PSE3 linked to C&L2&3, UW1,PD1&2, L1, M1&2,
EAD1. / Tummy Ache game / Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources, sometimes with support from others.
(30-50mths) / CHILD LEAD:Support a small group of children in taking it in turns to play the game. As the game is played, encourage conversation about the food cards on their plates. Can they name the different food on cards, Talk about likes/dislikes, healthy/unhealthy foods & name any dairy foods. Record children’s observation & ideas. Give praise for good turn taking, sharing foods cards & children’s observations/ideas on food cards. / Younger children to be supported in turn taking & sharing food cards when playing the game.
Older children to show good turn taking & sharing skills when playing the game.
C&L3linked to PSE1,2&3 UW2, L1, PD1, EAD. / Group discussions about dairy products with picture cards. / Builds vocabulary that reflects the breath of their experiences.
(30-50mths) / CHILD LEAD: Explain to the children that we are going to be thinking about milk & foods that are made from milk called dairy foods. Ask the children if they can think of any foods made from milk. Use picture cards to help if needed. ‘Can we name the picture cards?’ such as milk, cheese and so on.Encourage the children to take it in turns to choose a picture card & tell us something about it. ‘What do you eat/drink?’ Praise the children for speaking & listening skills, using dairy words & giving ideas. / Younger children to name dairy foods & say/pointto foods they like.
Older children to show their widening vocabulary when speaking about dairy foods, likes, flavours & sharing their experiences.
PD1linked to PSE1,2&3, C&L1,2&3, L1, M1&2, UW1, EAD1. / Milk bottle skittles / Shows increasing control; over an object, pushing patting, throwing, catching or kicking it.
(40-60+mths) / CHILD LEAD: Position some milk bottles on the ground and encourage the children to use a ball to roll and knock down the milk bottles. Encourage the children to think about how they roll the ball and where they aim it, in order to knock down as many bottles as they can.
Give the children praise and encouragement for taking aim and for taking turns. / Younger children can stand nearer to the milk bottles so they have less distance to try and roll the ball.
Older children may try to roll, push and kick the ball to knock down the skittles.
L1 linked to
PSE1, 2&3, PD1, C&L1, 2&3, M1,UW1, EAD1. / Keith the cat with the magic hat. / Suggests how the story might end.
(30-50mths) / CHILD LEAD: At group time, read the story of Keith the cat with the magic hat. Ask the children questions during the story to promote imaginative thinking & predictions. ’How do you think Keith is feeling?’, ‘Poor Keith what could he do/say?’. Encourage discussion. Near the end of the story, pause again to ask children if they can suggest what might happen at the end. Give praise for children’s ideas and listening skills. / Younger children to enjoy listening to the story, repeat words/parts of the story they enjoyed & begin to think about what might happen next.
Older children to share their ideas to how Keith is feeling, what might happen next & suggest story endings.
M1 linked to PSE1, C&L, 1,2&3, PD 1&2, UW1&2, EAD2. / Milking a cow / Uses some language of quantities such as ‘more’ and ‘a lot’.
(22-36 mths) / CHILD LEAD: Place milk filled rubber gloves, hung on strings across the water tray. The children will have an ‘udder’ each with a bucket. Encouraged the children to pretend to milk a cow, filling their buckets up with milk.. Enter into discussions about the bucket being empty, halfway or full. Give praise and encouragement for being careful and using language associated with quantities. / Younger children to attempt at milking, with help from an adult or older child.
Older children to milk the cow and try to fill the bucket, discussing the quantities in the bucket.
UW2linked toPSE1,2&3, PD1, C&L1,2&3 M1&2 EAD1&2. / Play farm / Enjoys playing with small-world models such as farm, a garage or a train track.
(22-36mths) / CHILD LEAD: Arrange the play farm in an attractive manner using some mud and artificial grass. During their play adults can talk with the children about what cows eat, where milk comes from and what we can make out of milk. Give praise for sharing knowledge. / Younger children enjoy playing with the small world farm set.
Older children can talk about cows, milk and farms and share their own experiences.
EAD1linked to PSE 1, C&L 1,2&3, PD 1&2 , M2, UW 1/&2, EAD 1&2 / White playdough / Realises tools can be used for a purpose.
(30-50 mths) / CHILD LEAD: Place the white playdough onto the wooden rolling boards. Encourage the children to manipulate the playdough and make creations of their choice using the tools provided. Praise will be given for good sharing & using tools safely. / Younger children to enjoy playing with the playdough and using the tools with help if needed.
Older children to use the tools safely to make various creations..

CHILD LEAD unplanned learning: mark making, registration/weather, outside play.