Class Overview

General Class Information
All fields must be completed and posted in UVaCollab and World Viewable in SIS no later than two weeks prior to registration.
Subject Area &
Catalog Number / EDIS 5730 / Class Title / Diagnosis & Remediation 1 PreK-2
Credit Type / Credit
Noncredit / Delivery Method / P (In-Person)
CI (Classroom/Internet)
WB (Web-Based)

1.  Class Description (Use the SIS 400 characters from catalog description)

This course is an introduction to both formative and diagnostic literacy assessments used in the preschool through primary grades (emergent and beginning stage readers). Clinical and classroom diagnostic methods along with related instructional implications are explored. This course is taken in conjunction with EDIS 5740 and involves multiple practicum assignments at are to be completed outside of class. Co-requisite: EDIS 5740

2.  Learning Outcomes

This course focuses on the role and use of assessment-based instruction for emergent and beginning readers. Students will learn how to administer direct (informal) measures of reading assessment and design instruction that can be used for individual case studies or for total classroom assessment. The course involves multiple practicum assignments to be completed outside of class.

3.  Assessment Components

• Administer and interpret an informal reading inventory for emergent and beginning readers

• Learn informal assessments for classroom and diagnostic uses

• Interpret test results to determine appropriate strengths and areas of need for phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills

• Interpret test results to determine students’ independent, instructional and frustration levels of reading

• Review the strengths and weaknesses of popular, standardized reading assessments

4.  Required Text (include ISBN, specific edition)

Morris, D. (2008). Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Problems. New York: Guilford


Scanlon D.M.; Anderson, K.L.; Sweeney, J.M. (2010). Early Interventions for Reading Difficulties. New York: The Guilford Press.

5.  Required Additional Resources and Technical Components

Students are responsible for checking collab for announcements and are expected to use the resources provided in the class site on collab.

6.  Other Class Expectations (for Classroom/Internet and Web-Based classes, specify any live (synchronous) meetings dates, times, delivery mode)

Participants will be assigned one Providence Elementary student and will assess and tutor their student at Providence for the first 75 minutes of each scheduled class session.

