TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016


Village President Jacque Foust opened the meeting and roll call was taken. Present were Jacque Foust, John Myklebust, Harley Cochran, Colleen Flynn, John Krumm, Cindy Fayerweather, C/T.

**1. Zoning change request: The Planning Commission held a Public Hearing prior to the Board meeting to consider the Zoning change application from Daniel Prokosh and Sarah Smith, property located at W12132 State Hwy 35, Stockholm, WI. Their request is to change the zoning on said property from the current Residential zoning to Commercial zoning. As no objections were heard, the Planning Commission made the recommendation to the Village Board to change the zoning from Residential to Commercial. A motion was made by Harley, 2nd by John M., to accept the Planning Commission’s recommendation to change the zoning at W12132 State Hwy 35 from Residential to Commercial zoning. Carried. **A note from the Board: The Village Board is not looking to expand the Commercial District. This zoning change request clears up an existing issue in the village so was considered and given approval.**

Clerk’s Report: Motion by Colleen, 2nd by John M. to approve the June 7, 2016 meeting minutes, carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Motion by Colleen, 2nd by John K. to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given, carried.

Zoning Administrator: No report as Galen Seipel was not present.

Park Committee Report: Public Meetings will be held on Saturday, July 30th at 8:30 AM at the Calvary Covenant Church and again on Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:30 PM at the Calvary Covenant Church to discuss plans and the future of the village park. August 16, 2016 the next Park Committee meeting will be held where a rough estimate of ideas for park improvements. After the two Public Meetings, information will be gathered, compiled and presented to the Board by the Park Committee. In January or perhaps February, the Village Board will make decisions on choices of park improvements based on the meetings response.

Items of Business:

  1. Quiet Zone update: John Myklebust gave a short update on the train whistles. Monday,

July 18,2016 is the expected day to halt the sounding of the train whistles and the Quiet Zone will go into effect. This was very good news to everyone!

2.Ditch repairs: Pepin County Highway Dept. Will be installing new fencing along Spring Street soon.

3.2016-2017 annual fees updated. Jacque F. Read through the fees listing. Discussion was held. Cemetery plot expense was added for $400 per plot.

  1. Mill Street parking lot: Jacque will meet with the DNR at 10:30 on July 13th to view the parking area site proposed on the Mill Street area below Hwy 35 for approval.
  1. Mobile Vendor Fees: Colleen suggested increasing the Mobile Vendor Fees to $350.00. After discussion, a motion was made by Colleen to increase the annual Mobile Vendor fees to $350 and the 3 Day Fee to $150, 2nd by John M, carried.
  1. Cemetery Plot sales: Discussion held on the consideration of an extra fee for vertical stones versus a flat stone. In cemeteries that are placed on a hillside, there is more of a possibility of the stones tipping or shifting, creating more of a maintenance issue and more expense. Flat stones don’t have those issues and are more easily mowed around too. The decision was made to increase the cost of a plot with a vertical stone placed on it, fees were not determined at this point.

7. Diane Milner discussed her request of $500 from the Village to be used towards creating a parking area behind her building. With the construction of the Quiet Zone, parking was eliminated along Spring Street in her block. After discussion, Harley made a motion to approve giving $500 towards the construction of the parking lot on her property. Roll call vote was requested: Jacque No, Colleen No, Harley Yes, John M. Yes, John K. No, motion failed.

  1. Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, August 9th. The next Village Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 16th at 6:00 PM.
  1. Citizen Concerns: Rebecca Pope discussed concerns she has on her property next to Mill Street regarding the proposed parking area. She is unhappy with the plan as she has been clearing and fixing up her property as a small park. The Village is proposing placing a parking area in the 66’ right of way of Mill Street and she is concerned of blocked access to her property, the planned appearance of the project and is not pleased with the plan in general. Pat Ament was also present to voice her concerns on the project as well. Further discussion will be held.

Lund Fire Department needs another Firefighter from the Village of Stockholm. If anyone is

interested, contact Bob Stine, Lund Fire Chief.

No other business was brought forward, a motion was made by Colleen, 2nd by John M, to adjourn the meeting, carried, meeting adjourned.

Cindy Fayerweather, Clerk/Treasurer