Nanyang Technological University

School of Humanities

History Programme

Application to begin Graduation Project in August 2017 (Semester 1, AY 2017-2018)

This form must be submitted to the History FYP coordinator, Asst Prof Jessica Hinchy by
16 June 2017.

Please attach a copy of your degree audit and highlight the core courses that you have completed.


Matriculation Number:

Research Area:

(Select from list of research areas on page 3)

Research proposal abstract (300 words maximum)

Please describe the scope of your topic and your key research questions.

Please indicate () if you have completed the following requirements before Semester 2 AY 2016-2017.

1.  Completed at least 91 AUs. □

2.  Completed all History Core Courses. □

3.  Completed at least 6 History Prescribed Electives for a grade. □
(including 1 PE from each of the 3 categories “Global Asia,”
“Interdisciplinary History,” and “World History”)

4.  Compulsory FYP (CGPA 3.90 and above) □
Opt-in FYP (CGPA 3.75-3.90)* □
*(Admission in the 3.75-3.90 holding band is at the department’s discretion)

5.  List the 4000-level courses you have completed or are currently enrolled in.

S/N / Course Code & Title / Semester Completed / Registered

Supervisor preference

Please list three faculty members you would like to work with on your thesis in order of preference.

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

Please note that it may not be possible to accommodate your preference of supervisor. The History department cannot guarantee that you will be assigned one of your three preferred supervisors but will endeavor to accommodate each student as far as possible.


Are you completing an URECA-FYP with a faculty member? yes/no

If yes, which faculty member is your URECA-FYP supervisor? ______

N.B.: This question only applies to URECA-FYP theses, not URECA papers.

Signature/ Date.

FYP Research areas

Primary category (please select one)

Global Asia (specify East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia or Transnational)

Singapore History

Diplomatic History/International Relations,

World History

Environmental History

Science, Technology and Medicine

Gender and Sexuality


Public History

Secondary category (please select one)

Pre-19th century

19th century

20th century

Tertiary category

Please specify the country/countries