Step 1: Assess Interest Level & Sustainability of a Chapter - What you need to know

Why form a chapter?

A chapter is a legal, not-for-profit organization that is affiliated with ACMP Global and must abide by ACMP chapter rules and regulations[insert link to rules and regulations]. ACMP chapters promote the advancement of change management practice and profession by providing access to ACMP’s global network of change management professionals while offering local professional networking and learning opportunities and leadership development opportunities through volunteerism.

Consider leading the formation of a chapter if you want to support ACMP’s vision of creating a vibrant, global network of locally-connected change management professionals, and have the energy needed to get a chapter up and running.

Gauging Chapter Interest

  • Find 5-8 local ACMP members to drive start up efforts – they will act as your formation committee. They may or may not be your initial board of directors if you pursue affiliation.
  • Submit inquiry to ACMP Global and speak with a member of Chapter Formation Committee for guidance
  • Do a preliminary search of members in your area using the search feature on
  • Draft a communication for ACMP Global to send to members in your geographic area.
  • Network with your local change management community
  • Confirm you have enough interest in your region to move forward.

Getting started

After submitting a chapter inquiry at you will be contacted by a member of ACMP’s Chapter Formation Committee to discuss your goals for a local chapter. You should be prepared to discuss:

  • The size of your chapter formation team – it can take 6 to 12 months to get a chapter up and running, and requires the efforts of at least 5 people to get a chapter off the ground
  • The specific geography that your chapter will cover – consider a region for your chapter that is a manageable size for your chapter formation team to serve, and that doesn’t cross important political or geographical boundaries
  • The size and interest of the change management community in the region – do some research on the ACMP Global web site and other sources to determine how many change management practitioners there are in your region, and hold some initial networking events to determine the level of interest in a local ACMP chapter

Chapter Formation Process