JANUARY 30, 2017


TRUSTEES:Brock Herringshaw

Robert G. Maxwell

Mary E. Puznowski

William Reynolds

ATTORNEY:Norman Mastromoro-absent


ATTENDED: Scott Hongo, Edward Scharpou, Neal Winkler, and Richard Congdon.

Mayor BruceT. Lyon at Village Hall called this Special Meeting of the Dolgeville Village Board of Trustees to order at 5:00p.m.

6 Dunckel StreetMarcia Bowers came before the Board on the following:

Marcia is filing a complaint against 6 Dunckel Street. The house is for sale - $ 80,000.00. Marcia spoke to Barry Vickers – Code Enforcement Officer previously regarding the condition of the house – cockroaches and their effect on the neighborhood. A pest control company came in at that time but the cockroaches are still there and now there are bedbugs. Marcia would like the property condemned and torn down. The Village will contact Code Enforcement and convene the Board of Health as needed.

Water Dept. BudgetWater Plant Operator Neal Winkler came before the Board on the following:

Proposed budget $ 310,724.00 this does not include money for contingency, equipment/purification, reservoir.

Items for consideration include:

$ 100,000.00 – Spillway repair – possible DASNY funding avail.

$ 6,700.00 – Meter replacement at facility

$ 80,000.00 - Replace main line @ St. Rte. 29A

$ 15,000.00 - Siding for rear of Water Plant

$ 20,000.00 –4x4 Pickup

$ 15,000.00 – Tractor

Neal was working on a LED project with National Grid for the plant for approximately $ 13,000.00 he is not sure the status due to National Grid not getting back to him. Neal researched other options for replacement and some options show the project cost approximately $ 2,000.00.

Neal and Ed are looking to hire a full time laborer to train and use for both departments.

WWTP BudgetWWTP Plant Chief Operator Edward Scharpou came before the Board on the following:

Ed’s budget request includes increases to the following:

$ 12,000.00 – New camera

Contractual wage increases

$ 250.00 – Grease/Oil

$ 3,500.00 – Chlorine

$ 300.00 – Screening Disposal

$ 1,000.00 – Effluent Testing

Items for consideration include:

Purchase a new camera

Hire fulltime WWTP/Water Operator Trainee

WWTP vehicle

Police Dept. BudgetProvisional Sergeant Richard Congdon came before the Board on the following:

Contractual wage increases. Increase Crossing Guards to meet state guidelines.

Items for consideration include:

New cartridges for Tasers

Paint Offices @ department

$ 1,200.00 - 2 new computers

$ 1,000.00 – 2 new vests

DPW BudgetDPW Superintendent Scott Hongo came before the Board on the following:

Proposed budget - $ 277,200.00 this does not include salaries and benefits.

Check all water lines if Main Street is paved – approx. $ 2,500.00. Scott will check with D.O.T. schedule.

Museum BudgetKeep the same, encumber this year’s finances for painting if not completed before the end of the fiscal year.

Clerk BudgetProposed budget - decrease legal notices by $ 200.00.

Mayor/Board SalariesBoard to check other municipalities salaries.

Old LibraryRequest from current lessee for repairs/new windows.

Simmons RecoveryRyan Frykholm from Simmons Recovery Consulting came before the Board on the following:

The Village is working on a FEMA project at the WWTP and seeking the 25% match in the amount of $ 512,000.00. The Village has contacted local politician Marc Butler for assistance and requesting a meeting with the Governor’s office to move the project forward. Simmons services work with municipalities and government to move the process forward and within compliance with all regulations and regulatory agencies.

The Village will submit RFP’s for Disaster Management Consulting services.

Police Department

Resolution 7-2017The following resolution offered by Trustee Reynolds sec. by Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all.

Motion authorizing Provisional Sergeant Richard Congdon do all work scheduling for full and part time police department employees. Sec. Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all.

AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Maxwell, Puznowski, Reynolds

NAYS: None

ADOPTED – January 30, 2017

AdjournmentBy Trustee Herringshaw

Motion to adjourn special meeting at 8:10 p.m. Sec. Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all.


______Village Clerk