Ministerial Development Review
Review Summary Sheet
Part 2:
CMD Requirements
This Review Summary Sheet is sent by the bishop to the Diocesan CMD team.
Name of Reviewee:
Name of Reviewer:
Benefice/ Chaplaincy:
Date of Review:
Period under Review:
Oxford Diocese is committed to encouraging a culture of life-long learning among its clergy and Licensed Lay Ministers. Various forms of ministerial development have been offered in this diocese for many years. Under Common Tenure all licensed clergy are required to undertake ministerial development, and to set aside five days a year in order to do so. The Diocese, in return, offers and signposts many opportunities for learning. Courses are offered to support clergy during important transitions (such as becoming an incumbent for the first time, or around retirement). There is a leadership course, ‘Developing Servant Leaders’ (DSL) to which clergy are invited. There are also day conferences organised on an ad hoc basis and occasional training days in worship and liturgy. Many ministers have their own networks offering training and development of various kinds. There are grants available to assist with these. The annual Ministerial Review is where CMD needs may be identified and ministers are expected to be proactive in seeking the training and development they require.
The CMD Advisors of Oxford Diocese are also Parish Development Advisors in each area. For practical support in this area you may want to contact your area one.
See more at:
Sheila Townsend, PA to the CMD Team,
Tel: 01865 208277 – email
Please use the space below to detail specific learning you have engaged in since your last MDR (eg: titles of the courses you attended and dates, books studied etc.)
What Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) needs emerge from this review?
Category 1 –Important and Urgent
training, development or study needed to enable you to do your role better now (ie the next 6-9 months)
How will these priorities be addressed?
Category 2–Longer Term
training or study which you are interested in personally or professionally.
How will this be explored?
Signed ______(reviewer)
Signed ______(reviewee)
Signed ______(bishop)
January 2017