At a meeting of the Development Control Committee held in the Penn Chamber, Three Rivers House, Rickmansworth, on 20January 2011 from 7.30pm to 10.02pm.

Present: Councillors Geoffrey Dunne (Chairman), Chris Lloyd (Vice-Chairman), Chris Ayrton, Phil Brading, Barbara Green, Paula Hiscocks, David Major, Amrit Mediratta, AnnShaw OBE and Chris Whately-Smith.

Officers: Geof Muggeridge, Kimberley Rowley, Claire Thorley, Richard Holmes and Sarah Haythorpe.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Chris Hayward and Ron Spellen.

Also in attendance: Councillors Tony Barton, Kemal Butt, Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Ralph Sangster and Keith Williams, Parish Councillors Jackie Worrall, Chorleywood Parish Council and Gordon Harold, Sarratt Parish Council.


The Minutes of the Development Control Committee meeting held on 16December 2010 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The Committee was informed that the report circulated separately at Item8;

10/2230/OUT - Outline Application: For the construction of up to 425 dwellings, flexible mixed use centre comprising 2,350 sqm of A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1 uses, hotel (8,500 sqm), and associated parking, means of access and associated infrastructure works and use of agricultural land (The Horse field) and the former Furtherfield tip for public open space. (Matters reserved: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) at LAND AT LEAVESDEN AERODROME, AERODROME WAY AND LAND NORTH OF SOUTH WAY, ABBOTS LANGLEY, HERTS for MEPC Leavesden Park

had not been available for inspection five clear days before the meeting and could only be dealt with as an urgent item.

The Chairman ruled that the item was of sufficient urgency to be considered at the meeting in order for statutory deadlines to be met.


Councillor David Major provided a general statement to the Committee with regard to the following application

10/2230/OUT - Outline Application: For the construction of up to 425 dwellings, flexible mixed use centre comprising 2,350 sqm of A1, A2, A3, A5 and D1 uses, hotel (8,500 sqm), and associated parking, means of access and associated infrastructure works and use of agricultural land (The Horse field) and the former Furtherfield tip for public open space. (Matters reserved: Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) at LAND AT LEAVESDEN AERODROME, AERODROME WAY AND LAND NORTH OF SOUTH WAY, ABBOTS LANGLEY, HERTS for MEPC Leavesden Park

stating that whilst he was a Parish Councillor who sat on the Abbots Langley Parish Council Planning Committee, as this was an issues report and no decision would be made by the Committee he would remain in the room during the consideration of this item.

DC112/10 10/2150/FUL - Alterations and extensions to existing dwelling house, cottage and outbuildings including demolition of single-storey extensions to main house, garage block, stables, lean-to greenhouse and various other outbuildings. Erection of new single-storey extensions to main house, rear dormers to house and cottage, glazed link, new garages, stables and lean-to greenhouse, internal alterations, hard and soft landscape alterations including creation of wildlife pond in adjoining field and new external swimming pool and tennis court at rear of house, at LITTLE GILLIONS, THE GREEN, CROXLEY GREEN, RICKMANSWORTH, HERTFORDSHIRE, WD3 3HY, for Mrand MrsAndrew Ryde

10/2179/CAC - Conservation Area Consent: Demolition of existing rear and side extensions, demolition of existing stable and garage block, at LITTLE GILLIONS, THE GREEN, CROXLEY GREEN, RICKMANSWORTH, HERTFORDSHIRE, WD3 3HY, for Mrand MrsAndrew Ryde

Councillor Ann Shaw said that although she had found the site visit very interesting she was concerned about the loss of the lean-to and freestanding greenhouses as they were Victorian garden features which needed to be cherished and preserved. She did not think there were any other Victorian greenhouses like these in the District. She proposed that the decision be deferred, seconded by Councillor Phil Brading, to allow officers to discuss the possibility of retaining the lean-to greenhouse and the whole of the detached greenhouse with the agent and report back to the Committee at the February meeting.

In response to a question by Councillor David Major on the fire situation of two dwellings being linked together, the Head of Development Management and Environmental Health advised that this would need to be discussed with Building Control.

Councillor Phil Brading said he had been reassured on some points of the application following the site visit but sought further clarification on the location of the pond in relation to the curtilage of the house and gardens. He had concerns that the glass walkway linking the main house and cottage would be visible in places from the Green and about the loss of the greenhouses.

The Planning Officer advised that the location of the pond would be in the paddock and provided details to the Committee. The glazed link between the house and the cottage would be screened from the Green and placed along the existing garden wall - to illustrate a design that did not harm the wall would be required as a condition.

Councillor Amrit Mediratta said that having been on the site visit he also had concerns regarding the glazed link and the greenhouses if the intention was to demolish them. Why could they not be repaired and how could they be rebuilt in exactly the same way. Could the lean-to greenhouse be incorporated into the glass link design?

Councillor Chris Lloyd was happy to see the Environmental Agency comments regarding the wildlife pond. He would like to see the condition strengthened if planning permission was granted.

In accordance with Council Procedural Rule 36(3) Ms Jane Duncan spoke in favour of the application.

Councillor Ann Shaw said the greenhouses had been on the site for 130 years and deserved another month to be looked at again.

Councillor Phil Brading was concerned that Condition C11 only referred to the lean-to greenhouse and should be adjusted to take into account all the greenhouses. He wanted the greenhouses to be retained but if replacement was the only option the original materials must be re-used. The Head of Development Management and Environmental Health said the wording of the condition could be amended and circulated to the Chairman and Group Spokespersons for agreement.

On being put to the Committee the proposal that application 10/2150/FUL be DEFERRED for officers to discuss the possibility of retaining the lean-to greenhouse and the whole of the detached greenhouse with the agent. Report back to next meeting of the Committee on 24 February was CARRIED the voting being 7 For, 1 Against and 2 Abstentions.

On being put to the Committee the proposal that Application 10/2179/CAC be DEFERRED for officers to discuss the possibility of retaining the lean-to greenhouse and the whole of the detached greenhouse with the agent. Report back to next meeting of the Committee on 24 February was CARRIED the voting being 7 For, 1 Against and 2 Abstentions.


That application 10/2150/FUL be DEFERRED for officers to discuss the possibility of retaining the lean-to greenhouse and the whole of the detached greenhouse with the agent. Report back to next meeting of the Committee on 24 February.

That Application 10/2179/CAC be DEFERRED for officers to discuss the possibility of retaining the lean-to greenhouse and the whole of the detached greenhouse with the agent. Report back to next meeting of the Committee on 24 February.

DC113/10 10/2169/FUL – Demolition of existing B1 units and erection of two residential units with basements, associated works and detached garage at THE COURTYARD, CHURCH LANE, SARRATT for MrTNutt

The Planning Officer reported that a response had been received from the Landscape Officer who did not object to the scheme subject to the application of five conditions (No trees to be felled or lopped; Tree Protection Scheme; Arboricultural Method Statement; Method Statement and Implementation conditions)

Highways comments had not been received but previously they had raised no objection (to a previous application of similar scale).

Councillor Chris Whately-Smith moved the recommendation to grant planning permission, seconded by Councillor Amrit Mediratta, subject to conditions and any appropriate conditions to be recommended by Hertfordshire Highways and Landscape Officers.

Councillor Paula Hiscocks said there would be substantial underground accommodation with this development and had concerns about how this would affect the listed barn and adjacent buildings. The Planning Officer advised that the Conservation Officer had considered the impact on the listed barn but concluded it was an appropriate form of development.

Councillor Barbara Green said the current scheme was no more visually prominent or overbearing than the previous scheme and could see no reason to refuse the application.

Sarratt Parish Councillor Gordon Harold had concerns regarding the amount of earth which would need to be removed from the site down a narrow lane which would impact on the listed barn. The latest design was more in keeping with the area but the ground floor area would be 10% larger. He also had concerns regarding the basement area. The Planning Officer advised that Condition C14 would require a Construction Method Statement to be submitted which could take into account access to the site to ensure the protection of the listed barn.

In accordance with Council Procedural Rule 36(3) Mr I McClelland spoke against the application.

Councillor Phil Brading noted the speaker’s comments regarding access to the site which would involve significant traffic movements to remove the soil from the excavation of the basement. He wanted to make sure the Construction Method Statement protected the listed barn.

Councillor Chris Lloyd asked if the details of the Construction Method Statement could be circulated to the Chairman and Group Spokespersons prior to being issued.

Councillor Ann Shaw asked if the site could be monitored and regular site visits carried out by officers.

On being put to the Committee the proposal to grant planning permission subject to conditions and conditions recommended by Hertfordshire Highways and Landscape Officers with the details of the submissions in regard to Condition C14 Construction Method Statement to be circulated to the Chair and Nominated Members prior to being agreed was CARRIED the voting being 8 For, 0 Against and 2 Abstentions.

that PLANNING PERMISSION BE GRANTED subject to the following conditions and any appropriate conditions to be recommended by Hertfordshire Highways and Landscape Officers.

C1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

REASON: In pursuance of Section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

C2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: 7260/004A, 7260/005B, 7260/006, 7260/008 and 7260/009.

REASON: For the avoidance of doubt, in the proper interests of planning and to maintain the openness of the Metropolitan Green Belt, preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the Sarratt (The Green) Conservation Area and adjacent Listed Building, maintain the residential amenities of nearby properties and ensure the longevity of protected trees and in accordance Policies GEN1, GEN1a, GEN3, GB1, GB6, C1, C6, C14, H14, N1, N13, N15, N16, N17, D1, D3, D6, T7, T8, and Appendices 1, 2 and 3 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011 with of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996 – 2011.

C3 Prior to the commencement of development all existing buildings and structures on site shall be demolished and all resultant materials completely removed from the site, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: In order to ensure an orderly development in the interests of amenity and Policies C1, GB1, GEN3 and Appendix 2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.

C4 Details and samples of the external materials to be used in the elevations and roof of the proposed buildings and the surfacing areas of the development hereby permitted shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before development commences. No external materials shall be used other than those approved.

REASON: To ensure a satisfactory appearance of the development and that it harmonises with its surroundings, in accordance with Policies C1, GB1, GEN3 and Appendix 2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.

C5 Immediately following the implementation of this permission, notwithstanding the provisions of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment No 2) Order 2008 (or any other order revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification) the following Classes of Schedule 2 of the Order as amended are withdrawn:-

Part 1

Class A - enlargement improvement or other alteration to the dwelling

Class B - enlargement consisting of an addition to the roof

Class C - alteration to the roof

Class D - erection or construction of a porch outside any external door

Class E - building, enclosure or swimming pool for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling or a container for domestic heating purposes

Class F - hard surface for any purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house

No development of any of the above classes shall be constructed or placed on any part of the land the subject of this permission.

REASON: To safeguard the amenities of the locality and adjoining residential properties and to meet the requirements of Policies C1, GB1, GEN3 and Appendix 2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996 – 2011.

C6 Details of refuse and recycling provision, including the siting, size, height and design of any stores, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and implemented as such prior to the occupation of the development hereby permitted and retained thereafter.

REASON: In the interests of visual and residential amenity, in accordance with Policies C1, GB1, GEN3 and Appendix 2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.

C7 Prior to the commencement of development details of any boundary treatments to be erected within or around the application site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The boundary treatments shall be erected in accordance with the approved scheme and maintained as such.

REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the locality and the Green Belt in accordance with Policies C1, GB1, GEN3 and Appendix 2 of the Three Rivers Local Plan 1996-2011.