GSA Minutes4.21.16
- 12:04 – Call to Order (Fred)
- Major accomplishments/changes from this year
- Outgoing e-board member meetings
- Finals Food Fest
- Menu overview
- Time and date
- GSA presence – encourage students to get involved
- Getting the word out – signage (Graduate Students: Finals Food Fest)
- E-board communication
- Officer reports for meetings
- Meeting structure
- Swag
- Extra money in the budget to allocate for this
- Ideas:
- Pens (already have)
- Flash Drives
- Highlighters
- Water bottles
- Student outreach
- How do we want to table and spread information?
- Attend orientations
- Table for an hour once a month for an hour and partner with RSOs prevalent to that building
- Involve undergrads in getting them interested in graduate studies at GVSU
- Table hand outs:
- PACES information
- Orgsync sign-up information – collect emails on an excel spreadsheet
- Social media information
- New Graduate Student Orientation
- August 24
- Advertise for GSA Picnic
- New Graduate Student Picnic
- Last year
- John Ball Zoo Park
- Food and music
- Opportunity for students to mingle and get to know people from other programs
- This year
- Hall and courtyard reserved
- September 9, 5:30-7:30
- Bring in a keynote speaker
- Professional photos – Cook Leadership Academy
- Ice breakers
- Scavenger hunt/I Spy
- Yard games rented from Outdoor Adventure Center (Jordyn)
- Kids activities – bubbles, coloring pages
- Standing Committee Members
- 9 spots that need to be filled total
- Graduate Council Curriculum Sub-committee
- Graduate Council Policy Sub-committee
- University Academic Senate (Fred)
- Academic Policies and Standards committee
- Faculty teaching and learning advisory committee
- Campus Life Committee
- Faculty salary and budget committee
- Application process?
- Strategies for filling positions
- Advertise at orientation to get a diverse group of students
- Reach out to each of our specific programs
- Online form to report minutes
- Mid-semester meeting with GSA
- Grad Club/Grad Hub
- Do we continue this into next year?
- Do we have other ideas for social outreach?
- Search Committee for new Dean of Students
- 3 candidates
- GSA Video
- Use a similar script as last year
- Be able to use this in the coming years
- Involve some sort of University service to create the video (film and video students or school of com)
- Create this summer – June 11 at 9 am
- Room reservation (Jordyn)
- Seidman
- UClub
- Courtyard