VI International Scientific Conference
“Modern trends in rehabilitation, physical culture and adapted physical activity for individuals with disabilities”
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
April 23, 2015
Announcement and call for papers
Dear Colleagues,
Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod holds the VIInternational Scientific Conference “Modern trends in rehabilitation, physical culture and adapted physical activity for individuals with disabilities”on April23, 2015 in Nizhny Novgorod.
Proposed conference topics
- Health and fitness, and health promotion
- General and adapted physical activity, education and sports
- Psychological, pedagogical, legal, social,technical, biological and medical aspects of physical activity, physical rehabilitation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy
- Modern technologies in physical rehabilitation, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and recreation
- Sports and exercise for elderly and young children
- Multicultural and crosdisciplinary collaboration and integration to enhance the opportunities for people with a disability
- Dietetics and human nutrition, nutritive and metabolic support of physical activity, adapted physical activity and rehabilitation process.
Topics that extend beyond these thematic areas will also be considered.
- Attending in person: oral presentation during plenary sessionsand oral or poster presentations in parallel thematic sessions.
- Virtual participation (only submitting a paper) is available for those who are unable to attend the conference in person.
All the articles will be published in the conference proceedings in paper and electronic forms regardless of the form of participation.
- Indication of intent to participate in the conference(submission of the application form) – March8, 2015;
- Paper submission - April5, 2015;
- Notification of acceptance –within 2-3 days after paper submission;
- Conference date –April23, 2015.
There are no registration fees and publication fees for the accepted papers. Authors will receivea PDF copy of the conference proceedings (with ISBN) and a certificate of participation in the conference (on request).
Authors should submit their papers (maximum 7 pagesin English or Russian) via e-mail to r rs may be sent as an e-mail attachment (MS-Word document only).The file name with the materials should include the first author's name.
Submitted papers should meet the following requirements:
- Paper should include new information. However, papers presented at similar conferences may also be submitted.
- The organizing committee reserves the right to accept or reject articles for publication.
- The text of no more than 4 pages should be typed in Times New Roman, 14 pt; pagemargins 2.0 cm; paragraph indent - 1.25 cm,spacing - 1.5; alignment - the width of the page; footnotes - page by page.
- Figures and tables may be added but must be easily legible for reproduction. Tables and figures must have a descriptive title.
- The title should be brief (15 words or less), specific and should reflect the content of the presentation. Please do not use abbreviations in the title. Type in UPPER CASE using 14pt
Times New Roman, centre the text and bold.
- Type author(s) name(s), initial(s), academic degree, academic rank in italics, upper and lower case letters.
- All references must be numbered consecutively and citations of the references in the text should be identified using numbers in square brackets (e.g., “as discussed elsewhere [9, 10]”). All references should be cited within the text.
- Abbreviations should only be used for common terms. For uncommon terms the abbreviationshould be given in brackets after the full use of the word.
In case you have any question about the conference and abstract submission, please contact
the OrganizingCommittee
Email address: or
Postaladdress: Russia, 603950, N.Novgorod, Prospect Gagarina (Gagarin Avenue)23
Phone: (831) 8-910-3910227.
Appendix 1
VI International Scientific Conference
“Modern trends in rehabilitation, physical culture and adapted physical activity for individuals with disabilities”
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
April 23, 2015
Title of the paperType of participation (in-person or virtual)
Surname and name / Academicdegreeand rank / Affiliation / E-mail
Appendix 2
Surname and Initials of Author1PhD, Co-Author2MD
1Affiliation, 2Affiliation
Text of the paper.Text of the paper.Text of the paper.Text of the paper [1, 3].Text of the paper.
- Armstrong, A.A. A comparison of hand strengths / A.A. Armstrong, J.A. Armstrong // Journal of surgery. – 2014. – V. 25 (6). - P. 431-445.
2.Hall, F. Physical rehabilitation / F. Hall, M. Hall. - New York: McGraw - Hill, 2011. - 400 p.– ISBN 1111111111111.