Grading Breakdown

Grading breakdown percentages

  • District Assessments – 25%
  • Standards Tests – 40%
  • Local Standards Quizzes – 10%
  • Daily Work/Homework/Clipboard – 10%
  • Notebook – 5%
  • Constructed Response Assessments – 10%

This is a standards based class:

What this means to you…..

  • These are the skills that must be mastered to complete this course
  • The skills are called the LOCAL STANDARDS
  • Almost all the points you earn in this class will be for demonstrating that you have mastered these local standards.

How it works: You will be given a grade of one of the following on each assessment.

Advanced: Extends targeted grade level standards: represents the student exceeding grade level

expectations. The student has a complete understanding of the standard and can reliably

apply the skill to advanced problems. Scores 100% on quizzes. (5 out of 5 questions

correct) Numerical value varies on tests.

Proficient: Demonstratesproficiency of targeted grade level standards with evidence of application:

Represents the student meeting the grade level expectations with some evidence of

Application. Scores 93% on quizzes (4 out of 5 questions correct). Numerical value

varies on tests.

Basic: Demonstrates proficiency of targeted grade level standard: represents the student meeting

The grade level expectations set by the state. Scores 85% (3 out of 5 questions correct)

Numerical value varies on tests.

Below Basic: Insufficient performance of targeted grade level standards: indicates that the student’s skill

level is significantly below the grade level expectations. The student is expected to analyze

and correct all errors in that standard and to reassess on that standard. Scores as 0%.

Reassessed to Basic: Demonstrates a basic understanding of targeted grade level standard after

reassessment: (Student gets 3 or more correct when they retest)

Reassessment Score for 3 or more correct is an 80%.

Please note: All students are required to follow these guidelines anytime a basic understanding in a standard is not met.
  • Reassessment is the backbone of this class and what really makes learning take place.
  • Reassessment is required and is the norm for this class.
  1. A grade of Below Basicis not acceptable but grades are open for reassessment. Any standard on a test which is Below Basic must be reassessed for a grade change. On 4 ½ weeks test a student must score Basic or above to receive credit for the test.
  1. You are expected to reach Basic Level on EVERY standard ofEVERY Unit Test.
  1. On any standardthat you did not achieve Basic Level, I will write comments to help guide you in successfully meeting the standard and you will complete the following:
In order to reassess, you are expected to:
a)Standards Quizzes and Test have been corrected.
b)Notes and Work have been completed on the standards that the student did not have a basic understanding.
c)Items must be correctly placed within the notebook.
d)Other items deemed necessary by the teacher.
  1. Once you have successfully corrected your original errors, you must reassess on your own time: before school, homeroom, after school, or when time allows in class.
  1. If your reassessment is satisfactory, your grade on the standard(s) will be changed based on your reassessment level.