSU in Brookings and is the webmistress for the Support Staff website.

During the year, several paraprofessionals attended the Soaring to Excellence teleconferences, celebrated Library Support Staff Day and attended Branch Out MN 2003.

Library Support Staff Day was celebrated in Brookings (5th year) and Sioux Falls (4th year). Attendance in Brookings was 17 people, with SDSU archivist Steve Van Buren presenting the program. Sioux Falls attendance was 31 people with Carol Rosenthal, interim director at Siouxland Libraries talking about her observations of the paraprofessionals in during her tenure at Siouxland.

Eight South Dakota paraprofessionals from Brookings, Rapid City and Sioux Falls traveled to Gustavus Adolphus College in St Peter Minnesota in August to attend the two-day conference Branch Out MN. Several outstanding sessions, excellent food, entertainment and accommodations made this conference very worthwhile. Plans for BranchOut SD 2004 at Augustana College in Sioux Falls are being formulated.

Joe Edelen at University of South Dakota created a support staff listserv. Activity has been non-existent to date. It is expected that publicity about the listserv will alleviate that shortcoming.

Historian 2003 – Anne Hinseth – no report

Executive Secretary Report 2003 - Brenda Hemmelman

After having done research on what other library associations offer in their institutional memberships, it was decided to recommend a change to the Bylaws. The change would be to Article IV, Section 2, subsection (e) of the Bylaws:

(e) INSTITUTIONAL: Any library, other organization or institution, upon application and payment of annual dues, shall become an institutional member. An institutional member shall not be entitled to sectional membership or other privileges of an individual member.

This change will allow the Executive Board to recommend changes that may increase institutional memberships.

New information continues to be added to the web site. Membership forms may be printed off the site and mailed in. Book Marks has also been put online. Legislative information will be updated as elections occur.

2004 will be SDLA’s 100th anniversary.

Currently 385 personal members; 62 institutional.

Book Marks Annual Report 2003 - Elizabeth Fox
Book Marks Annual Report 2002-3

Book Marks had another successful year. The major change for Book Marks this year is that the publication is currently appearing on the web in pdf files. The association bought a copy of Adobe Acrobat for this purpose. The program can also be used when the web mistress needs any other files converted for publication on the web.

This will be my last full year of editing Book Marks and, while I will continue for another two years, I would like to express my appreciation to the association for allowing me the opportunity to get to know the association and its members better through this publication.

Federal Relations Coordinator 2003 – Suzanne Miller - no report

Recording Secretary 2003 - Pam Lingor

Highlights of SDLA Executive Board meetings for the 2002-2203 year are as follows: (Section and Committee highlights are not included as they will be presented by each chair.)

October 5, 2002

  • The board reorganized for the coming year.

December 14, 2002 –

  • Dennis Duncan and Larry Nelson were hired as lobbyists for SDLA.
  • An Intellectual Freedom Award was established.

January 15, 2003

  • The Legislative Platform for 2003 was approved.

March 15, 2003

  • Scholarships to attend the SDLA 2003 Leadership Institute were approved.

July 26, 2003

Discussion was held regarding combining the SDLA positions of Treasurer and Executive Secretary

Auditing 2003 - Mary Kraljic and Lee Crary

The General Fund and Investment/Scholarship Funds portions of the 2002 Year End SDLA Treasurer’s Report accurately reflect the accounts as reported on the statements from 1st National Bank in Brookings, American Express, and Security Bank. We thank the treasurer for her cooperation during the audit and for her exemplary job as SDLA treasurer in 2002.

The treasurer kept thorough records of bills paid and income received. The committee has no concerns about her record-keeping.

The committee found one minor discrepancy in the Register Report for the 1st National Bank checking account. An amount of $3.37 was deducted twice, once from the Postage Account and again as Board Expenses. Because this is such a small amount, and because the accounts have all balanced, we do not recommend that any changes be made to the Treasurer’s Report.

Bylaws & Procedures 2003 – Joe Edelen - no report

Certification and Accreditation 2003 – Nancy Sabbe, Chair

The Rapid City Public Library, Vermillion Public Library and Madison Public Library applied for and received accreditation in 2003. The directors of those libraries, Greta Chapman, Jane Larson, and Nancy Sabbe,received certification.

Government Documents 2003 - Monique Christensen – no report


During this year, the Committee awarded 2 scholarships and 2 Grants. The scholarships were awarded to Annie Brunskill, who is employed by the South Dakota State Library and Lorie Healey-Barnes who is an employee of Rapid City Public Library. Congratulations to both scholarship winners!

Grants were awarded to Jan Brue Enright of Augustana College, who attended the Institute for Information Literacy this summer, and Linda Rogers, also from Rapid City Public Library who attended the Minnesota Branch Out Conference in August. Congratulations to the two of them as well!

This year the Committee is very proud of the geographical diversity of all award winners. For several years, viable applications seemed to arrive only from east river library staff. During the year, one committee member resigned, as she was leaving the library profession and did not renew her SDLA membership. Paul Roberts was recruited and joined the Committee in late spring. Thanks Paul, and thanks also go to Valerie Hawkins for her service on the Committee.

At their March 2003 meeting, the SDLA Executive Board gave the Committee more flexibility in dispersing Grants in the future. One task left for the Committee will be to amend the Guidelines to reflect this flexibility for 2004 and the future.

Intellectual Freedom Committee 2003, Brenda Hemmelman, Chair

Two challenges reported this spring: