Holland Youth Advisory Council

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Meeting Minutes

1. 6:18pm - Call to Order

2. Regular Business

• Pledge of Allegiance

• Roll Call

Present: DeLaRosa, Dreyer, Elsess, Heneghan, Martinez, Rivera Prince

Excused: Gutierrez, Ky, Ramirez-Matias

City Staff: Esther Fifelski, Nancy DeBoer

• Approval of minutes – DeLaRosa moved; Heneghan seconded; motion passed.

3. Guests – Sam Zylstra & Aleah Bosgraaf

4. Subcommittee & Member Reports

Social Services Committee

·  Meeting was cancelled, but is being rescheduled for later this month.

Recreation Committee

·  In the midst of organizing a movie in the park the same day as National Night Out in August. Decided on the movie “The Good Dinosaur.” This event will be aimed at families.

·  The HYAC alumni event guest list is still being compiled and invitations are still being edited. This potluck event will be on June 18th from 4-7pm at Kollen Park. Music and lawn games are being organized.

Special Events Committee

·  Ramirez-Matias 7 Gutierrez were excused.

Human Relations Commission (Sam and Aleah)

·  Martin Luther King Jr. day will be celebrated once again at City Hall this year. The events are taking place on Monday January 18th. This will be followed by a presentation of contemporary African American artists at the arts council downtown from 1-3pm.

·  Social Justice Award recipients were chosen by the committee.

·  Voter registration for students at Black River and Holland Public is being organized. The registration will take place during lunch for each school.

·  Community involvement is a large goal of the committee in any event.

5. Continuing Business

HRC Social Justice award-

·  Jazmin and Clara will present the award on January 20th to Kyler Beal. Kyler has left for college, so either his parents will receive the award on his behalf or he will Skype.

HYAC Promo ideas -

·  West Ottawa showcase table is still being looked into.

·  Multicultural Festival is taking place May 21st at Centennial Park.

·  School lunch hours and school news are still being looked into.

·  Sunglasses, pins, pens, and lanyards were discussed for promotion.

·  T-shirts have been ordered and will be delivered at next month’s meetings.

Hot Chocolate with HYAC

·  This event will be taking place Saturday at Herrick District Library, across from City Hall. The 50 minute shifts were signed up for. Heneghan, Dreyer, and Rivera Prince will be 1st shift at 9am; DeLaRosa, Martinez, and Elsess will begin at 9:50; Gutierrez, Ramirez-Matias, and Ky will be the last shift at 10:40 to 11:30am.

6. New Business

·  Mayor’s Youth/Adult Roundtable will be on February 22nd. This year will have emphasis on entrepreneurship. We will have presentations from successful local business people from the area under the age of 40. This includes Holland Orange Leaf’s owner Jeremy Latchaw. This year we will be starting with food!

7. Communication from Staff/Others:

·  City Hall will be budgeting in the next few months.

8. Public Comment

·  None at this time.

9. Next Meeting:

·  Thursday, February 11; 5:30pm dinner, 6:15pm meeting.

10. Adjournment: 7:04pm

Respectfully submitted by: Freddie DeLaRosa