Agenda Item / Description /
Welcome and Introductions / The meeting came to order at 10:25 a.m. P. Virga asked for a moment of silence. Members introduced themselves.
Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Minutes / Minutes are for informational purposes only and do not need approval.
Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Quality Management Plan / ·  P. Virga led an objective-by-objective review of the 2015 Quality Management Plan. Activities are approximately on schedule with exception of oral health reporting and case management objectives. Both will be addressed in FY2015.
Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
·  Focus on new PDSA at next meeting
·  Continue review at each quarterly meeting / QM Team / X
NJ-Cross Part Collaborative & National Quality Center Updates / ·  Slide show presentation and reports provided to team members. Results:
·  Bergen-Passaic H4C Cycle 9 viral suppression is at 79%, measurement started at 76%
·  Antiretroviral Therapy- Bergen-Passaic and NJ rates - 95%
·  Medical visit frequency visit (2 or more) – NJ 69%; TGA 62%
·  Clinical gap in medical visits – NJ 16%; TGA 16%
·  National Quality Center H4C meeting scheduled for November is postponed to January 2016.
Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Continue participation in H4C by submitting bi-monthly reports and attending coordination meetings / QM Coordinator / X
OPR Data Update / ·  Slide show presentation and reports provided to team members. Results:
·  Measure 1: The number of unduplicated clients, that number has declined.
·  Measure 2: Percentage of clients with HIV infection who have a medical visit in a HIV care setting at least every 6 months (Ryan White Only) has declined.
·  Measure 3: Percentage of HIV infected case management clients who had a case management care plan developed and/or updated two or more times in the measurement year has increased. (Ryan White and MAI) Target at 83% has not been met. Current performance is 69.2%; when broken down further, MAI is only showing 34.1%.
Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
·  Continue to monitor.
·  Communicate results to case managers at pending case management training / QM Team
Grantee / X
New QM Team Indicators – Progress Report / ·  New enrollees need to be screened for Hepatitis A, B and C. RDE will re-write monitoring program to only pick up the new enrollees. Currently, the report also picks up those that are screened and no longer have the virus as a result of taking medication. Hepatitis C positives will also be an exclusion.
·  Reports on PDSA and Closed Cohort Study: Paterson Counseling Center stated that next reporting period, 98% maybe virally suppressed. Next meeting is going to look very good for them.
·  Oral Health Indicators is not a billable service. Monitoring reports are pending full specifications.
Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Next PDSA reports due at next meeting.
Complete report specifications for oral health indicator / Clinical team
SPNS and the HIV Care Continuum / ·  SPNS Team is working with the Department of Health. We received requested data but need further detail. We anticipate completing a local HIV Care Continuum by September.
·  PTAS – People Take Action Save Lives is a second component of the project that is about to begin implementation.
Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Continue to report activities to the QM Team / SPNS Team / X
System Improvements / K. Walker stated that they get alerts even if they don’t bill Ryan White. RDE needs to revise email filter to exclude clients who no longer have Ryan White services, ex. Medicaid, Medicare, etc.
Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Update email filter as requested. / RDE / X
Adjournment / Meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
Attendance / Present:
Robert Folger, RDE
Milagros Izquierdo, Ryan White Part A, MAI, SPNS and HOPWA Program
Joyce Malcolm, Grantee’s Office
Mike Marchese, Consumer, Paterson Counseling Center
Kim Morisco, Paterson Counseling Center
Sandra Murillo, Paterson Counseling Center
Gloria Price, Straight and Narrow
Jaimi Rodriguez, Grantee’s Office
Blanca Roman, Paterson Counseling Center
Kavitha Thirukandalam, RDE
Karen Walker, Paterson Counseling Center
Linda Williams, Consumer, CAPCO
Daniel, CAPCO
Pat Virga, NSI
Next Meeting Date / September 21, 2015 conference call with clinical team @ 11:00 a.m.
October 19, 2015 with QM Team Paterson Library @ 10:00 a.m.



G:\CODES\08000 SERIES-PPC\8000-PPC-21_FY2015\FY2015-QM\August 17 2015\QM Minutes August 17, 2015.doc