Septic System Loan Program Narrative

The Harrison County Revolving Loan Fund Septic Loan Program provides loans for replacement or upgrade of existing septic systems at a low interest rate. Repayment term and interest rates are flexible, based upon the applicant's circumstances.


  • This program is available to all residents of Harrison County who have an existing residential septic system which is in need of replacement or upgrade.
  • On-lot system.
  • Repair or replace existing systems.
  • The funds are not available for commercial or rental property, or new construction.
  • The home must be owner occupied.
  • There are no income requirements.
  • The Health Dept will visit the property to inspect and spec out the new septic system.
  • You will need to complete a septic loan application for consideration of a loan.
  • Once our office receives the application and all attachments, we then call a meeting of the Revolving Loan Fund committee to meet for their decision.
  • The attachments consist of:
  • 2 or 3 bids from installers (we will provide a list of installers with the application);
  • Obtain the permit to install (usually best to see if the installer will purchase the permit and add it into his bid amount);
  • complete the personal financial statement which will be included with the application.
  • a copy of your tax card (can be obtained from the Auditor’s office);
  • credit report;
  • copy of deed to property;
  • proof of homeowner’s insurance;
  • must be current on property taxes or making monthly payments;
  • If approved we will proceed with having all the necessary documents completed and signed.
  • This loan will be a lien on your property until the loan is paid in full.
  • The monthly payments are made to our office. The payments can be mailed or brought to us personally each month on the due date. We will ask you for the date that you are most comfortable having your payment due and then that date will become your due date each month.

As the funds are repaid, the money once again becomes available for additional septic system upgrade and replacement loans. All the money which is repaid will remain in Harrison County to be used for this purpose.

This is an excellent program which is designed to improve water quality in Harrison County. We are fortunate that the funding provided by the EPA is allowed to remain in the county to continue to fund much-needed septic system improvements.

For further information or an application please call the HCCIC office at 740-942-2027.