Unified English Braille Update Issue 8 September 2014

Mandy White

Braille subject Lead

9th September 2014

Welcome to the eighth edition of UEB Update from UKAAF (the UK Association for Accessible Formats), issued at the beginning of each school term. In this update we have details of children’s books and magazines in UEB, a free wall chart, UEB training and lots more. Please click on the links that are underlined in each paragraph for further information.

Exam timetable

We have finally received confirmation from all exam boards on their plans for introducing UEB test and exam papers. Please note that papers for younger students will be available from next summer but exams for 16 and 18 year olds will not be produced in UEBuntil the academic year 2015/16

Free UEB wall chart

A handy wall chart summarising Unified English Braille on one A3 sheet is available for free download from Duxbury Systems.

UEB training

If you missed the excellent UEB training in both literary and technical subjects in the spring and summer terms of the last academic year, there are still training opportunities available to update your braille knowledge to UEB. RNIB are able to offer the services of an experienced trainer to organisations and authorities wishing to plan their own training days in UEB. They are also keeping a register of individuals who are interested in attending an RNIB course. If there is sufficient demand, then these will take place towards the end of the year. For further information, please email

Foreign Languages

Guidelines outlining the different methods of transcribing foreign languages, once UEB is being produced, have now been loaded onto the UKAAF website

Borrowing Children’s books in UEB

All new books being added to the RNIB children’s library are now being produced in UEB. If you want a list of those available already then please email

The Clear Vision library specialises in braille books for younger children and has been producing books in UEB for 18 months now. The collection also includes some titles for teenagers with a lower reading age. For further information please email

Children’s Magazines in UEB

RNIB has 3 magazines for children and teenagers now being sent out in UEB

  • Blast off! For children aged 7-11 years is full of stories interviews and things to make and do. It is double-line spaced to make reading easier, is available in both contracted and uncontracted braille and is priced at 34p
  • Missy for girl’s aged12-15 years is full of true life stories, pop gossip, interviews, horoscopes and a problem page. It is available in contracted braille and is priced at 54p
  • Pure for girls aged 16-19 years features articles on love, relationships, fashion, health and beauty, interviews with the stars and "real-life" stories. It is available in contracted braille and is priced at 54p

To order, phone the RNIB helpline on 0303 123 9999

Braille reading schemes

We understand from RNIB that the braille reading schemes; Abi, Reading Together and Fingerprint are unfortunately still in production and are not yet available for purchase.

Braille literacy course

Although this exciting new online course is not strictly speaking about UEB, it none the less aims to plug a big gap in braille training provision. It is being developed by RNIB and NatSIP to support the teaching of literacy through braille by qualified teachers of children with vision impairment. Places on the pilot course are offered at a subsidised rate and the course will run from November to February 2015.

International Resources

The Australians have just launched a new online training course in UEB for sighted learners. It is self- paced, self-marked and free.

Sight reading brailleresource updated.

A book designed to teach people to sightread braille called ‘Have a look at this!’ hasbeenupdated to include changes createdby Unified English Braille.The book uses enlarged print and a braillefont to guide sighted readers through thebraille code.A list of the amendments that havebeen made is available free of chargeon request from author Jill Pembertonby emailing:

‘Have a look at this!’ can be ordered fromthe same email address for £7 plus£1postage and packing.

Get in touch

We'd love to hear your views on UEB and what you want from these email updates. Get in touch with Mandy White, UKAAF Braille Subject Lead by emailing .

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