Meeting Title: / Symphony SCR Upgrade
Date & Time: / 13/01/2010 – 11:00 UK time
Location: / Teleconference
Attendees: / Wendy Sibley (WS), Nikki Vassall (NV) and Doreen Okiri (DO)
Apologies: / Martin Rumsey (MR) and Paul Norris (PT)
Purpose: / Weekly review of the Symphony SCR upgrade project
/ Agenda Item / Notes / Action By / Date Due /
1.  / Project Plan
13/01/10 / The project plan was reviewed together with the comments WS raised prior to the meeting.
NV explained that the dates in the plan had been brought forward from the dates in the previous plan, and that there were still ongoing discussion with CfH around the Trust local confidence testing and UAT.
WS raised concerns over the time in the plan for purchasing and installing new hardware. NV confirmed that this task could be carried out by the Trust anytime prior to Mid February. WS to provide dates for the installation of hardware tasks.
WS also raised concerns around the time allocated to the Trust to review and amend the training documentation. NV confirmed that the training documentation could be issued to the Trust once Ascribe had produced it so the Trust could have additional time to review.
NV confirmed the phased approach only applied to the rollout of SCR functionality; at the point the live environment is upgraded to 2.29 the PMI/PDS functionality would be available to everyone.
WS confirmed that NV would have a copy of the PID prior to the 23rd November.
WS raised concerns around the dates in the plan for the hardware to be in place as the procurement process can take considerable time. NKV confirmed that the hardware needed to be in place mid Feb in order to meet the current Go-live dates.
WS needs to escalate if this is going to be an issue. CfH offered assistance.
WS also raised concerns around the training scheduled for mid-march as this is a busy time for the Trust, she would rather it was scheduled for the beginning of April. This would obviously push forward the go-live date.
WS would like an additional task added into the plan for requesting that the smartcards are created for the users at the Trust.
The actual task for creating the smartcards has been added and scheduled for 14 days.
WS has also requested an additional task for requesting the installation of the smartcard hardware 3 weeks prior to the task and that the task is also scheduled for 14 days.
NKV to update the plan to reflect this
The plan has been updated to take Easter into consideration this has moved the go-live date to 6th April.
Further discussion took place around the time allocated to creating the smartcards for all the users. This task has been increased to 60 days in the plan. CfH offered assistance in creating the smartcards.
Procuring the hardware was discussed; this task will need to be closely monitored to ensure that it will be in place for mid February.
NKV to provide WS with the list of RBAC roles and activities.
NKV explained the changes made to the plan which included, the smartcard creation task increased to 60 days and tasks where the end date had past being moved forward.
A number of tasks where marked off as being complete.
A new task was added ‘Trust to complete procurement procedure’ before the order can be placed.
The place hardware order task should be scheduled for 15th December.
The Trust trainers coming to Ascribe office for training was discussed further. Starting this training earlier would mean that training on site could start as soon as Ascribe have completed the connectivity testing. NKV to update the project plan to reflect this.
WS confirmed that the N3 IP address would be confirmed after a meeting scheduled for 15th December.
The procuring hardware task has started. The new servers should be in place by mid Feb
WS will provide the actual date that the order for the hardware will be placed so that this can be recorded on the plan.
The connecting for health communication task should be extended to the end of January.
NKV sent an updated version of the PID last week; MR will review and pass back any comments. We will aim to sign the PID off at the end of the week
The Data Quality task is on track to finish 11th Feb.
NKV explained the date she provided for the Trust Trainers was incorrect and should be a week later; the project plan reflects the actual date.
The tasks in the plan for the End User training will be amended once feedback has been received from Ascribe regarding e-learning.
WS asked about Ascribe on-site support for the 3rd and 4th go-live.
NKV to confirm with SR
The project plan was updated to reflect the following:
N3 IP address delay to next week – Task 28
Hardware order delay to next week – Task 26
PID sign off timescale extension – Task 41/42
The 2.29 upgrade section has also been updated to reflect the additions made to the 2.28 plan. A section for hardware (test workstations) and performance testing has been added.
The N3 IP address task has been moved to the 31/12/09, as this is currently with the IT team at the Trust.
PID Sign Off task has been extended to 15/01/10, this is due to the Steering Group meeting being postponed due to the bad weather.
Task 25 and 26 marked as complete.
The hardware delivery task 63 changed to 11/01/10.
Task 32 communication strategy has been extended to 08/01/10.
Additional Task added for the Trust to review and provide input into the Training Strategy. This task has been rescheduled for 05/01/10
NKV to confirm the proposed training dates at the next meeting
The complete the sandpit forms tasks have been moved to 06/01/10.
A section on UAT has been included in the plan, this section will also cover the task for Ascribe to train the trainers.
The Sign off of the PID task had been moved forward by another week to 21/01/10 as a date has not yet been confirmed for the Steering Group.
The Trust to provide input in the Training Strategy task has been moved to 1st February as the Training Manager at the Trust is on leave. Wendy confirmed that this would not affect scheduling the training session.
NKV to update the plan to include the use of e-learning
The changes made to the plan to incorporate the e-learning were reviewed in version 21 of the project plan.
WS asked for the training and UAT to be moved to 23rd, 24th and 25th as the trainers do not work on a Monday and Friday
The date for the communication strategy has been extended. / WS
NKV / 23/11
2.  / Hardware
13/01/2010 / The hardware Visio diagram was reviewed, WS would like some additional information included in the diagram.
NV to update the diagram and to include what each of the new servers would be used for.
NV confirmed that .net 3.5 and IIS was required on AScR production server as the server will be used as an application server for the SCR as well as a database server.
NV clarified that the GSM should not be considered as a separate piece of software, it is part of the AScR software.
WS to confirm the specification of the Ethernet Backplane
NKV to confirm whether .net 2.0 and Java 1.66 currently installed on the workstations will cause any problems.
NKV confirmed that running .net2 .0 and Java 1.66 should not cause a problem, however, Ascribe have not tested running against 1.66.
NKV to confirm if Ascribes testing could be extended to cover 1.66 testing.
WS to provide the N3 IP addresses for the new servers.
CfH reiterated their offer of assistance with the hardware. WS to let CfH know if this is required ASAP.
MR confirmed that VNC could be downloaded for free from
WS has the order codes but the PO needs to be raised still and the order placed, WS expects this to happen next week and the plan has been updated. WS will confirm once the order has been placed.
WS said that the hardware would be delivered 2 weeks after order.
WS to email the confirmed spec of the hardware that’s being ordered.
WS was unable to provide N3 IP addresses and will send these next week.
WS to email the confirmed spec of the hardware that’s been ordered
WS emailed the spec of the ordered hardware.
WS also emailed the IP addresses for the new servers.
NKV to complete the N3 Filter request forms
The hardware has been delivered and is being installed on site. The filter request form has been completed and will be sent to the Trust to sign / NV
NKV / 16/11
3.  / End Point Registration
13/01/2010 / NV confirmed that there would be two end point registrations required. Once for the sandpit in order to test and one for the live spine.
WS would like some additional information around the firewall changes that the Trust will need to make.
Paul to send NKV the endpoint registration forms and sandpit booking forms.
NKV confirmed receipt of the forms.
NKV to complete the endpoint registration forms with assistance from Wendy
NKV started to complete the forms however, the forms currently do not reflect the MIM version required. CfH have been informed and will amend the forms. The IP address for the Trust is also required in order to complete the End Point Registration Form. NKV will schedule time to complete the forms w/c 21st December if CfH have updated the forms and the Trust can provide the IP address.
MR and WS were unsure of the IP address required. MR to raise with PN.
WS will confirm the IP addresses once the IT team at the Trust have provided her with the necessary information.
NKV to submit the Endpoint Registration forms.
NKV has submitted the endpoint registration form to PN. NKV has also asked if any additional forms needed to be completed such as smartcard and test data forms. PN to provide an update at the next meeting / NV
PN / 18/11
4.  / Training
13/01/2010 / WS raised concern over the number of users that will need to be trained prior to the go-live.
NKV suggested that the Trust trainers come to the Ascribe office for training, this would mean that the end user training could start training on site as soon as Ascribe have completed the connectivity testing.
NKV to advise when the Trust Trainers could come to the Ascribe office for training.
WS to confirm how many staff will need to be trained
It has been identified that nearly 700 staff will need to be trained on the SCR functionality. e-learning was suggested as a way of training all the staff, with face to face sessions for the users who are more likely to use the functionality the most.
NKV to check with the Ascribe Training Manager and Steve Roberts to see if this is a viable option.
WS to confirm how many Trust trainers require training.
NKV has spoken to the Ascribe Training Manager regarding the possibility of providing e-learing. The Ascribe Training Manager is looking in to this and discussing with Steve Roberts.
WS confirmed that there are 8 Trust Trainers that will need to be trained on the Summary Care Record functionality
There was no update from Ascribe, MR will chase the training team and Steve Roberts.
NKV to confirm the proposed training dates and provide confirmation on the e-learning approach
NKV confirmed that following the go-live the Trust would be responsible for training new starters on the SCR functionality.
WS confirmed that the Trust wanted Ascribe to train the helpdesk.
NKV confirmed the dates for the user training which is to take place at the Ascribe Bolton office. The training will take place Monday 22nd which will be followed by the Trust performing UAT on 23rd and 24th.
NKV also confirmed that Ascribe will provide e-learning material that the Trust can use to train the 700 staff.
WS to provide the names and background of the staff attending the training sessions at the Ascribe office. WS did confirm that it would be a mixture of trainers and testers attending the training.
The dates for the Train the Trainer training have been moved forward by one day to 23rd Feb.
WS confirmed that the trainers have no previous experience of Symphony. NKV to raise this with Steve R.
NKV to book a meeting with WS to discuss the Training Strategy document on Monday 18th Jan at 2pm.
It was confirmed there are 300 user who will need training on SCR functionality rather than 700. / NV
NKV / 2/12
5.  / Smartcards
13/01/2010 / It has been identified that just under 700 smartcards will need to be created.
CfH have offered assistance in the creation of the smartcards.
NKV emailed WS and PN the RBAC activities that the software is checking for. PN to check that these are the correct activity codes.
PN to work with WS to assign roles to the user spreadsheet WS supplied.
WS has asked for a formal document that confirms the RBAC roles required to ensure the users are set up properly. MR to raise this with PN.
There is a meeting scheduled for 07/01/10, to run through the roles and activities. CfH will provide a formal document following this meeting.
The meeting is still scheduled for 07/01/10 to discuss the roles and activities required on smartcards.
The meeting with the Trust and CfH took place, unfortunately due to technical difficulties Ascribe were unable to join the meeting. Barbara has produced a document which CfH need to review.
It has been identified that there are 300 users that require smartcards rather than the earlier estimate of 700. / MR
PN / 17/12
6.  / Demo’s
13/01/2010 / Steve Roberts joined the meeting
A number of demo dates have been booked by the Trust, unfortunately Ascribe can not commit to these dates. It was suggested that the sessions on 13th and 14th were cancelled and rescheduled for the w/c 18th Jan. SR to provide a list of dates and Wendy will reschedule the demo’s.
A demo has been arranged for Rochdale on 20th and Fairfield on 21st January. NKV to confirm with Sara and Steve that these dates are OK / SR
NKV / 08/01
7.  / Steering Group Dates
13/01/2010 / WS to send SR a list of Steering Group meeting dates.
WS though the next meeting would not be until 08/02/10, although she would be confirming this with MK.
WS still to confirm the dates with Don / WS / 13/01
8.  / Report for all alerts created / WS asked a question on the reports generated as a result of an alert being raised in the system and what would be available to the Privacy Officer.
NKV to provide further information / NKV / 20/01
9.  / Post go-live support arrangements
06/01/2010 / WS asked about Ascribe on-site support for the 3rd and 4th go-live.
NKV to confirm with SR
MR to request an update from SR/NV
NKV to provide an update on this at the meeting on 06/01/10.
It was confirmed that Ascribe will provide on-site support for each of the go-live days. / NKV
NKV / 17/12
10. / UAT
23/12/2009 / It was agreed that the UAT activities which will be carried out at the Ascribe office should be included in the deployment plan. NKV to update the plan. / NKV / 06/01

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