Thursday, January 10, 2013

5:30 p.m.

City Hall – Mt. Olympus Room

4580 S 2300 E

Holladay, Utah 84117



Mayor Dennis Webb – arrived at 6:10 City Staff

Council Members Randy Fitts, City Manager

Lynn Pace – excused at 6:53 Stephanie Carlson, City Recorder

Sabrina Petersen Craig Hall, City Attorney

Pat Pignanelli Clarence Kemp, City Engineer

Jim Palmer

Steve Gunn

1. Call to Order
Mayor Pro-tem Palmer called the meeting to order at 5:42 pm and welcomed those in attendance

2. Business License Fee Study Presentation

This item was postponed to the next meeting due to the presenter not being able to attend due to weather conditions.

3. Update on Fire Station & Casto Home

This item was postponed to the next meeting due to the presenter not being able to attend due to weather conditions.

4. Discussion on Proposed RM Text Amendment

Norm Olsen spoke to the Council. His daughter lives near this proposed project and he likes the idea of an assisted living center being built on the site. It is not a good property for residential.

Scott Browning – Chair of 1st Utah Bank. His bank owns this property. He is very impressed with the buyers who are very hands on. This will be a high quality facility and is a great use for the property. The financing is contingent on the text amendment, if it does not get approved they will walk and the property will go up for sale. They are looking for approval before March 31.

Mayor Webb updated the Council on the committee meetings. They have met twice and had some very good discussions and it is a good committee. There has been a lot of talk on traffic issues and lower density. They are looking to create a sense of place, more like a Blvd., country feel. There has also been some discussion on changing the name of Highland Dr.

The Council discussed the RM text amendment and parking. They are proposing underground parking with 75 stalls. Staff did a survey and most of the facilities only have overflow parking two-three times a year, if that and have anywhere from .5-1.3 stalls per resident. Most of the RM zone reflects what is on the land and pre-dates the city. Type II facilities are the trend. There are still a lot of unanswered questions, and the Council would like to get insight from the committee on the proposal and then put it on the Feb. 7 agenda for a vote.

5. Discussion and Review of Title 2 - Administrative Code

Mr. Hall stated that staff had made additional changes and revisions based on further review. The Council was asked to review the document and be ready to discuss on Jan. 17.

Council Member Pace was excused at 6:53pm

6. Update on City Hall Park Common Area

James Glascock reviewed where we are at. The bandstand is mostly wood, but there is metal for structure. He is working on a new design for the west entry way into city hall. He is hoping to have everything done by Feb. 1 and to go out to bid by mid-February with construction beginning in early April. There will be incentives and a penalty clause in order to get it done by July 4. The Council talked about adding three spaces by the west entry for loading.

7. Discussion on Council Boundaries

Staff is working with the County on options before deciding on boundary changes for Districts 1 and 2.

8. Discussion on Holladay Village Zone Regulations

The Council discussed options for existing drive thrus that want to remodel and if they could be grandfathered in. Also, if the Council wants to even pursue allowing new drive thrus. The Council wants the Village Center to be walkable and allowing drive thurs defeats that goal. They also discussed Kentucky Ave and the surplus property. Manager Fitts and Council Member Petersen will be meeting with residents of Kentucky Ave in the next week.

9. Discussion on Accessory Uses as Dwellings

Council Member Palmer commented that this issue came up when there was an RV fire where someone was living in the RV that was on a property. The City already has an ordinance and the Council would like to educate the citizens about the ordinance. Council Member Palmer will do an article for the newsletter.

10. Discussion on Ethics Committee

Mr. Hall gave the Council a summary and they asked it be put on the agenda for adoption at the next meeting.

11. Discussion on Anti-Idling Ordinance

The Council feels this is a good idea and makes a statement. Mr. Hall was asked to draft an ordinance that includes the recognition of schools for starting the campaign. Once adopted there needs to be an article in the newsletter to educate the citizens.

12. Calendar

The next meeting is Jan. 17. The February schedule is the 7th and 21st, both will be regular, action meetings.

13. Other Business

Mayor Webb reported that there is a new City Manager in Cottonwood Heights, a new Mayor in Taylorsville and a new County Public Works Dir.

14. Closed Session pursuant to Utah Code Section 52-4-204 & 205 to Discuss Personnel Issues, Potential Litigation and Property Acquisition and Disposition (if needed)

15. Adjourn

There being no further business, Council Member Petersen moved to adjourn. Council Member Pignanelli seconded the motion. The Council voted in the affirmative and the meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.

I hereby certify that the foregoing represents a true, accurate and complete record of the Holladay City Council Work Meeting held Thursday, January 13, 2013.

Stephanie N. Carlson, MMC Dennis R. Webb, Mayor

Holladay City Recorder

Minutes approved: 1-17-13


Holladay City Council Work Minutes 1-10-13