Canadian Encyclopedia – Election of 1917

Conscription Crisis 1917

  • Conservative PM Robert Borden promised not to introduceconscription (mandatory military service) at the beginning of the war
  • but after returning from Europe and visiting Canadian soldiers he believed conscription was necessary to finish the war
  • reasons for conscription also included high casualties, men working in industries and decrease in volunteers
  • Borden introduced conscription in May 1917 with the Military Service Act
  • Military Service Act made conscription/enlistment mandatory for men 20-45
  • Military Service Act included exemptions for the disabled, clergy, workers with essential jobs or skills, conscientious objectors
  • Borden knew conscription would be unpopular in Quebec and divide the country so he proposed a wartime coalition with the Leader of the OppositionLiberalsWilfred Laurier who was a francophone but Laurier refused
  • Borden formed a Union Government in October 1917 anyways which some members of the Liberal party joined who supported conscription
  • Borden decided to call for an electionfor December 1917 to obtain support for conscription
  • Borden passed two pieces of legislation to help him win the election – Military Voters Act and Wartime Elections Act
  • Military Voters Actallowed men and women serving overseas to vote
  • Wartime Elections Act gave the vote to women related to servicemen but cancelled vote for conscientious objectors and immigrants from enemy countries
  • soldiers and women related to soldiers would support conscription while immigrants from enemy countries would not support conscription
  • Quebec/French Canadians, farmers and industrial workers opposed conscription
  • Quebec/French Canadians opposed conscription because many French Canadians were farmers and were needed on the farm, the majority did not feel a patriotic connection to either Britain or France, French language rights had been lost in many schools outside Quebec which they resented, little effort was made to keep Francophone volunteers together in the army and few officers spoke French
  • farmers opposed conscription because theyneeded their sons and hired workers to do the farm work
  • industrial workers opposed conscription becausethe workers felt they were already contributing to the war effort and they did not want to give up their jobs which paid well to fight in Europe
  • Borden and the Union Government won a majority in the December 1917 election(known as the khaki election)
  • conscription divided the country primarily between French and English-speaking Canadians
Source: The Conscription Crisis in Counterpoints p.49-51
December 17 Election

Political Cartoon about the Wartime Elections Act 1917

Question: To what extent was Prime Minister Borden’s 1917 conscription policy justified?

Justified / Not Justified
Evidence/Reasons / Evidence/Reasons
  • by 1917 Canadian casualties outnumbered new enlistments
  • more troops are necessary in order to win the war
  • the troops fighting in Europe will be at greater risk without additional reinforcements
  • Canada has already contributed many men and cannot stop now or the lives lost would be in vain
  • Quebec provided the fewest volunteers and thus conscription will force French Canadians to do their share in supporting the war
  • Canada has a an obligation and duty to help Britain win the war
  • Canada will lose trade with Britain if Germany wins the war and uses its naval supremacy to control the seas
  • Canada would gain the respect of the world
  • Britain and France will be grateful and support Canada in the future
  • Canada has lost enough men already
  • spending more money and sending more troops would bankrupt the country and put a strain on agricultural and industrial production
  • it will divide the nation (French vs English)
  • French Canadians feel no obligation to Britain or France
  • French Canadians are a minority in Canada and the loss of men would jeopardize their cultural survival in Canada
  • Canada has already made a significant contribution to the war and done its share
  • this is not Canada’s war as Britain declared war on Germany
  • Canada has nothing to gain from a victory
  • Canada is not a major power and is a country with a small population
  • the U.S will help defend Canada if Germany attacks

Inquiry Question: Was Prime Minister Borden’s 1917 conscription policy justified?

Provide a minimum of three reasons/evidence to support your position.

Not Justified / Evidence/Reasons