McLean County Fair Livestock Information
Dear McLean County Fair Showman:
See the tentative schedule of events below. We also encourage you to watch the McLean County Fair website for the most recent changes and up-to-date information at You can also like the McLean County Fair Facebook page.
McLean County Fair datesJune 16th - June 18th, 2017 (Friday-Sunday)
McLean County 4H Livestock Show June 17th@ 8:00am-Saturday
*Only McLean 4H members can participate
*McLean County 4H Clover Bud Livestock show will follow
each specie during the 4H Show.
McLean County 4H Weigh-Ins and RegistrationJune 16th @ 4:00pm-6:00pm-Friday
McLean County FFA Livestock Show June 17th @ 12:00pm (following 4H Shows)-Saturday
*All ND FFA members are welcome to participate
FFA Weigh-Ins and RegistrationJune 16th @ 4:00pm-6:00pm-Friday
McLean County Junior Points/Open ShowJune 18th @ 8:00am-Sunday
McLean County Junior Points/Open Show Weigh-Ins & RegistrationJune 17th @ 4:00pm-Saturday
Animal Release Time-Junior Points-Out of County OnlyJune 18th @ 4:30pm-Sunday
Animal Release Time-McLean County AnimalsJune 18th @ 5:30pm-Sunday
*Animals CANNOT be released prior to this time. If an exhibitor removes an animal from the barn prior to this time, all prize money will be forfeited.
*All livestock snowperson’s will be required to complete a livestock exit sheet to receive funds. This will include cleaning of pen areas, etc.
Animal Registration/Premium Checks
We have decided to use the same registration sheets and pay out methods as we did last year. We decided to stay with the same registration sheets since the State Fair has decided to go electronic. Our hope is that this allowed a more timely removal of animals.
-Please fill out the attached registration form completely and bring it with you to the fair.
-Turn in the registration sheet during the registration time listed. Registration sheets can be submitted to Amanda Huettl in the livestock barn during registration.
*At registration, all pure bred breeding stock will need to provide registration papers.
-Prize payout will be mailed to each recipient the week following the McLean County Fair.
-Animals CANNOT be released prior to this time. If an exhibitor removes an animal from the barn prior to this time, all prize money will be forfeited.
General Information
All individuals entering the fairgrounds have to pay for each day. A three day pass will be available to all livestock individuals when entering the fairgrounds. All livestock showing individuals (including showers, parents, helpers, etc.) will need to ask for a livestock wristband when entering the fairgrounds. The proper wristband will be necessary to show livestock at ALL shows. If a livestock showman does not have the proper wristband, they will NOT be able to show.
Gate Admissions and information can all be found on the McLean County Fair Website.
Show order for all shows:
Goat rules: Will be following NDJPSA rules for the Goats.
Mighty Thomas Carnival will be back this year.
McLean County Fair Livestock Registration
-Fill out one registration sheet per livestock show person.
-Submit to Amanda Huettl at the livestock barn during registration times.
-Registration forms are required for all participants. Failure to submit a complete registration form will result in a forfeit of all prize payouts.
-All pure bred animals will need to provided appropriate paperwork. All swine entries will need to provide all needed paperwork prior to unloading any swine due to the recent issues in the swine industry.
Please PRINT legibly.
Name of Show Person (First and Last):
Name of person prize money checks will be made out to:
Address to send prize money to:
P.O. Box or Street Address:
City, State Zip Code:
Contact number with area code:
EXAMPLES:ClassShow Type Weight/Birthdate
Animal Number BreedSex(Circle One) (Circle All That Apply)(Wt.-Office Use ONLY)
#3Black AngusHeiferBreeding/MarketFFA4HJr.Pts./OpenMarch 2016
#3Black AngusSteerBreeding/MarketFFA4HJr.Pts./Open
Swine EntriesName:
ClassShow Type Weight/Birthdate
Animal Number BreedSex(Circle One) (Circle All That Apply)(Wt.-Office Use ONLY)
Sheep Entries
ClassShow Type Weight/Birthdate
Animal Number BreedSex(Circle One) (Circle All That Apply)(Wt.-Office Use ONLY)
Goats EntriesName:
ClassShow Type Weight/Birthdate
Animal Number BreedSex(Circle One) (Circle All That Apply)(Wt.-Office Use ONLY)
Beef Entries
ClassShow Type Weight/Birthdate
Animal Number BreedSex(Circle One) (Circle All That Apply)(Wt.-Office Use ONLY)
Central Dakota Youth Stock Show
Junior Points/Open
Mclean County Fair
Underwood, ND
June 16-18, 2017
Supreme Heifer $300
Reserve Heifer $150
Supreme Steer $300
Reserve Steer $150
Supreme Market Hog $300
Reserve Market Hog $150
Supreme Market Lamb $300
Reserve Market Lamb $150
Supreme Breeding Ewe $100
Reserve Breeding Ewe $50
Supreme Breeding Goat $300
Reserve Goat Breeding Doe $150
Supreme Meat Goat $300
Reserve Meat Goat $150
Beef Breed Class Champions $25.
Grand Champion Gilt and Barrow $25 ea.
Grand Champion Whether/Ewe lambs'$25 ea.
Grand Champion Whether/Doe Goat $25 ea.
Grand Champion Breeding Gilt $75
Reserve Champion Breeding Gilt $50
Central Dakota Youth Stock Show
*Junior Points/Open Show in 2017
Contact: Amanda Huettl 701-240-2034
Daryl Lies701-337-6698
Jessie Martin 701-302-0475
Camping is available on the fairgrounds.
Underwood: Underwood Motel 315-0281
Washburn:ScotWood (701)462-8191
The Bunk House (701)315-0074
Riverdale: Riverdale Lodge (701)654-9559
Garrison: Garrison Motel (701)463-2858
North Shore Inn & Suites (701)463-7202
Class payoutsClass size / amount / Class size / amount
1 / $10.00 / 7 / $25.00
2 / $12.00 / $15.00
$8.00 / $10.00
3 / $20.00 / $5.00
4 / $25.00 / 8 / $25.00
$10.00 / $15.00
$5.00 / $15.00
5 / $25.00 / $5.00
$10.00 / $5.00
$10.00 / $5.00
6 / $25.00